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    • May 19, 2011 4:23 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!


      you said:

      " We have more than 1000 businesses on board right now.  We also have the ability through 2 separate agreements to reach over 9 million businesses as quickly as we need! "

      If this is the case - why haven't you posted any deals? You haven't provided anything but excuses.  Regardless of the reasons - this is business.  You should have a contingency plan.  I realize being a one man show - that is hard to do.

      I reached out to you in several emails on how my team could help you get deals going - but, no response.

      If the above is true - you should have plenty of deals flowing.

      By the time you actually have any deals - tca will be dead.

      Where is the tca corporate office? Who handles your accounting?  What bank is the business account in?  Besides yourself - who is a steward of the rep's money?



    • April 11, 2011 12:30 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      Wallace, you are right!  Anyone can SAY what they want about me on the net.  I guess I made myself a target once I stepped up to BE proactive about something that is effecting many people.

      I am grateful for every person that has been involved.  I am grateful for every person I meet.  I am especially grateful for those that genuinely want to make a difference.  My words will be twisted in many ways and I suppose that comes from my lack of experience with people that just want to do harm or manipulate for their own gain.

      Fact is, I have been a very private person. My Grandfathers passing and other issues severely interrupted my schedule.  I am back now and catching up.

      I do appreciate everyone completely and I am letting them know that I will carry on as promised.  I have at every step stated that.  On each call I have said thank you.  It will not matter what I say for someone will grab it and twist for their own direction.  that is ok.  Time will reveal where this ends up.

      Respect to All is what I ask!

    • April 16, 2011 3:56 PM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!


      Please give people more credit than these antics of yours.

      Jack, have you ever really spent time to make a positive difference in someones life? How do you have so much time to push your anger in this way?  You would be much better served to go out and influence 100 people in a positive way.  Try it, you will feel better too!  You dont know me, and really have no intent to really know me.  You make comments based on little information, speculation and lack of evidence and try to pass it off as fact.   It is harmful beyond what you can imagine.  All this because there have been delays in the launch?  that is the only thing that has happened.  I am still here, I am still moving forward yet you insult and spread this unsubstantiated nonsense!  What is your true intention, he who hides..

      question most people should ask:

      1. intent

      2. source of information

      Do we believe the legitimate person that is a REAL PERSON or the unknown he/she that is behind an anonymous name that loves to slander and spread libelous content.  Look through that blog, the owner has nothing better to do than pick random innocent people and attack.  I even saw John Maxwell listed among his attacks.

      That blog owner has never had contact with me and has not interviewed me at all.  the content is 90% inaccurate.  Not that is is pertinent to anything anyway.  It is simply an attack on my name.  Half of it had to be removed because it was false and word press closed them down temporarily due to the libelous content.  show me records of any failed business i have been in and please point me in the direction of records of this Abandoned Foreclosed house you speak of?  Show me where any of those sites Charged any amount of money ever! 

      again, it is not pertinent to anything and these are just lies.


    • April 22, 2011 7:54 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      Funny that when a question is posed to John M., this is what he has to say.

      ok.  share your intention Jack!

      Your direction and intent is clear Jack.

      It is very easy for someone that hides behind an anonymous name with intent to harm another person.  That is the equivalent of a terrorism, isnt it?

      Care to reveal your real self?

      Now, you speak of a bank robber etc... Don't they wear a mask?  The surely dont stand in the open saying their name and intentions, do they?

      Which side of the equation are each of us on here?  It's apparent we are not on the same side!

      No one sent money orders or cash via fed ex.  this was all transacted through a real bank.   Jack, are you the owner of that blog?  I will gladly answer any of your questions that pertain to what is going on once you reveal your true identity.  You could also post the responses i sent to you or that blog owner whenever you like.

      who's friend are you?

      The best defense is a good offense, isn't it?

      Also in ALL the text that John M. has been kind enough to post here, you will notice that he does not address any real issues.  It's all MLM rah rah crapola.  He does not mention where the money is, how the math does or does not work, etc. etc.

      And, even if this does launch, the point is, launch what?  It will not change the math.

      I encourage people to reread John M.'s posts and pay close attention to the fact that it's all about hype.  

    • May 19, 2011 10:59 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      More bull from John:

      Thanks! Naturally, your commitment and support continue to demonstrate the type of person you are. Here at the home office we have been commenting about the quality, character and integrity of our members, a level of credibility that truly stands out! The continual e-mails of encouragement sent in to our staff are wonderful and very well received. We so appreciate all of you! TCA continues to climb ever closer in completing the herculean task of launching OUR company. We are so pleased to know you get the vision and have decided to create positive change and make a difference by building a company you can be PROUD to say you are a part of! Experts in the business world have told us tha t TCA will likely break all kinds of growth records when we launch, and we plan on being ready!

      As updates will be coming at least weekly if not more often now as we draw close to our launch, we’re going to keep these e-mails shorter than they have been in the past. So, just a few quick updates…

      First, we are working with several media companies to fulfill the company co-op. Co-op participants will be receiving a special update by Tuesday that will fill you in with all you can expect going forward. Hint – New payments and contracts have been made, testing has been completed, and sign-ups are ‘on their way’!

