Empower Network » Reviews

Empower Network is a one-stop marketing, training and blogging system

  • Recommend
  • by Marilyn Zink
  • December 13, 2013
Empower Network is a one-stop blogging and marketing training platform incorporating social media and other resources.

First of all, Empower Network offers a lot of training at the $25 blogging level that most people don’t know about – this was added as of October 2013.
Secondly – you get this training whether you decide to become an affiliate (ie, sell the product)or not. So you can put this training towards promoting your own business.
Third – most teams that people join also offer extra training. I belong to a team which has phenomenal training in their back office on how to set up the Empower blog and also how to set up a WordPress blog with all the bells and whistles. Plus marketing with facebook and much more.
Fourth – Empower Network is not just about blogging – it integrates marketing and social media into their training. So it is really a business in a box and the training that is provided can be used to promote any business online.
Fifth – Empower pays out 100% commissions (minus a few costs).Businesses that don’t require an affiliate fee will pay commissions of 25%, if you're lucky.
Sixth- The new blogging platform allows users to get their own domain name and ‘map’ that on their EN blog so you are promoting your brand. You can also do this with multiple domains – so you save yourself a lot of money on hosting fees.
So whether you look at this from a training perspective or as an opportunity to make money – you still get great value for your money.
I have learned more about how to actually blog the right way and set up a blog with the training provided by Empower Network than I have with many other programs I purchased.
Being able to get questions answered in a private facebook team is another great plus.
I also like the inner circle and the extra tips I get from this.
Seventh-there is a huge database of how-to's in the back office accessed under 'Support.'
If anyone would like to know more, friend me on facebook.
I am willing to answer all your questions.
If you are looking for a great way to promote your business with a blog and gain credibility, please contact me.
I can help you get started with a simple step-by-step guide to avoid overwhelm and get results.
Blogging training
Social media training
Marketing training
Mindset training
Supportive, encouraging community
When I first started I was confused about how to blog the right away - this has since been resolved with the new training that Empower has in the back office.

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