Roberto Carrillo 2 articles
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Network Marketing Myths, Lies and the TRUTH

  • Posted by Roberto Carrillo
  • October 27, 2014 2:15 PM PDT
Many skeptics think of Network Marketing as a SCAM with out researching this amazing industry. With me the more I understand it the more I LOVE Network Marketing. Why? because this is the only even plain-field that will reward you based on you and your teams efforts. Be sure to watch the video that will educate you about the power of The Network Marketing after all you are actively involve in this industry and you must understand its hystory to have a strong foundation in believing in Network Marketing.

The Network Marketing Industry is the most amazing concept for people to make a living especially when you have found the right company with the right products and pay plan.

Here is one video that you should watch to educate you about the power of The Network Markting after all you are ectively involve in this industry and you must understand its hystory to have a strong foundation in believing in Network Mrketing.

Many web site and recruiting systems have been created. The one I like best is the Binary with fast start system. When you join at the lowest level you are given one income center with an income potential of just 2 people that help 2 others to earn over $10,000 per week ($40,000 per month) in 12 weeks to 12 months.

In a Binary you will need to activate the binary when you sponsor 2 people. One person will be placed to the right side and the other person to your left side. Then as you continue to sponsor people they will then be placed either right side or left side to continue to increase volume and supporting each other.

Then the people that joined you they too will be placing people into the binary and their volume will also help each other grow as a team effort.

This is a brilliant concept. I invite you to take the free tour.