      In preparation for our launch, we will be going to one weekly corpora te webinar per week to bring everyone worldwide into one call. We’re looking forward to the excitement and synergy this will create! Please click on the survey link below and let us know your preference, it would be much appreciated. We will release the new time by e-mail and update the back office later this week.

      An excited TCA member wrote into the TCA blog recently and really seemed to hit the nail on the head with respect to the challenges that our corporate team has been facing as we bring this ‘GIANT’called TCA to the world. If you’d like to read a candid post by this member that we felt upon reading it really sums up where we’re at and what TCA is doing, please click the following link. ... -milanoski

      Last but not least for this update, and especially if you are new or wondered about how many companies we have signed up to offer deals, there’s NO worries there! As you’ve built it, they have come – and faster every day! Many aspects of our online virtual office will continue to be streamlined by the programmers, so stay tuned for updates there as well. Thanks to all those who have mustered through and made our long list of member sponsored businesses that are ready to go!

      Please stay tuned for our next update that will have more exciting news as we begin our final launch countdown! Thanks again,

      TCA Corporate

      All the signs of a crumbling company. No worries there - lol . . .

      I feel sorry for the people wasting time on this dud . . .
    • April 11, 2011 12:52 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      I am very sorry to hear about your grandfather sir, you have my sincere condolences. As far as twisting your words, I hope you don't feel like a target here, I think its great that you came out and communicated at all. I want to reiterate that while I have no experience at all doing what you do, I am not qualified to say whether or not its difficult or easy, but I will assume its a monumental task. I'm not a business man, not at all, I am lucky if can keep track of what I have in my bank account, so I can relate especially to those individuals who put their energy into these types of ventures. An MLM company itself, let alone it's CEO, can definitely be food for some ravenous critics, and I can tell you I myself have been brutal toward the more ridiculous companies, but that isn't my intention here, so I hope you don't feel as though I was slinging mud in my last post. I sincerely do hope that The Customer Advantage succeeds, and that life for you, and the company's reps improve for everyone all around. Nothing wrong with being a private person, just keep in mind that your venture involves many, many people, including the "invisibles" that are on the verge of joining but are waiting to see more stable ground first.

      Good luck to you sir.

    • April 17, 2011 10:54 PM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      In the interest of truly skilled and honorable forum combat, I would suggest in future postings that accusations are delivered with an overall summary, especially if we are going to attempt precision strikes against character, mlm structure or the integrity of other posters. I wouldn't want to have to read all the links without a basic summary of your point as a whole. I'm not with John M, nor against, but I would like a much higher quality of presentation either way. On one side we have semi incoherent ramblings about the evils of John Milanoski in the form of a somewhat feeble attempt at assassination, and yet an equally feeble reaction in which John M dodges the shuriken but trips and drops his ice cream cone.

      This can go nowhere without stealth, and discipline.

      If you truly care enough to strike, then strike well, and on solid ground, and if you truly care enough to defend, then do so by addressing the core of each strike. Become intimate with your enemy's tactics, and explore every accusation in depth. When the enemy unleashes a flurry of attacks, do not attempt to wave them all away, for it will certainly result in many wounds. Instead, methodically disable each attack, one at a time.

    • April 18, 2011 4:29 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      Just in the interest of accuracy, NOT ONE THING was removed from Linkvaark as a result of Mr. Milanoski's attempt to have it censored. Linkvaark uses publicly available information which can be independently verified, including public land records, address information from Zabasearch, LinkedIn profiles, domain registry data, and business record web sites, among other sources. Of course, much of the information included was provided by Mr. Milanoski himself, through his promotional efforts for TCA.

      Only 1 Linkvaark page, for 1 day, was temporarily made private-only (not removed) as a result of Mr. Milanoski's complaint. This page was made public again after Wordpress/Automatic verified that the information contained on the page was indeed publicly available from other sources.

    • May 20, 2011 12:44 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      Ehh, I've just about given up on these guys, but I don't hold anything against him/them. It was an idea that crumbled, not a scam or an elaborate plan to run away with your bucks. I have a certain bit of sympathy for failed plans, and you really bever know. The guy may have had something awesome if only the "weather" was right. John M. mentioned a death in the family, and all worldly responsibilities aside, it can be real tough for some people to function as well as others when unders those kinds of conditions. Of course, he could always be lying to, but none of it matters. For whatever reason, this rocket couldn't get off the ground, and it doesn't necessarally signify anything "bad" for me, just an idea that dkidn't work out. Hopefully I'm wrong, but just incase I'm not, I hope anyone who got involed with teambuilding didn't waste too much time, money or effort.

