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    • July 20, 2011 2:42 AM PDT
    • Hey Jacob welcome back sir, I was beginning to think you were done here sadly. I've always enjoyed your perspective on things so I'm glad to see you back. Its funny, because I've gone back a few times to check out the sites I looked at in my research of Angle Foods and I have to tell you from a nutritional perspective and from the perspective of someone who hits the weights everyday; these labels are impressive as hell. I could actually avoid using quite as much protein as I do each day if I were to use these. Money would be the only downside, its pretty easy for me to buy organic fruits and vegetables and down some whey protein each day without spending 100 bucks a month. This would change all that, and I really wouldn't want to become completely dependent on a single company for my food anyway. None the less, it has to be said that these is some of the best prepackaged meals I've seen available.

    • July 19, 2011 1:55 AM PDT
    • Long time no see Wallace, I had the opportunity to try the pizza at out local plaza. We have a tiny GNC  right next to a market and they had a small oven on a table given out free samples, and it's delicious. The crust might not be for everyone, it tasted like a cross between sprouted bread and wheat but overall, I thought it was delicious. Too expensive for me personally, but the products beat out what I sell through my mlm pound for pound, no hold's barred. I liked Kurt Angle back in the day, though I don't have much time for wrestling these days, and couldn't tell ya who the current champ is. Based on the nutrition, I think Angle foods would be more appropriate for a body builder, but then again they say most of us don't get enough protein, and who am I to challenge the nutritional know how of an athlete anyway? Bottom line, the stuff tastes great, its a bit pricey, and I can't really find any information on a compensation plan, so I'm a bit confused, but other than that, I'm definitely interested.

    • July 18, 2011 6:37 AM PDT
    • Listen up Jabronies!

      There's a new mlm company on the market, and you're about to learn about them brother! Whatcha gonna do when Kurt Angle's mlm plan comes down on you just like Hulkamania did!? Avoid it that's what. Well, let's at least give it a chance and take a look, after all, even non-wrestling fans can appreciate an industry filled with muscle bound egomaniacs that truly have destroyed their own health through physical punishment, drugs and well, drugs. I sincerely mean it when I say a good portion of this society owes these guys a nod of respect for pioneering what amounts to an opera for men, and you know what? There was a brief time in the 80's and early 90s that I too thought it was damn cool. So what do wrestlers do after they've had enough of the wrestling business? Some get into movies, others run for office, or write bios and make a decent living selling autographs and memorabilia, while sadly; many others end up overdosed on drugs, or dying young of heart attacks due to a rough life on the road, and a heart damaged by stress and steroids.

      Every once in awhile, an ex wrestler breaks the mold and goes into a better direction, such as the case with ex WWF (Sorry, I refuse to say "WWE") wrestler, Kurt Angle. Now this is an mlm review, not a bio on Kurt, so to sum it all up lets just say the guy wrestled for a little under a decade, and he did a great job, got really famous and was also legit ex Olympic wrestler before that. Needless to say, he has earned the right in my opinion to state a few things about fitness, and bust out a few recipes. Whether or not that amounts to being a good idea for the likes of you and I, is another story. There is always a dynamic with athletes and products, and that is simply that in the mind of the truly young consumer, athletes are the bi-product of what they consume. So when Michael Jordan endorsed wheaties (despite the fact that he was never said to actually eat them) hordes of young athletes ran and bought them, chowing down on 2 bowls before going to play ball, or hit the weights.

      In the case of Kurt Angle, we have the same dynamic, though in his case I feel there could very well be some value, since many of the recipes are based on what his trainer gave him. Its important to add however, that Kurt Angle spent more time in the gym in one day than most of us do in a week, so following his diet may not exactly be what we need. Angle Foods offers a 1500 calorie a day diet that promises not to leave you feeling hungry. It also comes with a workout plan, so move over 240345000 diet plans that are already on the market, and make room for another...

