Monique` Hunt's Album: EPX Body

EPXBody has multiple way's for you to not only improve your health with our amazing line of top-quality products, but also by sharing the wealth with our most important clients, you! Our lucrative compensation plan has an incredible industry leading business model behind it, with a unique combination of way's to earn that help you not only start seeing profit quickly with our FSB bonuses, but also helps you build a sustainable monthly and weekly residual income.

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Feed Your Body What It Craves...

EPXBody Daily is an ideal daily health supplement for the entire family. Packed with the powerful phytonutrients, it offers remarkable antioxidant properties and protection against the harmful effects of free-radical damage to the body. Two times Nobel Laureate, Dr Linus Pauling, said "You could trace every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency" yet minerals are generally overlooked when nutrition is considered. EPXBody Daily starts with AuquaMin, a solid life-mineral foundation. AquaMin is an algae-based, life-mineral concentrate that provides bioactive calcium, magnesium and over 70 other trace minerals for bone health and overall life-support and wellness. The SeaPearls spice the whole foods MariVeg sea-salad with the additional bio-activities: Xanthones, Astaxanthin, Fucoidan, Fucoxanthin and Chlorophyll. These naturally occurring, widely researched, and scientifically proven organic compounds have 100s of different beneficial effects on the body. Eating whole sea plants daily can dramatically improve your health. Sea vegetation has long been acknowledged as a detoxifier and a balanced source of organically-bound nutrients. Many scientific studies have shown sea vegetation works as an amazing healing agent. EPX Body Daily.