    • April 14, 2011 10:48 PM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      Hey John, I was hoping you would come back to this thread even if not to discuss a launch date or give any info you're not ready to give. I thought it was really cool of you to respond, especially when people are fast to criticize, including myself in the past. I am obviously not in objection of you sharing vital info such as when you feel you might be ready to launch etc, but generally, I think it would be really neat to have a founder here to discuss mlms, and maybe things they have learned in the past. I can't promise no one else will drill you for information regarding The Customer Advantage, but I myself would sort of like to do a mini forum interview if you will. I was wondering which, if any other mlms/products you found interesting on a personal level? Not asking you to endorse anything, just if there were any companies you felt were strong, or had products you appreciate. I was also wondering if you had any advice for entrepreneurs in regard to helpful selling tips, good advice in general regarding the industry?

      If I may ask one more question, are there any mlm plans you feel are nothing but trouble, and why? I certainly hope you return to hang out with us, as I appreciated your gesture in trying to respond to the people generally concerned with the status of The Customer Advantage. It says a lot when the creator him/herself gets involved with critics and enthusiasts alike. I think its pretty safe to say no one is going to be overly critical or attack you or your company. In any event, I reiterate my condolences in regard to your grandfather, and I hope you get back on your feet soon, good luck!

    • April 18, 2011 5:40 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      Verified how?  I am curious where there was ever filings of gross reciepts of 150k?  Where has it ever been listed that John Milanoski has been in foreclosure and more specifically where was that house (the one you call an Abandoned foreclosed mansion) ever listed or foreclosed on?

      Yes, you post public information that I provided but claim that I am lying?  You are tying 10% truth with lies.  Where did I state that I live at any address other than the house publicly listed?  I have never stated how high an income I have made and on nearly every conference call I state the challenges experienced over the last few years due to the economic down turn.  The fact that so many businesses and people were challenged is exactly what inspired what I am doing with TCA.  I had concern for my family since you posted pictures of my house, my address my phone numbers, one of my cars, my kids cars etc...  You are anonymous and I have no recourse or defense.

      My wife (since you attack my character - we have 5 children and she is my high school sweetheart since 84') and I chose this place for several reasons, one of which is proximity to the Fire Department because our middle daughter had seizures every day and we were frequent with the paramedics. Yes, she has a rare condition called Ring Chromosome 13. The house we have has a private road that the special bus can come up on for easy access by my wife and daughter. The house also has a 500 sq ft MIL apartment that was there in case my elderly family members might need them.  You see, all you are doing is attacking my person.  It has nothing to do with anything!  You have no regard for anthers private live, their challenges etc.  It is just pure hate you spread!  I wonder what this gets you?  Do you enjoy it?

      In reality, anyone can see that it has nothing to do with TCA at all.  It is an attack Character attack.  For what purpose?

      I lived in those apartments as my house was being finished in 2001.  They surely were not low income and it was a temporary living arrangement between homes.  Pretty standard circumstance.  Again, what does it have to do with The Customer Advantage.  Anyone of worth understands the difference of a liablity and an Asset.  Please google Warren Buffets house and car he drives... Mark Zuckerburg lives in a 2400 sq ft house and walks to work. 

      Honestly, with the way housing prices are dropping, do you think it is wise to have your money tied there anyway?  Probably everyone on this blog that has owned a home for the last 6 years has seen their house value cut in half.  That is going to continue, IMO.  Any smart long term thinker understands the detriment of a depreciating asset, especially a car or house that is not generating income.

      Well, enough wasted time.  say all you like, those that know me understand the truth.   those that want to know me can surely connect with me, I am not anonymous and surely not hiding!   I am only making an effort to make a difference for as many people as I can and anyone that wants to get in the way of that has ulterior motives.  Time will tell all!

      For all I know, each person anonymously posting here is the same person.  Just realize, you are the minority when it comes to The Customer Advantage.

      I still wonder why the person that is spreading such hate is anonymous.  Why do you not show your true name and allow us to link your true self with your name?  state your intentions!  Who you are affiliated with etc...!

      You have distracted me a bit and this will be the final post from me here.  The Customer Advantage will launch and succeed.  We have had a few challenges, some caused by malicious people that are of scarcity mindset.  Worried about someone having more than they have or achieving what they think they cant.  I say, you have every ability for abundance, kindness and giving.  There is plenty to go around and until you begin to give and contribute to others, you most likely will never experience that.

      Just remember, this existence here is short, it will go fast and when you come to the end... what question will you ask yourself then?  What will those around you say then?  Did you matter?  Did you make a difference?  Did you LIVE and LOVE!   

      Keep it in perspective.

      1. intention

      2. source of information

      3. relavence

      Not necessarily in that order.

      All the best to EVERYONE, Even you Mr Linkvaark.  May you find it in your heart to one day go out and lift someone up and make a positive difference!

      Today, it is much easier to rise by lifting others rather than trying to beat everyone else down so you end up on top.  EARN YOUR RESPECT!  First, you would have to be non - anonymous.


    • May 23, 2011 1:38 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      This email came last night from tca john m:

      Last night, I got the call. The call you never want…

      My Father was found dead! It was sudden, unexpected and shocking to me!

