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  • Topic: Primerica Scam

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    • April 15, 2010 6:23 AM PDT
    • Primerica Scam

      Someone has been approaching me for over 24 months about Primerica and wanting to manage my financial future. The guy is pretty slimey and my impression is that its a scam.

      Does anyone have any info on the Primerica Scam?

      He doesn't seem to be trying to enroll me into the company, just to sit down and do some planning, but according to his wife he spends thousands of dollars a year on seminars and materials, and has yet to make even a fraction of that back. That alone makes it sound like a Primerica Scam to me.

      No matter how many times I ask those pointed questions though - about how much he's spent in Primerica - he just dodges the question and keeps asking me to sit down and review my financials.

      Any info?

    • April 15, 2010 7:50 AM PDT
    • Primerica Scam

      Primerica Is a legitimate company just went public. I like the MLM model and the financial products on the service side are good. The downside is it takes a lot of time to build the business and your limited by there sales structure where you can sign people up its a local business!! You will need to acquire several licenses to sell all the products also. My insurance license took 8 wks to come in. One other tip if you decide to join stick to the outside of your warm market while they train you so you can have some people left for your personal sales!! 

    • April 15, 2010 11:30 AM PDT
    • Primerica Scam

      Primerica Is a legitimate company just went public. I like the MLM model and the financial products on the service side are good. The downside is it takes a lot of time to build the business and your limited by there sales structure where you can sign people up its a local business!! You will need to acquire several licenses to sell all the products also. My insurance license took 8 wks to come in. One other tip if you decide to join stick to the outside of your warm market while they train you so you can have some people left for your personal sales!! 


      Can you elaborate on how the business works for people who join the company? I think part of the reason so many post about a Primerica Scam is that there is little understanding about the business, and people like the guy who keeps trying to get me to turn over my financials sort of spook some of us about actual deal.

      That and the fact that a search for the term Primerica Scam returns about a billion results.


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