Lemongrass Spa Products

  • If you are looking for a stay at home job or even a part time job, Lemongrass Spa Products is right for you.  Lemongrass Spa has a great jumpstart plan to get you started on your way to being a very successful business person with the ability to earn $1000 more in products.  The products sell themselves.  They are awesome!!  97-100% Natural Skincare products along with all Natural Sheer Mineral Makeup.  You can do house parties or FB parties or one on ones, or no parties at all.  It's all up to you. Only $25 a month order to stay active.  There are two kits to choose from, The Spa Kit for $139 & the Makeup Kit for $169.  Both kits have over $400 worth of products.  If interested contact me or visit my website at www.ourlemongrassspa.com/sueconner



