Xocai in the Sydney Morning Herald

  • Xocai and its founders, Jeannette and Martin Brooks, receive some harsh scrutiny in an article in the Sydney Morning Herald. The article discusses more than $336 million in claims from 25 individuals in part of a bankruptcy proceeding in Reno at the time Xocai was launching.

    ...THEIR company has reached through the internet into hundreds of Australian pockets with the promise of fortunes to be made from a "healthy chocolate". This chocolate, they claim, helps weight loss, lifts people's moods, lowers cholesterol, improves dental health and even makes insulin work better for diabetics.

    But just three years ago, as they were launching their Xocai chocolate range through their network marketing company MXI Corp, Jeanette and Martin Brooks were facing more than $US36 million in claims from 25 individuals, companies and government agencies as part of bankruptcy proceedings in their home town of Reno. ...