On virtually every home business related site you will see ads for ‘sponsoring programs’ promising to give you the secrets to building your business, insider tips to help you succeed, smiling faces of reps claiming to have made millions in their business and for just a handful of dollars they will teach you the secrets to do the same…
Here’s the secret. Almost every one of those programs wants to take your hard earned dollars and will teach you how to recruit others into their ‘sponsor program’, for a commission, not necessarily your own home business.
What’s the difference?
When you pull back the curtain and look at these sponsor training programs, they teach you how to create ads for sites like Facebook ( since Google has banned most of these programs from advertising via their Adsense program ), and the ads they teach you to create are to resell their sponsoring program to others, who will then learn to resell the sponsoring program to others, and so on.
While some of these programs offer excellent tips on how to utilize social media and write compelling ads, ultimately they are self promoting and the only way to profit is to sell the training program to others.
What if you want to build your own business?
If you are already involved in a business, and are hitting the common barrier of trying to sponsor new people into your business after exhausting your warm market of friends and family ( industry estimates say that most people will never sponsor even two new people into their business ) you need to either advertise or buy leads.
The goal of advertising is to get quality leads. A quality lead being a prospect who has a legitimate interest in a new business. Advertising for leads can be costly. If you are running a PPC ( pay per click ) campaign, you may spend $2.00 or more PER CLICK, without any guarantee that each click will become a ‘lead’ or that the lead will become a qualified buyer or enroll in your business program.
If you buy leads directly, you eliminate the extra step of creating a PPC campaign, but you must be certain you are not buying worthless lead lists that have already been contacted dozens of times by other marketers.
The number one site for pre-qualified, opt-in leads is Safeleads.com. Safeleads gathers opt in leads directly from home business sites from prospects actively seeking a new home based business. You create your marketing message and can purchase from one to hundreds of individual leads, based on location, or even the specific company selected. Instead of paying $2.00 per CLICK, you can pay less that $2.00 for quality interested leads that have not been spammed or hammered with dozens of business opportunities.