      Another vital part of the package is Ultra Fiber DX. Its a fiber incase you didn't know, and its ultra. I'm not sure what the DX part is, but lets find out. One interesting quote on their web site states: "People who consumed higher amounts of fiber, particularly from grains, had a significantly lower risk of dying over a nine-year period compared to those who consumed a lower amount of fiber.". I'm having a difficult time computing that, because nowhere does it talk about dying from what. A heart attack? A stroke? A mafia hit man? Seriously, I want to know. In all seriousness though, fiber is very good for you, so I'm really not knocking it, but when it comes to health fact, people need to be more specific, and factual, especially in a business.

      Kurt Angle foods promise to deliver Real Food Proteins, Support Lean muscle Mass and Recovery, include Complex Carbohydrates, Muscle Energy, Brain Power, aid in Recovery, include Healthy Fats, Sustain Energy, give you the infamous Ultra Fiber DX, help with Weight Management, Control Fat Intake, Regulate Blood Sugar Levels, Reduce Cholesterol and Improve Digestion. I'd imagine that last bit must definitely be true with a substance that a pro wrestler refers to as Ultra Fiber DX. The company that Kurt utilized in carrying out his venture is called Foodie's Gourmet Food Club, known for selling meals that aren't considered to be much better than the high sodium frozen meals you can get from weight watchers. Looking at the contents however, I must disagree. Angle Foods have actually taken a different approach, focused on low sodium, medium carb, low fat, high protein and low gluten. This actually makes an ideal selection of foods for athletes, and it seems you can take any 3 meals per day and stay under 1500 calories.

      As of this review, there isn't much information on what will be offered to representatives, as it seems so far Angle Foods is offering its products to distributors such as GNC, and other similar retailers, however once the compensation plan is worked out, I'm certain more information will be available.

      Foodie's Food Club
      3100 Penn Avenue,
      Pittsburgh, PA 15201 US
      (877) 558-3691

    • July 15, 2011 4:05 AM PDT
    • Hey Jeroqui, haven't seen you on in quite awhile.

      I think what you may have noticed is an overall price hike in most stuff. In fact if you go out and buy a 3 pack of Starbucks, they are basically $3.99 for a pack of 3 sleeves. I don't want to turn this into like a trash Starbucks thread, but let's face it, whether or not it taste good its made out of processed stuff, just like Foldgers, or Sanka etc, and I don't care what anyone says, they are way overpriced, and an example of what I would consider unregulated corporatism in my opinion. I think it evens out to about 50 cents more, per sleeve of Javita. Considering its relatively clean product, that tastes awesome and has a few nutritional bonuses, you can't go wrong. I will admit, when I look at your $45 USD, It does seem like a lot for coffee, but in all honesty I have worked at jobs where I spent nearly 6 bucks a day just on waters, maybe a soda and a snack. I probably could have packed a nutritious meal and brought my own water and spent a  $1.25 on coffee and got much more out of it. Had I spent that $1.25 a day instead, I'd probably have burnt about $43 a month, and that was about 6 years ago. Not to sound like a rep myself lol, I'm just saying, the stuff is good and the price really isn't all that unreasonable, at least I don't think.

    • July 14, 2011 4:31 AM PDT
    • Hello everyone, I have had the opportunity to also partake of a hot Javita coffee while traveling and I would also like to add in that it is quite good. In my years of traveling back and forth between two continents, it is so very important to try to be as comfortable as you can, and having such a wonderful coordinator that happens to count coffee as one of many essential travel necessities; has allowed me to really appreciate such a thing as Javita instant coffee. I am not sure I would agree with Wallace that there is a hint of chocolate, but I too, can sense the flavor of a date like fruit, and it is quite pleasing to the palette. What is my main concern is that it is $45 USD for 24 packets, and of course since I spend more time In the United States, I do try to contribute to my coworker in an attempt to save him some money. I feel that perhaps the average price for a cup of freshly brewed coffee is around $1.80 for standard, and as a fellow soul above mentioned a bit more for Starbucks. As wonderful as Javita is as an instant coffee, it is troubling to me that I must pay more for a single cup than I would for a cup of fresh coffee, and this includes the fact that it will be served to me however I choose to have it. I felt that a dollar a sleeve was much more of a fair price, but somehow it is simply not so. Of course, Javita does have some benefits over traditional coffee in that it does contain a few nutritious things, but how can we fit such a product into the everyday lifestyle, further ensuring a good fortune for the distributor, when it is so much easier to take a vitamin and stop for a coffee on the way to the morning job? It is this, all based on the price, that prevents me from trying to sell Javita.

