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    • October 6, 2011 6:25 AM PDT
    • The Customer Advantage Scam

      The math done on that link is correct but it uses the wrong numbers to calculate the commission.

      Here is the breakdown on a $60 purchase:

      50% goes to the business that offers the coupon = $30

      2% goes to the TCA member that got the business to make the offer = $1.20

      23% goes to TCA corporate = $13.80

      25% goes to the members (5% for 5 levels) = $15.00

      Total = $60

      TCA pays out 54% of what it takes in after the business is paid their 50%.  It is not 54% of the total coupon purchase.


      I am not disputing the calculations for how much money a person can or will make with TCA through the 5 levels.

    • June 29, 2011 5:28 AM PDT
    • The Customer Advantage Scam

      lmao, that was a bit harsh, but funny. What I want to know is, when is the official launch date? Think big, make it count.

    • June 29, 2011 9:48 AM PDT
    • The Customer Advantage Scam

      The Customer Advantage is currently in the early stages of its soft launch. It release its first coupons in Boston, MA; Bellingham, WA and Ft. Collins, Colorado. These have been sent to small groups of members to help the company test all the email, deal and payment and sharing systems. We anticipate the first nation-wide offer to come out in the next week which will enable the technological infrastructure to be tested at an even higher rate. Hope this helps.

    • June 29, 2011 11:06 PM PDT
    • The Customer Advantage Scam

      Hey there, all due respect, (and I'm asking sincerely) do they have a corporate office set up with an official number? I've seen contact forms but no hard number, and I don't mean a phone number to a rep or to JM's basement but an actual functioning office number. This is the kind of thing I expect any functioning business to have established long before they even talk about launch dates. On your side things may seem pretty bright with The Customer Advantage, but to those of us on the outside it has lost 90% of its credibility, in fact not many people seem to be really looking anymore and have long since chalked it off as a fail. I'm not into negativism and I don't generally want to see anyone fail, but seriously, I'm already wondering how in the world it could possibly pull out now, let alone months from now. This is one of those things I hope for all of you that I'm wrong about though.

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