Yevo is a new food MLM company offering dehydrated nutritionally enriched meal pouches.

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  • Posted: November 20, 2014
  • Updated: November 20, 2014
  • 2 reviews
  • 1 recommend
Salt Lake City, Utah, US


  • Founders and Executives Peter Cast­leman, Fou­nder
    David Brow­n, CEO
    Gene Tipps­, COO
  • Compensation Plan Unilevel H­ybrid
  • Details Yevo is la­unching wi­th the goa­l of becom­ing the &q­uot;larges­t food MLM­" on ­the planet­.
  • Products Oatmeal, R­amen, Coff­ee, Fettuc­ini Alfred­o, Red Bea­ns and Ric­e, over 10­0 dehydrat­ed food it­ems.
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    • by Jeff Stewart
    • November 21, 2014

    Pre-Launch Announcement Trillion Dollar FOOD Industry goes MLM! Opening in USA, then Mexico, Japan and Korea!

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    On February 1st, a new MLM Food Company will be launching! Their product line will be delicious, healthy, nutritious Foods - which are packaged using a unique new patented process! Each great tasting serving will contain Protein, Fiber, Omega 3s and all 43 of the essential nutrients that our bodies need for optimal health! Who will be interested? Any Mom or Dad that wants to prepare their family a healthy, nutritious, tasty meal - without slaving in the kitchen for hours on end. The product line will also be a big hit with 10's of millions of outdoors people (campers, hunters, hikers)... How about the 10's of millions of survivalists who are preparing for the unknown? How about millions of college students who are eating pure junk food every day? What about the millions of kids that are home alone at times and looking for something to eat? This is a Huge Untapped Market! The Food industry is a 4.3-Trillion dollar per-year industry. It's bigger that Nutrition, Weight Loss and Home Care combined! This Company is destined to be a billion-dollar giant, and you are among the first to hear of it! Meet the Founder

    Peter Castleman:

    Peter Castleman, 58, graduated from Duke University at the top of his class. He received his MBA from Harvard, where he later became a Professor. He went to work on Wall Street, first at JP Morgan, then as a Managing Partner at Whitney Capital Equity Group with merger and acquisitions.

    He was extremely successful! He bought North Face when it was going bankrupt - turned it into a 3 billion/year company - and sold it. He did the same with Igloo, and several others.

    He and a partner started a Company which imported Chinese Herbs. They named that company Pharmanex. The herbs were sold through retail outlets such as Walgreens, CVS and GNC. They grew that Company to 50M+ in annual sales. Pharmanex was then sold to NuSkin. NuSkin turned Pharmanex into a billion dollar brand. This opened Peter's eyes to the power of network marketing.

    Four years after Mark Hughes of Herbalife passed away, that company was in a mess and Peter encouraged his partners at Whitney Capital to purchase Herbalife. They only agreed with the hedge of another Equity partner named Golden Gate. They bought Herbalife when it was at 700-800 Million/year.

    Within 5 years, with Peter as the Chairman of the Board, Herbalife grew to over 3 Billion/year. When Whitney Capital sold Herbalife, it is estimated that Peter netted $850 million on the transaction.

    Peter then tried to purchase Herbalife with his own funds. When they couldn't agree on a price, he passed. Ever since, Peter's dream has been to start his own network marketing company with its own culture and mission. On February 1, 2015, that dream will become a reality.

    Company Overview

    Today, people are trying to address their dietary health by taking many different roads; the Organic Road, the Non-GMO Road, the Antioxidant Road, the Gluten Free Road, etc.

    The problem is, none of these roads are addressing the foundational problem! The bottom line is that our Food is meant to nourish our bodies. What our bodies need from the foods that we eat everyday are 43 Essential Nutrients. These essential nutrients are nutrients that our bodies cannot make. You must consume them every day - in your diet - to properly nourish your body.

    Many people are overeating unhealthy foods, yet they are starving themselves because they are not getting these 43 Essential Nutrients - and these are the nutrients that when absorbed, cause your body to signal your brain that you are full. These 43 Nutrients ensure that your cells are nourished and they sustain health and promote growth. The mass population is probably not even getting half of their daily nutritional requirements and this foundational weakness is at the root of many of the diseases so common today.

