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    • February 20, 2011 4:19 AM PST
    • Tastefully Simple Recipes

      Hey all,

      I have recently joined the ranks of Tastefully Simple and since I see no rules stating that I can't do this, I REALLY wanted to share something delicious! and maybe even try to get some readers to consider joining, I am loving it and find that getting people to try this system out really hasn't been very difficult. If you haven't had the pleasure of trying any Tastefully Simple Recipes you have no idea what you're missing, I promise you they're fabulous.

      I joined Tastefully Simple last week and in a short amount of time I have thrown three product parties and almost half of the people that attended the first one were there all the way to the third. The secret? SAMPLES! I had to do some cooking but I managed to make a couple of amazing recipes and I think they were a huge part of why I have managed to get 13 people signed up already.

      The food smells amazing and the best part is that you really don't have to be a kitchen princess because everything you need is written very clearly and the directions are basically fool proof. I haven't burned anything, messed up the amounts, or so much as struggled with a single thing. It does get to be a bit tiring and I'm going to slow down on the Tastefully Simple parties but the process of getting people invited, and signed up is really addictive. I was hoping that the products would be cool enough to sort of sell themselves, and they are for the most part. The only people I found to be kind of hard to impress were these girls from across my favorite cafe, they eat some odd things and didn't seem too impressed but I guess you will have those in every crowd.

      The last Tastefully Simple Recipe I showcased was their famous Beer bread.

      I have to tell you that my mother and I could not make bread to save our lives, we tried and even once bought a bread maker but cleaning it was so hard and it never came out right. I got this recipe right on the first try and the bread came out amazing I'm actually afraid my fiance and I will get fat lol.

      Please understand that there are some fairly strict rules that I need to follow when discussing Tastefully Simple Recipes and I felt I should make a few very subtle changes so that I don't break any rules, but the changes are mild and tested so you will get the idea of what it taste like without completely duplicating it. If you want to duplicate it, please join Tastefully Simple you won't regret it.

      So, I will call this Gratefully Simple Beer bread. mmmm

      You will need a12oz beer, nothing too light, use something dark please. 3 C. self rising flour
      1/3 C. sugar , 3 Tbsp. butter, melted. Its that simple.

      Then all you need to do is:

      a. Preheat your oven to 350 and Spray a 9" x 5" loaf pan with your choice of cooking spray.

      b. Combine the flour, sugar and beer with your hands, don't be afraid to really rub it and squeeze it until it gets all sticky.

      c. Slide it into your loaf pan and brush the top with melted butter.

      d. Then just let it cook for 50-60 minutes until it becomes golden brown. You will want to let it cool down because it will be very hot.

      If you make this and let some of your guests try it, they might do what they did at my last Tastefully Simple party. The girls will be dying to make it, and the guys will be dying to eat it, and that will be a pretty powerful influence with just a little subtle pushing to get them involved. There are a ton of other recipes to and they are all fabulous.

      If anyone is interested in Tastefully Simple, please let me know. :)

    • February 23, 2011 4:39 AM PST
    • Tastefully Simple Recipes

      Well that certainly sounds appetizing...

       I'm glad to see you're enjoying your new MLM system Irataages, I haven't heard too many bad things about Tastefully Simple. I can say that according to the BBB, there has only been 7 complaints about Tastefully Simple, and all of them were in regard to delivery issues which have all sense been resolved.

      You definitely want to be careful about posting recipes from what I've read. I actually found several discussions regarding people who had posted recipes online and were then threatened with legal actions, and one of them was a Tastefully Simple rep lol.

      One thing I must say I respect about this company is that its a proud member of the DSA ( Direct Selling Association), and follows their code of ethics. This is a pretty cool thing because there are some specific standards that set non-members apart from members.

      Here's a few examples of what criteria must be met in order to be a member. All associates of any DSA affiliate must:

      -Tell you who they are, why they're approaching you and what products they are selling.
      -Explain how to return a product or cancel an order.
      -Respect your privacy by calling at a time that is convenient for you.
      -Promptly end demonstration or presentation at your request.
      -Provide accurate and truthful information regarding the price, quality, quantity, performance and availability of their product or service.
      -Offer a written receipt in language you can understand.
      -Provide his or her name and contact information, as well as the contact information of the company he or she represents.
      -Offer a complete description of any warranty or guarantee.




    • March 18, 2011 3:02 AM PDT
    • Tastefully Simple Recipes

      I'm soooo having a great time with this....I have been able to pay for half our utility bills with ease and that has taken a few hours off my fiance's work schedule, so he is pretty happy as well. The rules of recipe posting really aren't all that bad, I was told simply to vary the recipe in such a way as to give people a taste of what is close to perfection, but let possible recruits get the rest when they join and can get the recipes themselves. I am seriously telling all of you how easy this is, I'm not usually very excited about anything but this has been super easy.........<3

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