    • July 13, 2011 4:15 AM PDT
    • Jon, you're more than welcome to use my post, I'm kind of flattered actually, I'm not much of a writer but I still enjoy it for some reason. Maybe I just like talking a lot lol. As for the weirdness in regard to my mlm interest, I've tried to explain it before, and to be honest it really doesn't even make much sense to me sometimes lol. While you wouldn't know it from my posts, I'm a relatively quiet guy. I'm not socially aggressive, I have a handful of close friends, and my fiancee even complains that I am unnervingly quiet. Maybe you could compare my interest in mlms to like a nun that likes to watch pro wrestling lol (weird analogy). I have little in common with business-oriented people, I'm particularly awful with numbers, and I find the majority of products, even in normal stores to be dreadfully boring.

      Maybe with the exception of PC's and electronics. Despite all that, when I discovered the Repspace forums a couple years ago, I found a lot of the subjects to be fascinating. I learned that mlm didn't exactly mean rip off, or pyramid scheme, and I also learned that reps had to work pretty hard. I did entertain the idea of selling stuff primarily online, but there just hasn't been anything I was interested enough to really stand behind. The closest thing that ever got me to almost sign up was FantaZ, because I have been a video gaming enthusiast since I was about 6 years old, and FantaZ offered a platform that allows you to win money by getting high scores and competing against others. Still though, just couldn't seem to make the leap. So here I am, I spend like 2-3 hours a day sometimes reading posts, articles and talking with people about it, and I've even gotten into arguments over scams etc lol..

      You never know, someday I might just come across some new company selling something I think is awesome.

    • July 12, 2011 3:33 PM PDT
    • Hi Irataages

      As Javita is a Coffee Company I cant see why you cant join and purchase your coffee through the business. Pampered Chef cant stop you from buying your coffee from the supermarket or coffee shop so I couldnt see it being a problem for you to buy your coffee through Javita.

      If you would like to discuss further or have any questions please dont hesitate to email me at I have helped Wallace out with a sample as you may have read and I can certainly help you out if you like.


    • July 12, 2011 12:27 PM PDT
    • Rickdowns, thanks for the compliment and look forward to helping any way I can.  Since Javita is founded by the founders of Waioria (spelling?) it should be on good footing.  of course, there's always room for you to get involved and 'first hand knowledge':)

      Wallace - love the posts... and yeah you got a bit more verbose there didn't you!  Would you mind if sometime I take some of your post as a testimonial for my website?

      Also, let me get this straight - you're on the RepSpace forums, posting and trying product for an MLM, but you stated you're not interested in MLM's?!!  lol

      Talk soon everyone.


    • July 12, 2011 12:23 PM PDT
    • Iratagges... no reason you couldn't start a Javita business and build a second downline. 

      I can see why a company would forbid it.  You wouldn't want to hurt your business by 'poaching', but if you were selling Javita to your downline, what happens when they love the product and start switching companies, telling their downlines, and your entire group suddenly disappears because they love a product.

      Regardless, I'm here to help if you have any questions. Good luck, and I love Pampered Chef - not for me as a business, but love the products.


    • July 12, 2011 7:42 AM PDT
    • Jon, thank you for the compliment, and likewise I think you have a pretty cool writing style all your own. Props to Fallon for making it available, you lucky bugger Wallace. Thank you for writing the review, you have me pretty interested in trying it as well. I'll definitely update my review with the launch info, in fact I think its actually probably better that I wait a little longer, to see how its been received and to make sure they don't fall apart or anything. Seems like so many mlm companies are getting caught in scandals, merging with their competitors, or simply failing to launch at all, so go Javita! I had hope for them just on the simple fact that their name is damned cool. I'll update in a month or so, maybe sooner, just want to see some numbers, and Jon's input was a big help as well.

