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    • March 30, 2011 11:59 PM PDT
    • The Customer Advantage Exposed!

      This is not a story or a gag, nor am I making this up.


      It has come to my attention that The Customer Advantage is actually an extra terrestrial movement geared toward the eradication of all human life, with survivors to be sold as slaves on the planet Pyramedia. Please don't leave the thread yet, as crazy as this may sound, I actually have proof. Below I have provided the first ever documented pictures of our extra terrestrial overlord and a few other pieces of evidence that I think will give you more than enough reason to see this the same way that I do. Notice first, the picture that we are all used to and have been taught to believe is just an innovative tower built in the Alien capital of the world, Seattle.

      This is actually a Customer Advantage UFO pad, that makes contact with an underground monolith. The signal it generates gives people all over North America the sensation that joining up at this point is still a good idea. If you still don't believe me, please observe this photo of John Milanoski, AKA Millionoid The Omniscient.


      He is a squadron leader from a planet close to the Zeta Reticuli star system, and also a part of the Reptilian agenda. If you don't know what that is, maybe you need to get out more....

      Please note, the eyes. To those of you schooled in the world of marketing and advertising, you might first dismiss this photo as a truly awful photo shop job on his eyes, but the truth of the matter is that he is in fact an alien. I had the photo professionally un-altered and what you are about to look at is absolutely astonishing, and may be disturbing to some. Please close the thread if you have a hard time with this subject.

      This is my proof, and a warning to all of you that have joined or are thinking of joining The Customer Advantage, you have no idea what you're dealing with.


    • March 31, 2011 1:48 AM PDT
    • The Customer Advantage Exposed!


    • April 12, 2011 4:43 AM PDT
    • The Customer Advantage Exposed!

      I am ashamed to say Mr Downs, that I read half way through this post before realizing that you were joking, I swear I though you were going all David Icke on us lmao. Seriously though, for what its worth, I think this was a bit harsh, despite what little information there has been available to all of us, I have never felt as though The Customer Advantage is a scam. It might be failing sure, but yall are so fast to jump on the bandwagon of doom. Why is that? Have you ever stopped to think that they may be having an incredibly rough start, but that with only a bit of faith, and some patience among the masses that its posts just like the ones here at Repspace that have the power to make or break? Just something to think about, though I found this thread very amusing lol..

    • April 14, 2011 10:36 PM PDT
    • The Customer Advantage Exposed!

      Lol, I hate to say it Rick, but Yvonne made a good point, as funny as those pictures are. This is the kind of thing that contributes to a person's perception of a company, and we all agree that the concept offered by The Customer Advantage is pretty cool, so it might be fair to say that we would all like to see it succeed. Did you know that John Milanoski actually posted here, and at least assured us that the company was still in the go, but that he had some personal downtime related to the death of a family member. I have to say I had to really respect the guy for posting and giving some type of statement, because I wasn't certain if he had made any updates at all anywhere for awhile. I really don't know if the company is going down, is coming up or what, but if the man's word is worth anything to most people, he did say all was ok.

      He expressed some aggravation with a lot of the criticism but also seemed to understand where it comes from and seemed genuinely interested in following through with his company, and being a bit more open about his plans. I still think this thread is hilarious though, just saying that maybe we will see them launch and a lot of people's worries and concerns will be put to rest. I'd obviously prefer to be wrong about my past assessments and see a whole lot of people succeed. I guess we will see what happens, but I stand by my biggest criticism about the whole thing, and that is that you can't have too many people dangling on a string with no update, no launch date, no word, it just doesn't work that way. I think maybe this is a case of trying and succeeding in a very big way to get your plans exposed, but not getting the gears moving in line with the monstrous enthusiasm you create. The man succeeded flawlessly with getting everyone's attention, maybe the second half of his game plan will be just as potent?

      I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

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