Earn $250,000 in 4 Months - I am already earning

  • "Earn $250,000 in 4 Months"

    We are building a huge team in Bitcoin Cycler. Members on our team will be earning over $100,000 or more in 2015. Some will be earning $250,000. This is done through earnings in a Business Opportunity and with Bitcoin Mining. Our team is already earning as Founder Members.

    As you already know Bitcoins are the future. You see them everywhere. I can pay my telephone bill with Bitcoins. I can purchase products on Amazon with Bitcoins. Bitcoin Machines are showing up in shopping centers. Soon Bitcoins may be the main currency for all online money making opportunities. It is safe and the government can't touch it!

    Bitcoin Cycler is a new program that is launching on Nov 4 that will allow you to earn cash and Bitcoin Revenue at the same time!

    For a one time purchase of $250 you will be placed in a 2x3 Board. This is not a matrix! This is a fast cycling board with Team Leverage. You do not fill your board alone. There will be between 6 to 13 people at all times helping you fill your board. Once the board is full it cycles! There is only 1 Board to cycle so this can happen fast!

    Look at what you earn each time you cycle the 2x3 Board...

    - You earn $1000
    - You earn a $300 Bitcoin Mining Contract
    - You receive a free re-entry back into the 2x3 Board

    You earn 4 times your purchase on your very first cycle! That is 400% in earnings! Now you can see how I am so excited about this opportunity.

    The Bitcoin Mining Contracts are an automated Bitcoin Money Machine.

    Each mining contract keeps you earning Bitcoin Revenue weekly for an entire year. This 100% passive. Take your weekly earnings and purchase additional Mining Contracts. Now you have multiple mining contacts earning you revenue. This is Bitcoin Compounding at its best! You can earn an infinite amount of Bitcoin Revenue by just compounding some of your earnings each week.

    With Bitcoin Cycler you will be earning $1000 Cash plus $300 Bitcoin Mining Contracts to infinity. I can see easily how people can earn $250,000 within several months.

    Look at what our team will be doing for you...

    - We have a PIF program where you can purchase your referrals. The people on this PIF List are top network marketers that are hand picked by me. You are getting someone that knows how to recruit.

    - We will be building our own Team Site and be placing you in a Team Rotator to get unlimited number of referrals.

    - We will be running our own Ad Co-Op to send visitors to a high converting lead capture page.

    You are coming in at the right time!

    Join now as a Founder Member and get placed at the top. Visit the link below and I will send you complete details on becoming a Founder Member.


    We are earning now. I was just paid $1000 last week. Click the link above to get started.