Well, its been awhile and I guess some things don't change much. For a company you can basically consider legit on paper, these guys have a string of people with messed up or unauthorized orders a mile long. I'm not sure as I have neevr dealt with them, but perhaps there is a quality issue in either their customer service department like a monkey filling boxes with random merchandise. Out of curiosity Dan, did you ever email Curtis? If so, any response? I have a tendency to gravitate toward these topics because I would really like to see some good news, or that a company is willing to fix an error with no cost of any kind to the customer.
I generally refuse to deal with companies that don't have a linguistically coherant customer service department, and in my experience with companies like Vonage, outsourced help is a symptom of the profit over quality philosophy that permeates much of the business world. I am not so ignorant as to demand that the entire world speak English, but in a country with an English speaking government, I expect your chief communicators who are paid to deal with me, to speak decent English. Anyway, best of luck to you Dan.