      Once again, another challenge thrown in! It was only a few months ago my Grandfather passed. We all get challenges at different times in different ways. For each of us they come in a certain frequency and intensity. We even have phrases like, "Crap comes in piles".

      this email was edited - it was like 20 paragraphs. john has many challenges . . .
    • May 25, 2011 5:16 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      Just to clarify Linkvaark etc is/are the upstanding experts we should be listening to? Looks like he/she better be upstanding because he/she is about to lose his/her shirt and probably furniture :)~ Sensational Scam

                                   Posted on 2011/04/26 by URBANE BEAT Scam? – An investigation of, a registered site of, has revealed that this site, which claims to be a “semi-professional networking site”, appears to be nothing more than a sham site slandering and libeling anyone the author seems to have contention with. wants its readers to believe it is affiliated with, but a response from the legal department of to Urbane Beat’s inquiry states that they do not endorse the blog and have no affiliation with the blog or its author whatsoever. In fact, the author of the site, who cowers under the pen name of Pink Panther, is not even a professional on – is this because Pink Panther and are only semi-professional? Apparently, Pink Panther will stop at nothing to dupe his readers into thinking that the information posted on the blog is true and the result of research. In a recent post, the author even provided doctored documents to manipulate his own spin to the story on the blog. When the individual who was being maligned in the posting wrote a dissenting comment with proof of the fraud posted by Pink Panther on, Pink Panther informed the victim that all comments are monitored, and because the comment countered’s post with the truth, the comment would not be allowed to appear. Professionals who were polled about were unimpressed and have scoffed at the viability of this blog and its postings. Professionals unanimously believed to be paramount to the National Enquirer or any other rag tabloid that uses sensationalism instead of real reporting to gain its readers. As a result, the site appears to be under criminal investigation and a class action law suit is being prepared. If you feel you have been maligned by Pink Panther and, and would like to join the class action law suit, simply contact Urbane Beat and we will place you in touch with the Plaintiffs in the class action law suit. At Urbane Beat we take reporting responsibly and seek the truth.

      Urbane Beat

    • April 15, 2011 4:46 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      Hi Wallace,
      Thank you.  I have been working diligently.  I was in Denver for the first half of this week.  I  will gladly respond as I have a little more time.  I have put so much into what I am doing and I have always maintained a good name personally.  Recently there have been a few that are very dedicated to trying to discredit my name with false information and twisted truths.  It really sucks since there are so many people today that need a solution.  It seems that skepticism is very high these days!

      It takes effort to succeed in any business and unfortunately there are so many people that want to blame someone else for their failures.  Then there are those that want to justify their failures by doing all they can to bring others down! 

      I think that there is room for everyone.  I think that if we are going to make a better place, we all have to come together.  I have always believed that the measure of a leader is not by status or position of wealth.  It is earned by lifting and helping others to become more of what they desire… A better father, teacher, husband, wife, entrepreneur!  I believe that if someone is so focused on their own needs and trying to get ends to meet, they will never truly have the capacity to reach out and help another!  When you help others, by default you are helping many!

      We all have the choice to make and path to create, follow, or sit on!  When you do things that are large and game changing, you will most likely need help.  It will take a lot of people!  As you coordinate that, you will find people from all walks.  Promises will be made and depending on who you are and your character, your expectations and involvement will surface.  You will trust in people and some will let you down and others will magnificently surprise you.  How you deal with that is what shapes your own character. 

      TCA hit a few technical snags and all I can do is share what I know and information I gather from the teams I have worked to assemble.  When things do not go as planned, I have to find solutions and move forward.  When things get tough, most people quit!  I believe personal growth comes in waves and often you  can measure the size of an upcoming breakthrough by the size of the challenges you are facing.  Stopping just leaves you where you are, maybe even worse off…. Moving forward causes you to grow.  I see so many people that know truth and want to make a difference and even know how but their worry about what someone else thinks, or may think of them, stops them from ever stepping up!

      After much searching and interviewing, I met with a Branding coach and we spent 3 solid days together.  We were talking of this very thing.  He rephrased something shared with him… The 20/40/60 rule.  When you are 20 you worry about what everyone else thinks, when you are in your 40’s you could care less, when you are 60 you realize no-one was really thinking about you!

      All the things you need for great success in life are within you or within your reach.  You will have to discover them.  It will take Action.  It will take paying attention and flexibility.  It will take getting around people that think a little different, people that will support you and share.  If you worry about what others think then one of two things are happening… 1. You are not very certain about what you are doing 2.  You are living a life of limitation based on the perception you have of what others are thinking (remember, your perception is made up in YOUR mind, unless you are directly told)!  This brings me to an easy equation.  You know who YOU are and YOU decide the actions YOU will take and YOU know what is right and wrong!  When you move forward with integrity, true intention of good, in the long run, it won’t matter what anyone says about you.  When you move forward in that way, and stay on track you will naturally attract and notice the right people that will assist and your foundation will be solid.

