I Wish

  • I wish that I could tell you that joining Real Time Pain Relief (RTPR) will be the second best(behind giving your life to Jesus) decision that you will ever make. 

    I wish that I could tell you that if you diligently apply yourself that within 5 years, you will be in the Millionaires Club.

    I wish that I could get you to see that by serving others, by giving them a product that keeps them from having to "eat pills" to relieve physical pain that your life would be the richer.

    I wish that by telling you that if you would get out of your way for 20 seconds and ask someone you see who is in obvious need of the best smelling, most effective topical and homeopathic creme on the market for the relief of any type pain,"may I help you with your pain?" that you would be appreciated for your effort by all those whose path you cross.

    I wish that I could. But in actuality, it's an individual thing. YOU have to decide if you want to change your life. YOU have to decide if it's worth the effort to work now and enjoy the rewards later. YOU have to decide if starting for FREE and using the 6 websites that you are given to promote the product so that when sales begin coming in, you can use the points that are accrued to purchase product without having expended any money. it amazes me that people think you have to put money in to get money out. Just because someone else has been successful does not insure that you will be. RTPR is not a 100 yard dash. It is a Marathon. Test the waters. Promote your sites and see if YOU make sales before taking food off of the table or gas out of the car or dimming the lights while reducing the water flow. Use the gift that is being presented to you. 

    So....Come on over and see if RTPR will be a fit for you. Use this last day of the month to begin afresh.  http://rtpr.com/main/42b91771