VidCommX » Reviews

Professional Level of Communication

  • Recommend
  • by Jules Kalungi
  • August 15, 2014
VidcommX is in Beta Launch and Its already showing its mettle. The Company communicates at least twice a day. Affiliates can communicate to their team mates directly via Team Mails, The Training and tools available enable anyone including newbies to online Marketing to hit the ground running. Anyone Can start using the Training materials. And Its Free to regsiter.
every one and I mean everyone WILL earn in this program, eitehr as a customer or as an Alpha.

There are 4 packages:
- X.1 offering 10% commissions on all direct sales and Team earnings.
- X.2 Offering 20% commissions on Direct sales & 10% Team earnings
- X.3 at 25% Direct sales and 10% Team earnings AND
- Alpha offering 50% Direcr sales & 10% Team earnings all Infinity wide & deep.

Everyone will earn even if they dont make any direct sales all they have to do are some daily actions as and when they can during the day, def not more than 1hr/day!

Already over 70,000 people have seen the beauty in the simplicity of the binary rewards system and are creating an awesome community.

I Cant wait for the Mastermind & Alpha events in exotic places around the world. The first in Dubai November 2014 for Alphas. If you are looking for an opportunity, Look no further come lets take a hop, skip & jump to success
Awesome Marketing Training
Top Notch Communication
Personal Sales Advisor for every Member
Social media training
Mindset training via monthly e-book
Video Emailinng
Binary Power of 2
Awesome spillover
Just Launched so None I can think of at the moment.

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