      When you operate from truth and true intent, I believe things will come together better for you because you can easily have total conviction in what you are doing… you can easily move with CERTAINTY!  When you do that, things just come together.  People sense it and want to be part of it!  I believe we are heading into the decade of the entrepreneur.  I think more people than ever are going to have to grow and find ways of self-reliance!  That comes from expanding your thinking and knowledge.  I also believe that you will grow proportionately to those you help grow.  You learn as much from teaching as you do from being a student.  With 5 kids, I can certainly say, they have taught me a lot too!  When you share, you establish more understanding of your own knowledge and the areas you are a bit lacking.  The more you share the more distinctions and discovery you will make.

      I think your connections are what help you succeed too (ALL connections).  It is what Malcolm Gladwell refers to in his book “tipping point”.  Are you a happy person?  Everywhere you go, do you make it a point to alter someone’s state, get a smile, a bigger smile, a laugh?   Do you offer comfort and encouragement?  If you do that, not only do you yourself begin to feel better but people will want to be around you!  Most everyone knows this but so few practice it!

      Realize that when you begin to reach out and lift others, you have to be in a certain state of mind to do that.  As you attempt this you will ask your brain a different question  “what is good here?”, “How does this help…X?”  “what is something good in the world that would make this person smile?”  You see, when you move through the world in this way you begin to notice different possibilities and eventually it becomes a habit and a way of thinking.  At that time, everything changes.  People want to help, they want to be around you and you will have true friends.

      You have to become honest with yourself about this.  Entrepreneurship is challenging for a lot of people because it is about personal growth first!  

      When you are self employed you have to look in the mirror and say “if I had an employee that performed as I did today, would I have a job?  Would I be satisfied with the results?”.  For most, it is far easier to blame something outside themselves.  You will certainly face challenges and there is no such thing as failure unless you quit!  If you move forward you have new knowledge, new distinctions and experience.  I often say the difference between catastrophe and no big deal is experience!  Experience comes from recovering from a few near catastrophe’s!

      Life is a journey and if all you do is focus on a few snapshots, you are frozen there!  Snapshots can be of any moment and depending on that moment, it can be perceived as a failure or success.   However, When you view the journey you see that each snapshot was what lead you to the next snapshot.  Each snapshot was part of the journey so by default it was a necessary step in the process.  Cool thing is, this snapshot here now, is the map to your next snapshot.  Each step forward creates a new map for your direction… You have to pay attention!   If you stop here, sure it could be called a failure but if you create a new snapshot and move forward, you are moving to success. 

      I have been here before.  When you are moving forward so many people will portray their own beliefs to you.  They are merely stating their own limited mindset and thinking.  You’ll hear things like… that won’t work, that’s not possible, and a million excuses and variations of limited thinking.  They are quick to discredit you.  They may even attack you!  Then as you move forward and succeed…. Those same people are right there saying, Man I knew you were onto something big, I knew you were going to succeed! 

      One of my weaknesses is that I want to provide definitive solutions and also give what others are asking for!  In that light, I put my foot in my mouth with TCA a bit because so many were pressing for an absolute date.  There are so many dynamics at play here and many components that must work right.   It is clear to everyone that we are in pre-launch yet most just don’t hear or understand what that means.  They are stuck in a snapshot!  TCA will absolutely happen, I commit that with certainty.  Think of it like a series of gears that all have to fit together and move in unison.  You get one gear to large or with bad teeth or whatever, you can leave it there and be stuck or you identify it and replace it.   If a stone gets in the gears, you either leave it and be stuck or you remove the stone!

      Ah, I could go on and there is a lot on this topic.  It comes down to who YOU are and who you DECIDE to BE!  Both good and bad exist simultaneously in the world and you will notice what you focus on!  Just like the last car you bought was suddenly everywhere on the road the day after you bought it.  They were always there, you just focused on it.

      I wish everyone success in all they do and most of all, lift others and BE the difference of GOOD!  Stand for something significant!


      John Milanoski

    • April 19, 2011 4:57 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      I don't really see to what extent any of those show someone's character, honestly most of you have no problem buying products that you know don't do 100% what they say they do. First of all, any responsible adult with even a low IQ should know better than to think some marketing system is going to make them a millionaire. If you're even concerned about what someone in a video owns, and you're looking at the background to check out the quality of their pad, you're kind of a tool, and a little pathetic. I say that because realistically, just about 80% of what you see on TV is not real, least of all in commercials of any kind, so why are you even concerned that John had green screen work done in any of those commercials.

      Seriously, who gives a shit?

      All commercials are yanking you, that's what they're designed to do, to exaggerate, if you want to be specific about it. The guy doesn't seem to be a millionaire, then again, what exactly does a millionaire look like, the way they seem to on TV? Do they have huge houses, fancy cars and access to green screen studio equipment? I really have no idea, so the fact that this was even part of the whole accusation chain is kind of silly. The other issue is, the whole "character attack" syndrome, which unfortunately tends to be very effective when manipulating sheep, but is really a negative, wasteful, and energy draining to deal with. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem if you're exposing bullshit for bullshit, but some sites really just try too hard and start attacking the dumbest things, in particular, the Linkvaark page.

