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    • December 11, 2010 2:46 AM PST
    • Oxygen4Energy Review

      With headquarters in Lake Forest, Oxygen4Energy sells a spray monitored can of 95% oxygen for recreational use. There are no stimulants, harsh chemicals or calories, just pure oxygen (O2) that enters the bloodstream minutes after it is inhaled through the mouth or nose. Oxygen4Energy states that its blasts can help give athletes a burst of energy, help COPD patients and seniors breathe easier, relieve the effects of a hangover, or reduce O2 deprivation symptoms at higher altitudes.


      Canned oxygen has been said to increase brain function, sharpen memory and relieve stress. Athletes worldwide have been using canned oxygen as a drug-free, safe energy enhancer for years.  Scientific studies show oxygen deprivation can lead to mental dullness, depressive symptoms and stress. According to studies, many people are never taught to breathe deeply and are chronically oxygen deficient. Due to the free radicals and other pollutants in our atmosphere and the recycled air we breathe in buildings, many do not get the amount of oxygen their bodies need on a daily basis to support our immune systems and absorb nutrients.


      Canned oxygen supplements the air we breathe with pure, pollutant free O2 that is needed for healthy cell growth and vitality.  The human body needs oxygen not only to breathe but to function properly . Oxygen boosts the red blood cells to absorb nutrients and send them to the vital organs. Oxygen therapy has been known to improve migraines and cluster headaches in some individuals, revitalize energy levels and increase cognitive acuity. 


      Oxygen4Energy is pure canned O2. It is available without a prescription and can be used anytime the user feels they need a blast of vitalization without the risk of negative side effects as they might get from stimulants or supplements.


      However, the makers of Oxygen4Energy point out this is not a medical treatment and should be not be used if someone has chronic lung disease, asthma, heart problems or any other ailment without first consulting a physician.


      Oxygen4Energy is in pre-launch.



      25422 Trabuco Rd Suite 105-428

       Lake Forest, CA 92630

    • December 13, 2010 12:54 AM PST
    • Oxygen4Energy Review

      I have to admit, I have always been on the fence with this one, having heard of oxygen bars before. I can say that there is much to be said about the Western way of life, and its low appreciation for Oxygen and the act of breathing. Although I don't have any statistics, I have been made aware of just how important the act of breathing, and the quality of air is to our health. The average person only breathes using a fraction of lung capacity which effects all kinds of things such as mood, energy, memory and cardiovascular health. That being said, the product being sold by this company, including the products by its competitors, and in oxygen bars; present both a new direction in consumer concerns.

      Before getting into Oxygen4Energy. I want to consider a few similarities to bottled water.

      When we look at water, this is something that in the last 20 years; has changed drastically. Bottled water was introduced, giving us an entirely new feeling toward water. Millions of people began to develop a sense of purity in the almighty bottled water. It drove them to both fear and loathe the substance that comes out of the faucet. When I was a kid running around outside on a hot summer day, it was nothing to come home and turn on the hose on the side of the house and drink free water to my hearts content.

      25 years later, companies have managed to convince me, my family, and my friends that it is much better to purchase our water from people who -bottled it from free sources, and then -shipped it in plastic me.

      After a good 15 years of this, and believing that the city water was not fit to drink, it is now coming to light that there is no Poland Spring, or if there is, its certainly not the substance that is being shipped by the millions all across the globe. In fact, it turns out that another bottled water product, Aquafina; comes from Pepsi. That's right, a company that produces one of the worst possible substances you could introduce to the human body is producing bottle water. What's wrong here, have we all been duped? Is it ok to pay anywhere from a dollar to three dollars for a bottle of someone else's tap water?

      Lets say though, for the sake of argument; that tap water really is bad for your health, (and I certainly don't protest the idea.) Can we save more money simply by investing in a water filter and bottling our own, for ourselves? I think that's obvious, but right now in the age of information, we have learned that bottled water is a scam, and nothing has really changed. Most people are still buying it, companies are still making money, and the younger generations are so turned off by the idea of drinking tap water that they can't do it unless forced by an emergency.

      What does this have to do with Oxygen4Energy? Well, I am concerned that history may be repeating itself. I can't say that with complete certainty, but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to tell you that the quality of the air in any industrialized nation is not up to snuff. We have a few choices as a species in dealing with that fact, and none of them really seem like they'll stick.

      1. We can accept that the air is irreversibly damaged, and put our efforts into "evolving" to it by treating the diseases it causes, in hopes that our children's children are better equipped.

      2. We can outlaw all plastic, oil, chemical, and steel processing facilities, dump all the tax money into alternative fuels, materials and process etc, then build an army of fully armed cybernetic robots and force other nations to do the same. (Yeah, I know. Still though, its an option.)

      3. We can slowly go into what I call "turtle-shell" mode, purchase other people's air, which, to be fair, is likely healthier than what most of us are currently breathing. Incorporate oxygen tanks in the workplace, sports arenas, bars and schools and make life a whole lot more complicated, annoying and expensive, than it already is.

      I feel that while I completely agree just how important air quality is, companies like Oxygen4Energy are taking on a very big responsibility by attempting to provide this service. There are even a few medical concerns to be considered as well.

      Consider that the human body has adapted to processing 21 percent oxygen when inhaling, while the blood exiting the lungs already has about 97 percent it could carry, bound to hemoglobin. It serves no real purpose, at least based on empirical science, to have more oxygen in the lungs, and its even possible that it could be harmful.

      According to doctors, individuals with respiratory diseases such as asthma and emphysema should not inhale too much oxygen, because increased pressure can indirectly cause carbon dioxide narcosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

      The FDA, whom I am not exactly partial to; claims that some air-flavoring methods use substances, which can contribute to an inflammation of the lungs. All things to consider before using this product.

      I'm not exactly for or against Oxygen4Energy, in fact, I don't doubt the benefits of breathing a higher quality of air, but outside of athletes, medical patients, and perhaps astro-physicists, I have a hard time seeing much of a market for this product, which would make it very difficult to build a network in order to sell it. This would be serious road block, no matter how good the compensation plan or the product is.

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