    • July 12, 2011 7:28 AM PDT
    • Oh man! If I wasn't already a rep for The Pampered Chef this would be a fabulous product to accompany it with. I really don't like these policies that limit reps to one company. They should know that only a fool would hurt their own business by "poaching". I see no reason why a customer can't order products from everyone, so why can't us reps double our efforts? I could easily sell Javita simultaneously to my downline, and they would love it...?

    • July 12, 2011 7:05 AM PDT
    • Well, I no sooner posted earlier today, and low and behold I received my free sample of Javita Coffee, and I'm drinking it as I sit here and write this. Now before I describe to you how this coffee tastes, please keep in mind that I am fairly limited in my food and beverage experience overall, even for my age. I can go on all day about specific topics in depth, such as philosophy, world history, American foreign policy, "gourmet" pizza, and the history of video games, but when it comes to the more classical and traditional subjects such as wine and coffee, I'm afraid my description may only be valuable to the more common man. That being said, you probably won't hear me describing this coffee as "a smooth mellow brightness with hints of dark chocolate, berries and a touch of citrus", you know why? Because I really don't know what that would taste like. I have even been known in my "single" years to take pasta, butter, grated cheese, sprinkles of garlic, and Tabasco sauce and eat it, and you know what? It was delicious, to me.

      With that out of the way, I don't expect too many people to appreciate my tastes, but I will do the very best I can to describe the treat I have in my mug, thanks to my Australian friend, Fallon, who was kind enough to pay the shipping and send me a sample. Thanks again Fallon, I am enjoying this cup of coffee, and have been excited to try it. Fallon sent me your standard envelope with a packet inside containing two sleeves of Javita coffee, not unlike the Starbucks 3 packs you can buy in the supermarket. One very accurate description of the taste has been given by Jon a couple posts before this one, in which he said that it was by far better than any other instant coffee, and I agree for a number of reasons. I usually only drink one cup of coffee a day, in the morning, along with my supplements before I exercise, and on weightlifting days I may have one later in the day if I am tired. I am almost robotic in my routine, coffee, dab of low fat milk, and a tea spoon of honey. This would be my second cup today, so the comparison to what I drank this morning is still fresh in my mind.

      I agree with Jon, I can't think of an instant coffee that I've tried and liked more than Javita. That includes the "almighty" Starbucks, which many Americans seem to think is the king of the coffee mountain, though I am not one of them. Much like beer, I'll leave it to Europeans to brew something worthy of my taste buds. At the rate we're going, maybe I'll have Fallon send me some Australian beer! Just kidding Fallon. :).

      Ok back to my enlightening review.

      Most coffee available in my area, whether its Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or the countless Gas station brews; are very bitter without sugar. The average person needs an artificial sweetener, or sugar to combat it. For me, a tea spoon of honey does the trick. Javita is actually not bitter at all, yet it tastes amazingly rich. I'm not saying that the many things I taste are actually in it, but what comes to mind with each swig is almonds, a very, very faint hint of chocolate, and oddly enough something similar to a date or a fig perhaps. That acid-like bitterness you get with other coffees just isn't there, and that is actually quite refreshing. Also, as I write this, I definitely noticed a healthy dose of energy, but it isn't that jittery collapsing nervous system feeling, its actually very smooth, I'm awake, alert and energized but not paranoid, shaky, and overly verbose in this coffee review. j/k

      This is a very good cup of coffee, and I still have one packet left for tomorrow morning. If it is as enjoyable then, as it is this afternoon, I think I am going to order some from Fallon. I won't be selling any personally, but I could see myself enjoying this beverage for a long time. I miss having my coffee with cream and sugar, because I no longer consume it, but Javita coffee seems to be the answer in combating the bitterness I associate with sugarless/cream less coffee.

      Anyone interested in getting involved, I would at least recommend Fallon, as she has been extremely helpful and knowledgeable on Javita. While I'm certain she could not afford to send out 40 free samples, I'll be glad to send out a few when I order my own bundle.