      You could say those businesses John was involved with suck (and I wouldn't know either way), or that they aren't very effective, etc, but where are all the countless people that were scammed, where is the bad publicity that should be riding alongside all the criticism? My only concern was really that John's plans weren't going as expected, and that maybe The Customer Advantage was nose diving because of it, that was my original feeling about it. At least on these forums, the guy himself says that isn't so, which gives us a public statement at the very least. You can pick on his answers, or his plans, his claims and whatever else, but when you get down to trying to see how wealthy he appears, or whether or not a claim about representing some member of the Billionaire-friends club is true or not, it reminds me of voting season, and I could do without it.

      That being said, it would be cool if we could be a bit more diplomatic about the discussion, that way he remains here to talk about concerns, questions and respond to criticism if only you could present things in a more respectful way, because as it is now, you just guarantee the dialogue stops, and now no one gets anywhere.

    • May 23, 2011 3:42 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!


      Guess that counts for an update...

      Well how do we go from here? It seems we have a guy who is once again; in a place of sympathy, at least in the eye of the beholder. If I can get a good idea on how a con man operates, it is based on two basic things. The ability to BS, and being a good opportunist. I still can't say where John M. falls. I would think that public records are available to somehow show that his father really died. John could very well be a really up front guy, and so I half feel bad that there has to be such potent credibility checks even in the face of lost loved ones. Its also possible that he hasn't been close to his dad in years, and is simply capitalizing on the situation in order to buy some time and sympathy. It is yet also possible that his father really didn't die, though this would be a tough one for even a moderately popular individual on the Internet to pull off.

      Throughout the history of The Customer Advantage, my feelings haven't really changed very much. I continue to get the feeling that John M. isn't a con artist. Mixed up maybe, or not good at what he is trying to do, or the conductor of a symphony that is never ever going to play perhaps. Still however; I just have yet to see a clearly visible con artist. On the other hand, a good con artist is successful because that is the very vibe they are capable of harvesting. So while I realize that many of you are convinced he is pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, I am still stuck in the same spot I started in, because I just don't know what to make of the situation at all. It has now reached new heights in strangeness. I have always tried my best to truly feel for the rest of the world, and be sympathetic, as I am no stranger to tough roads; but I have also told a few lies growing up, and understand the mechanism well enough to know how powerful it can be.

      One thing I have seen in my experience about any kind of manipulative person, is that they tend to be good actors, they tend to be very perceptive, analytical, and sociable. They also have emotional issues deep within that shiny crust. They are extremely verbose, in writing and in person, and tend to add far more detail than is necessary, because they can't help it. Since con artists are such sticklers for detail, and value its place in a good lie, they can't help but include an abundant amount of it in nearly any communication they have. They aren't monsters, in fact, we all have a piece of it inside of us I believe. They are sometimes the cheating husbands, boyfriends, wives, girlfriends and lawyers, but also the appraising auto mechanics, online chat partners and yes; MLM founders (that's not to say any of those entities are compulsive liars or bad people). I have noticed this verbosity with John M. but I don't think that makes him one of them, just something to look at.

      For all I have seen thus far in regard to The Customer Advantage, I am not so much as a hair closer to any kind of definite opinion either way or the other. I have no idea if he is being sincere or not, but no matter what the truth, I am always sorry to hear when someone has lost a loved one, and if it is in fact the truth, I offer my condolences.

    • May 25, 2011 6:27 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!


      So are you saying that his math isn't accurate?  If not, would you be kind enough to better explain it?

      And, it's okay to use a death to hype and promote?

    • May 26, 2011 5:00 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!


      I directly wrote to you (below) and so far you have avoided my ONLY two questions...Should I assume that whoever made the slide show (Link Below) about "The Customer Advantage" indeed was giving the correct MATH about TCA?? With due respect, this is the reason people like me can never find the right company out there. Every time someone ASK a tough question /'s, they get avoided and reading through this entire thread John Milanoski itself doesn't address those tough questions. I am not here to argue or create a "propaganda" against anyone, I just want answers and I CAN'T GET THEM FROM ANYONE, and when someone like Mr. Linkvaark shows (based on his website) how the TCA MATH works, some of you get crazy! For what reason??? We (I'm sure a lot of people like me are out there) just want to hear the answer to our questions, that's all. Anyways, below again is my ONLY TWO QUESTIONS, I'm still waiting for your answer Mr. Brokelinkvaark, no reason to get upset, either you do have the answer or you don't....if you don't, please say so. It's not a big deal! At least someone else below (so far!!!) has the real TCA numbers!


      May I please ask you two questions? Do you think the math numbers from the below link with respect to "The Customer Advantage" are accurate, fake, or ?

