Talk Fusion
I just found an amazing product called Talk Fusion For the cost of $35 a month. You won't believe this - you get the following capabilities:
- Video Email
- Video Webinar
- Video Conferencing
- Video Blogs
- Video Autoresponders
Yes, you read that right - Video Email!! There is a one time sign up fee that varies depending on the level you want to join at - on January 31, 2011 this is $250. Plus you can earn commissions promoting it.
I found them because I was looking for ways to lower my marketing and support expenses.
I was looking for a company that was a competitor to gotomeeting
because the cost of online training for 100-1000 viewers was $499.00 -
too expensive for me to even consider.
The video streaming starts Jan. 31st but will be like Go to Meeting,
except to unlimited people and is included in your $35 per month. I
know it sounds too good to be true but it is.
Talk Fusion overview video.
Live Presentations video.
Opportunity video.
Instant Pay video.