Unlimited Certificates is taking over the industry

  • Want To Work From Home But Think
    You Don’t Know How?
    Now You Can…

    Cash In On the Trillions of Dollars Generated In the Travel Industry with the Easiest, Most Foolproof System for Making Money
    from Home Ever Created

    Print and Give Away or Sell Valuable Travel Discount Certificates and Make Money When They Are Redeemed…It Couldn’t Be Easier

    If you have ever tried making money from home before, you might think it is too hard, too time consuming and too expensive. And you would be right. Most systems out there cost lots of money to get into, countless hours to learn, and may even require recruiting friends and family, having advanced technical skills or even selling. www.unlimitedcertificates.com  

    This is the easiest way to make money from home ever created:

    • NO Selling

    • NO Recruiting Or Sponsoring

    • NO Special Skills Required

    • NO Large Investment

    • NO Long Learning Curve

    All you have to do is print out any of our 30 valuable travel certificates, ranging from 3/2 night vacations to buy one get one free cruises, to $1000 restaurant and grocery savings, and more! Then give them away or sell them, the choice is yours. You make $3-$6 every time a certificate is redeemed.

    Sign up today to enjoy:

    • Easy Start Up – Just sign up and print your certificates and you are ready to get started

    • Low Cost – $59.95 is all it costs to get started  (Sign up before price increases to $99 per month)

    • In-Demand Product – Everyone loves a great travel deal, and an average of 40% of our certificates is redeemed if marketed correctly.

    • Unlimited Printing – Pay monthly, and you can print as many of these certificates as you like for as long as you like

    • Flexible Marketing Options – You can create your own affiliates, post on social media, send to your email list, place an ad in the newspaper and on Craigslist, and just about anywhere else you want to for maximum exposure. PLUS, we’ll give you all the marketing materials to make it even easier for you.

    • Full Control – When you join, you get your very own Business Relations Management Office to manage sales, business, customers, invoicing, campaigns, reports, website, phone and more.

    • Success Mentoring – We’ll show you the trick and tips to help you reach success even faster with this program.

    It has literally never been easier to have your own moneymaking, home based business.

    But Hurry! Space Is Limited! Click the Link Below To Claim Your Spot Now!


     HAVE QUESTIONS? CALL 678-651-8439 OR EMAIL info@hotelsetc.com

                  Want to see some true live certificates. Simply visit www.hotelsetc.com and sign up for the newsletter and you will gain access to about 5 certificates you can print and use.