    "Overweight and undernourished" has become the norm in our society. Castleman's new company will provide a solution to that problem. The Company will not be in the Billion Dollar food supplement industry, but the Trillion Dollar FOOD industry. Peter Castleman has put together a Scientific Advisory Board which includes top Harvard, Yale and UC Davis Nutritional Professors. The team includes top Chefs and renowned formulators, including Chip Marsland, who formulated for Barry Sears of the Zone Diet. Together they have developed over 100 common foods we enjoy often… with the added foundational quality of providing 100% of the 43 Essential Nutrients our bodies need every day, including our Macro and Micro nutrients. This product line will continue to grow and will always be made from whole food ingredients. All of our foods come in a dehydrated form and will only need to have water added. The specific dehydration process that we will be using is unique to this Company and is protected by several patents. The foods will have a shelf life of over 2 years. Each serving will retail for approximately $4.00 - and each serving will provide a full 50% of the 43 Essential Nutrients. Therefore, two servings a day will provide 100% of your daily Essential Nutritional needs. This is not a diet. What we are providing are healthier food choices. Each serving is 400 calories or less.

    We will have foods like; Marconi and Cheese, Mashed Potatoes, Oatmeal, Chile, Chicken Soup, Red Beans & Rice, Puddings, Coffee and Tea. There will also be delicious "Sauces" (marinara, alfredo & ricotta) which contain the 43 nutrients.

    A traditional bowl of Oatmeal is mostly carbohydrates. Our oatmeal has 26 grams of protein (equivalent to a 16 ounce Rib-eye) 1 ½ grams of Omega 3s (4 cod liver oil capsules), 11 grams of fiber (2 cups of Broccoli), and it provides 50% of the 43 Essential Nutrients.

    The Company has already purchased a 5-Million dollar, 95,000 square foot Manufac-turing facility in Reno, Nevada - and they have invested over 3 Million into the retrofitting.

    The home office will be in Utah where we can access the network marketing resources.

    The Company will be officially launching in February 2015 in the USA and possibly simultaneously in Mexico. Shortly after, we will first open Korea and then shortly after Japan.

    Every International Market will be treated individually. We do not want our documents and websites to look like American translations. We will be investing in local marketing companies to create localized and culturally correct material.

    Our CEO, David Brown, has previously been the CEO of two highly successful network marketing Companies. Our COO, Gene Tipps opened 40 countries for Tahitian Noni - and our Asian Executive Mgmt. Team has over 160 years of experience opening and developing these markets.

    The goal is to open Korea and Japan the same way NuSkin did in Japan with over 60,000 joining day one. Peter has a 750 Million "Play Money Fund" for developing this company.

    Our compensation plan will be a hybrid Un-level plan with seven levels of pay, weekly Fast Start Bonuses, Generational Bonuses, and large Bonus Pools to encourage a culture of teamwork. It will take three legs to max-out the compensation plan. The pay plan will be fair and easy to understand. The cost of entry will be minimal. Personal Volume require-ments can be met with personal purchases or Customer purchases.

    Peter says that he will be disappointed if we only become a Billion Dollar Company. We are not in competition with any network marketing company… Our competition is Nestle, Kraft and Proctor & Gamble.


    The Company is currently operating in a "Pre-launch Mode.

    Everyone that enrolls during the pre-launch will receive a free self-replicated website and a fully functional back office which will include reports and genealogy functions.

    Throughout the prelaunch, people will be able to "pre-order" Distributor Kits and Product Packs. However, these pre-orders will NOT be processed and Credit cards will NOT be charged until February. Prior to processing the orders, the Company will give people the opportunity to "Confirm" or "Cancel" their pre-orders.

    The company is spending a lot of money on Social Media marketing tools that will cross all mediums: IPad, Cell phones, Computer, etc. The company is also creating a series of "Move Like Videos" that tell the story of our Company and Products. Many of these tools will be made available during the pre-launch.

    Additional Notes

    The company's products are described as being "Nutrient Dense Foods". Each serving of food will contain water soluble nutrients, fat soluble nutrients, full chain amino, essential fatty, full mineral complex, macro and micro nutrients.

    In the future, the Company anticipates having a wide variety of meal options including non-GMO, non-dairy, non-soy, organic and gluten free choices.

    The compensation plan will be easy to understand and explain… with no BV, CV or Points! It will all be "one to one".

    The Product will be light weight, and shipping costs will be minimal. In most states, there is no sales tax on Foods.

    The Company is designing a Corporate Sponsored Training Program - and there will be training from Top Distributors as they accomplish Ranks in the field

    NOTE: This document has been compiled from notes that were taken during numerous calls with Corporate Executives. All information is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. As we approach the official pre-launch date, more and more specific details will become available.

    Convenient, dehydrated, affordable, simple, non-GMO, nutrient dense, healthy food… and they tastes GREAT!

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