Nintendo's consoles are interested in Runeacape games

  • In particular, a couple of those RS Gold game design elements include the concept of a consistent world "what you do somewhere should work somewhere else", and that of "agreeable outcome" buttons doing perhaps not exactly what the Runeacape player wanted to do, but doing something that feels right to them. Designers should also avoid failsafes "herding" Runeacape players into particular didactic cutscenes and other forced explanations. Grip concluded of his passions: "Don't try to beat the Runeacape game, try to live the Runeacape game" and said that Frictional Runeacape games is "trying to push this as far as we possibly can" with its next, as-yet-unannounced Runeacape game. "People who buy Nintendo platforms actually care about buying and playing Runeacape games... too many users of iOS are freeloaders."- Nnooo creative director Nic Watt argues that Nintendo's download shops have a big advantage over Apple's App Store when it comes to the audiences they attract.Though some developers have had trouble finding any success on the WiiWare, DSiWare, and eShop services, Nnooo EscapeVektor, myNotebook series has sold a lot more copies of its downloadable Runeacape games on those Nintendo platforms than it has on the App Store.The creative director believes that's because consumers on Nintendo's consoles are interested in Runeacape games, first and foremost. Watt says iOS owners on the other hand aren't looking for quality experiences or longevity, just novelty and cheap prices.Watts is one of a handful of Nintendo digital download developers we spoke to recently. Is his experience indicative of a trend? Or is it more complicated than that? Find out in today's cover story. Epic Runeacape games has taken its close relationship with People Can Fly to the next level, completely purchasing the Warsaw-based developer behind Bulletstorm and the upcoming Gears of War: Judgment.People Can Fly has collaborated with Epic a number of times in the last decade, working on titles like the PC version of Gears of War, its first-person shooter Bulletstorm, and other projects. Epic acquired a majority stake in the developer five years ago.But as People Can Fly toils on the next entry of the company's flagship franchise Gears of War: Judgment, Epic has opted to buy the studio outright. The developer joins a number of other wholly owned Epic subsidiaries like Chair Entertainment, Epic Old School RS Gold games Japan, Epic Runeacape games Korea, and recently established Impossible Studios.The acquisition announcement, though, comes with the news that three key developers have left People Can Fly: founder and creative director Adrian Chmielarz, lead artist Andrzej Poznansi, and principal artist Michal Kosieradzki.