    • July 12, 2011 5:32 AM PDT
    • Excellent, awesome description of the flavor and comparison. Its funny because I've adjusted primarily to instant coffee, knowing full well that its more or less the bag of M&Ms in a pile of Godiva truffles. I like it because its fast, and very little clean up. It also makes me appreciate that much more any time someone brews a fresh batch of ground bean coffee. You would be the guy who I'd love visiting on a Saturday morning to get it on a cup of that Jamaican Blue Mountain lol, especially since it would not be a treat I'm privy to every day. The sample Fallon sent me will only last as long as a single cup, but I'm so excited to try something weird (and free) that if it tastes good, I'm definitely going to say so in my review. I don't get involved with mlm companies (no reason other than I'm not really the type) so I would likely never sell Javita, but since I like discussing this stuff so much, I'd definitely include Javita in my thumbs up list so long as the comp plan is solid.

    • July 11, 2011 10:26 PM PDT
    • The prelaunch was amazing, the actual launch was okay. Pretty good communication from the company, but not as earth-shaking as I expected.  Okay, my expectations where stupid!

      The coffee is an instant coffee, so I'll openly admit my high opinion of it is based on essentially zero expectations!  I ordered my first, uh, order - to 'see'.  While I typically grind and brew my own from 8 O'Clock bean or a Jamician Blue Mountain coffee, I never drink instant.

      Again. low expectations.

      Sure, it's not as good as those brands - but it is by FAR the best instant I've ever tasted, and IMHO better than Folgers or Maxwell House brewed!  It's quite strong, with a 'deep' flavor.  Most impressively, it's a very flexible cup'o'joe as you add chocolate, etc. to it, it works and doesn't necessarily overpower them.

      I'm pretty stoked about the product and the opportunity.  Can't wait to hear your review when you try it.

      (oh, I'm in charlotte, NC)

    • July 11, 2011 7:12 AM PDT
    • Fallon was Uber enough to send me a free sample all the way from Australia (I'm in Rhode Island, USA) and I'm definitely looking forward to trying it. Jon, if you don't mind my asking, how has the launch gone so far in your opinion, and you said the product tastes great, is it comparable to any other brands in flavor or would you say its your standard coffee taste? I'm not expecting that it have any amazing, or profound effect on the taste buds, but was curious to see how this kind of coffee comes out.

      Thank you for the update, and yes, Rick, do some updating! :)

    • July 10, 2011 11:57 AM PDT
    • Great review, and you have a writing style I wish I could emulate.

      Javita is, of course, now up and running and the compensation plan is published.  I'd encourage you to update your review with the new information.

      Beyond that - the product tastes great. It's what sold me and got me excited about becoming an upgraded member after pre-launch, as well as making it my primary opportunity focus.

      Like Fallon, I'm finding that sharing the individual packets as samples is a great way to get people talking!

    • June 23, 2011 11:11 AM PDT
    • [quote user="WallaceL"]

      Lol, I have to admit, you're making me want to try a cup of this, especially since I'm completely out of coffee until pay day. I think its fairly common as far as product originality goes, although I'd much prefer to be trying to build a sales network based on coffee than any kind of nutritional shake. I'm so sick of super fruit juices and energy shakes that I can't even stomach reading about them anymore. You're guaranteed to find some interested people as far as coffee goes, because for some of us its going to be bought, and consumed; no matter what. If Javita is good enough to take that slot then you're guaranteed a decent following in my opinion. Of course for some people, coffee is like wine, and if you mess with it at all, it will effect the taste. It doesn't matter how much you have improved the product nutritionally, or if the herb you put in it comes from a remote secret island on a cloud beneath Greece; people will notice a change in taste and be all set. I'm truthfully not one of those people however, I can drink a coffee with light sugar, or honey, or a tea bag in it, with milk or cream. I've experimented with vanilla extract; I've tried it all. I am a tasteless barbarian that wants little more than the coffee caffeine burst and if it doesn't upset my mouth or my stomach, I'll tolerate it. Not everyone is like me however, and those people are the ones you need to appeal to.

      Anyway, where can I score a free sample?



      Go to click CONTACT ME and let me know where your based at I can arrange a sample to you.

    • June 30, 2011 6:46 AM PDT
    • I'd bet anything it is basically kaching-kaching, its just a matter of how well they try to disguise it.

    • June 30, 2011 12:32 AM PDT
    • Thanks Wallace.

