Is Old MLM is DEAD

  •                                            " Old MLM is DEAD "

    Please don't let your first year in MLM repeat itself 10 -15 years later without any financial progress toward your desired goal.

    I will reveal some of the same action steps that were used to aquire great success in the Traditional ways of Networking.

    Today, you and I both know that Network Marketing or MLM for short has been around for a Long time and The industry has created more Millionaires than any one given industry.

    So, on this particular PR series. We will be talking about the Transition from the Old networking

    to the New Digital process that will be needed to win in this Internet Environment.

    Think back when you first begin your very first year in MLM industry. You were excited and happy to share your new idea with friends

    and family. And back then when the Direct Sales industry was born, people were just figuring it out. And the most effective idea

    that was discovered was a Marketing method built on relationships. Direct sales became a Relationships business. And if you had no

    relationships built back then, when the industry kicked off. Your chances of success for making a Million was far from realizing. The self-

    help or motivation to teach and train teams to duplicate there success was the method of retention. How to Keep a IBO. Independent Business owner. After reading this PR, I hope it reaches you where the content is needed most. And there are some concepts, Now that

    you may need to accept in order to move forward in the New MLM Community. The New MLM community is smarter, faster and digital

    in all steps. Most importantly, it's Automation. I will share 7 Similarities you Must recognize in todays MLM.