      When I looked at the numbers and for what I can see, if "The Customer Advantage" pay plan shows that....I guess someone is taking a lots of innocent people for a ride on a hype. (consider those results based upon TCA numbers). Regardless of who owns the link below or WHO did it...ins't he telling the truth about TCA numbers below or not? It's OK to have an adult discussion, we are human beings, lets HELP everyone in here including me. I need clarification from your side now OK.

      An extra point here but, no need to discuss (unless you want to). The other issue is about using the name of your "closest relative" to capitalize any business. To me, (on my opinion) that is just pure wrong but, again everyone has a different heart when comes to your father, mother, etc....death...that's just me, I would NEVER do that, bad Karma. 

      Looking forward to hear your response about my two questions above. Thanks.

      PS: By the way, I was reading and searching about John Milanoski and his "TCA" deal, and found those links on the web. If they are NOT the truth, let me know ASAP! But sooooo far, based on the TCA comp plan numbers.......the writing is on the wall, unless you show me something different using TCA numbers. Thanks again.

    • May 27, 2011 5:49 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      Brokelinkvaark / Urbanebeat Satff,
      This  is the 3rd request for you to answer just two questions....I'm still waiting for you to HELP ME to figure out if the below MATH and link is correct or not. If the MATH BELOW is wrong, I would request the owners of Repspace to delete ALL my questions and responses, including an apology to the forum. Until then, I guess someone (link below) is helping people like me to make the right decision and keep my wallet on a safe place AWAY from "The Customer Advantage".

      By avoiding to answer my two're only telling people the below link IS THE CORRECT MATH, Brokenlinkvarrk.
      Read below again!


      I directly wrote to you (below) and so far you have avoided my ONLY two questions...Should I assume that whoever made the slide show (Link Below) about "The Customer Advantage" indeed was giving the correct MATH about TCA?? With due respect, this is the reason people like me can never find the right company out there. Every time someone ASK a tough question /'s, they get avoided and reading through this entire thread John Milanoski itself doesn't address those tough questions. I am not here to argue or create a "propaganda" against anyone, I just want answers and I CAN'T GET THEM FROM ANYONE, and when someone like Mr. Linkvaark shows (based on his website) how the TCA MATH works, some of you get crazy! For what reason??? We (I'm sure a lot of people like me are out there) just want to hear the answer to our questions, that's all. Anyways, below again is my ONLY TWO QUESTIONS, I'm still waiting for your answer Mr. Brokelinkvaark, no reason to get upset, either you do have the answer or you don't....if you don't, please say so. It's not a big deal! At least someone else below (so far!!!) has the real TCA numbers!


      May I please ask you two questions? Do you think the math numbers from the below link with respect to "The Customer Advantage" are accurate, fake, or ?

      When I looked at the numbers and for what I can see, if "The Customer Advantage" pay plan shows that....I guess someone is taking a lots of innocent people for a ride on a hype. (consider those results based upon TCA numbers). Regardless of who owns the link below or WHO did it...ins't he telling the truth about TCA numbers below or not? It's OK to have an adult discussion, we are human beings, lets HELP everyone in here including me. I need clarification from your side now OK.

      An extra point here but, no need to discuss (unless you want to). The other issue is about using the name of your "closest relative" to capitalize any business. To me, (on my opinion) that is just pure wrong but, again everyone has a different heart when comes to your father, mother, etc....death...that's just me, I would NEVER do that, bad Karma. 

      Looking forward to hear your response about my two questions above. Thanks.

      PS: By the way, I was reading and searching about John Milanoski and his "TCA" deal, and found those links on the web. If they are NOT the truth, let me know ASAP! But sooooo far, based on the TCA comp plan numbers.......the writing is on the wall, unless you show me something different using TCA numbers. Thanks again.

    • April 19, 2011 11:07 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      Wallace, your attempts to maintain a civil discourse are commendable. However, I must respectfully disagree with the idea that exaggeration in advertising is excusable.

      One of the issues with the MLM industry is the abundance of hype which plays on hope, greed, and vanity to entice people to sign up for programs where there is little or no hope that they will earn any money. We all can cite numerous cases where many people have lost a lot of money on MLMs that either failed or were fraudulent (or both). A common tactic in luring people in is for the leader of the plan to present himself as wealthy and successful, implying that those who sign up can become so too if they will just join up and have faith. Mr. Milanoski uses these tactics to promote TCA second-hand, implying that he is a "Millionaire Marketer" who lives in a palatial house and is backed by a billionaire. None of these claims are true, so anyone who would sign up believing that he holds a secret to success that he is willing to share with them would have been mis-led in the extreme.

      I have no doubt that Mr. Milanoski sincerely believes he is doing something worthwhile. But so far he has not only put forth misleading advertisements, he has failed to deliver even minimally on what he has promised to the people who did sign up for TCA. It truly seems like yet another example of someone coming up with a business idea that he was unable to execute on. That is why it's always best to wait to market a business until it's actually established and proven. Announcing an unfinished business plan prematurely is kind of like letting the world know you're having a baby when you are two weeks over your monthly date. Maybe you're having a baby, but maybe you're not. Better to wait until you know for sure.

    • May 23, 2011 8:31 AM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      But to capitalize on someone's death is disgraceful.  I'm sorry but I have no mercy for this person as I find his long-winded sermon beyond reproach for him as an individual and incredibly tacky timing.  I wouldn't put it past him to recruit at the funeral just as they have already attempted to recruit church members and non-profits.  Talk about coming full circle!!

      Question for Wallace:

      As you seem on the fence regarding this, have you looked at the math?

      And, how do you interpret it?  Do you think the numbers make sense?  Do you think that the person birthing this thing would have considered the math?  Do you find it odd that he never addresses it?

      I'm not bashing you, I am just curious what a seemingly reasonable individual thinks about the numbers?

    • May 23, 2011 12:37 PM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      Wallace, I think you are alluding to a mental illness along the lines of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Manipulativeness, self-centeredness, inability to relate to others' feelings, pretensions of world-dominating superiority and paranoid imaginings are all standard hallmarks of this disorder. It's very common (despite the APA trying to get it removed from the next edition of the DSM). I may be more sensitized to this behavior than some and more likely to call it out because I have had to deal with so much of it during my life. I was raised by one narcissist, married another (not any more) and went to work for one really full-blown case and some lesser ones.

      That a man would refer to the death of his father as just one more "pile of crap" is unconscionable. The he would use the occasion of his father's demise to expound on how he intends to take over the world is madness. He doesn't mourn his father, only his own failed dreams and ambitions. If he weren't a pernicious pox upon society, I might feel sorry for him as he suffers with this particular pathology.

    • April 19, 2011 11:58 PM PDT
    • This business STARTS where Groupon ends! Launches this month!

      "One of the issues with the MLM industry is the abundance of hype which plays on hope, greed, and vanity to entice people to sign up for programs where there is little or no hope that they will earn any money."

      I wouldn't disagree with you at all here Liv, but show me someplace in advertising, show me in Walmart, in an auto mechanic's shop, an infomercial, a mainstream commercial, more than most mlms, the pharmaceutical industry, show me where advertising is 100% accurate. If you're an individual who is heavily focused on mlms, therefore you feel compelled to maintain a crusade in the interest of keeping it as pure as possible (and I am not being sarcastic, I mean that sincerely), than I can definitely respect that. In that case I can see why you're focusing on these things, but my expectations are so low with all advertising that I guess I don't see John M. doing anything that anyone else doesn't do.

      "We all can cite numerous cases where many people have lost a lot of money on Mlms that either failed or were fraudulent (or both). A common tactic in luring people in is for the leader of the plan to present himself as wealthy and successful, implying that those who sign up can become so too if they will just join up and have faith. Mr. Milanoski uses these tactics to promote TCA second-hand, implying that he is a "Millionaire Marketer" who lives in a palatial house and is backed by a billionaire. None of these claims are true, so anyone who would sign up believing that he holds a secret to success that he is willing to share with them would have been mis-led in the extreme."

      I've seen the stills of the background, and I admit it looks green screened, but I haven't seen the actual promo vids for those companies and services, do you know if they're still available? The one where he is standing next to the blonde actually reminds me of the home decor department of Home Depot or Lowe's, where customers sit down and go through kitchen designs etc. I didn't take the stills themselves as though John was claiming to be a millionaire, though maybe somewhere in the vids or in writing he claims that he is, I have no idea one way or another, but even if he said he was, trying to assess it visually is just silly, presumptuous, and even judgmental. I'd actually be living pretty modestly if I were a millionaire, with my most expensive things being hard to see on the surface. Its possible that he is not a fancy house and car white bread American. Not everyone wants to utilize wealth the way most people would, and for the record, I have no vested interest or particular reason for defending or prosecuting the man, I just think the methods are a little silly.

      I've been posting here awhile, doing reviews when I feel like it, and I can tell you anyone with common sense knows very few, I mean VERY few of these companies are going to make you any money, and even fewer of them haven't made the very same claims and used the same tactics to recruit that he has. Though again, I haven't seen the videos, so maybe they show him blatantly parading around claiming to have made billions and eating lunch with the Rockefellers, I wouldn't know.

      "I have no doubt that Mr. Milanoski sincerely believes he is doing something worthwhile."

       Well, all do respect if that was entirely true, I don't think the dialogue would have panned out quite the way it did lol. You're saying that John M. is basically a con man, further slandering the name of the mlm industry, and if that indeed is the case, I would think he wouldn't consider his opportunity worthwhile, which would make much of what he's said here that much more abhorrent.

      "It truly seems like yet another example of someone coming up with a business idea that he was unable to execute on."

      Could very well be the case, but that would be bad luck at best, and incompetence at worst, but does it make him a con man? That is really the only question I have because it really does sort of change the entire scope of what he's all about. Anyway, I appreciate your points, and can definitely relate to where you're coming from. If you have the time and desire, let me know if those videos contained more than what we can get from the stills, I'm curious to watch them.

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