Solavei » Reviews

Solavei is Common Sense

I decided to make my review a little different. Everyone knows about T-Mobile, so what's to say except it works? They pay us directly to a Visa card and everyone knows Visa works too.

But my reason for picking this company out of the Internet Jungle, was it makes common sense. I have a cellphone and I need service to use it, so why not pick a carrier that will pay me for sharing? Even if I have a few dry months and don't find anyone, I still get a quality service I would buy anyway at a more than fair price, so why not take a chance on next month being better at finding someone to help grow my network and my income?

Instead of taxing my brain thinking up all the sales pitch rhetoric that might make you consider it, I would rather share that I have over a decade of Internet Marketing experience and love helping my team. It's that simple!

So check out my websites with the idea that I am willing to help you duplicate what I do, only with my help.
I like the service and would buy it anyway.
Some friends or family members you try to share it with would rather pay more, because they think they are getting a free (or discounted) cellphone. Do The Math!

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