      I have been trying to load the AdJuice page today and it simply will not load completely for me. I finally got the main index page to load, but cannot get the AdJuice management page to load.

      I am still trying to find out if Mark Guest is associated with this company, and if he is listed as an executive.

    • June 16, 2011 1:10 AM PDT
    • Hmm, sounds to me like you found a company probably best left alone lol. Its funny when I see this kind of thing in the form of web sites in particular. If I had the opportunity to hype something, anything, a new opportunity that I was going to introduce in hopes of getting more people on board, I;d have a pretty damn solid foundation first. I don't understand why any company would introduce a product, with a barely coherent web site, very little information, yet have it all ready to go as far as a PR campaign, it makes no sense to me. There is nothing less impressive looking than a new product which looks like its backed by someone that has no idea what they're doing. That is to say nothing about whether or not its even legitimate, after all, it could very well be a scam.

    • June 15, 2011 5:07 AM PDT
    • AdJuice Review

      AdJuice's page and video promo says they have deals in hundreds of cities across the country, with savings of up to 90% using the power of "Group Buying".

      They are essentially taking the Groupon model and trying to give it an MLM spin. There are several companies doing the same thing right now. None seem to have found the recipe for success.

      I tried to enroll, submitted my email in the form on AdJuice, but never received an email confirmation.

      I tried to retrieve my password using the lost password function, and it said the email was not found.

      I tried to resubmit again using the AdJuice sign up form, and it said there was an error.


      The management page seems to be a carryover from Kaching Kaching. Other than Bob McNulty, I'm not sure if any of the other managment team info is accurate.


      The How It Works page talks about Independent Marketing Representatives earning revenue by bringing consumers to local businesses and offering the savings to the consumers. It does not explain how this works, or how much it costs to sign up as an IMR, and there is no indication anything about the site or the deals are actually functional.


    • June 19, 2011 10:53 PM PDT
    • Very interesting Ben, would you mind giving a brief run down of how it works?

    • June 16, 2011 4:56 AM PDT
    • HI.  My name is Ben Sides and I am a founding member of Monitium.   If you are watching the network marketing industry today, you are very aware of some of the dangers of putting all your eggs in one basket.  Monitium provides a platform that allows you to build a protected organization and insert it into many different companies.  This allows you to build multiple streams of income from different companies managed from one platform.  These companies have all entered into an agreement with Monitium to protect the distributors from policies and procedures that have cost many business builders their business and income in the past and in the present.  To learn more about Monitium go to

      Ben Sides


    • June 16, 2011 4:16 AM PDT
    • I am so blessed to work for such a wonderful company!  Right now, Scentsy reps from accross the nation are converging on Disney World Florida for a Magical Memories adventure!  I really can't say enough good things about this company and our owners, Orville & Heidi.  Thank you, Scentsy!

      Sandy Ayala

      Scentsy Star Consultant

      Interested in hearing more about this fabulous opportunity?  Visit me at:

    • June 16, 2011 12:32 AM PDT
    • As a successful businessman I have discovered that real opportunities don't come along everyday. In my 30+ year business career I have seen numerous opportunities come and go and have had the opportunity to capitalize on several very successfully.

      I was recently introduced to what I consider one of the best opportunities available in this down economy and am trying to locate motivated, connected networkers to help build this business and help others prosper.

      What makes this opportunity different from all the rest?

      • Product with mass appeal.
      • Consumable product.
      • Competitively priced product.
      • Saves everyone that uses it money.
      • Everyone needs this product.
      • Helps the environment at no extra cost.
      • Established product for almost 20 years.
      • Introduced to the public less than 18 months ago.
      • Multiple revenue streams.

      Xtreme Fuel Treatment is a comprehensive fuel treatment that is having a tremendous impact around the world saving individuals and companies thousands of dollars on fuel cost.  Test results from a wide variety of tests have shown savings of 7-12% on fuel consumption and a 25-32% reduction in harmful emissions.

      If you are looking for a real opportunity to create a substantial income stream with a real money saving product then Syntek Global is worth investigating.

      Don't let this be the one that should have been. We are making history as we speak!

      Here is my website: