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  • Topic: TelexFree Scam?

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    • April 9, 2013 4:00 PM PDT
    • TelexFree Scam?

      TelexFree and TelexCommerce: Finally, another company to really sink my teeth into and shake like a dirty little ragdoll. Maybe that's a little too graphic, but this company and the pitch that is resonating over the Internet just tweaks every nerve and red flag that I use when I go on a scam rant.


      Let's start with the the TelexFree Overview

      TelexFree offers phone service called 99TelexFree that is a service app that is supposed to allow customers unlimited cell calls to Brazil, the US and Canada.


      Pretty standard fare. The other product is "AdCentral".

      TelexFree members pay a membership fee of $299 for each "POSITION". Red Flag #1 - High priced "MEMBERSHIP"


      Or, they buy up to five TelexFree AdCentral accounts for $1375 annual fee. Red Flag #2, Front Loading


      TelexFree AdCentral members are required to post at least one preselected advertisement per day to any free classified site on the Internet. Red Flag number 3 ( and this should be huge ): does this remind anyone of Zeek Rewards one-ad-per-day policy?


      Members earn commission for the recruitment of new members who purchase the AdCentral membership - who then must post ads promoting....the AdCentral membership. Red Flag #4. This is the stuff that gives Attorney General's and the FTC morning wood. No product...just paying other for signing up to recruit others. I mean, it doesn't get any simpler than that. Definition of Ponzi Scheme, pure and simple.


      Then we get to the marketing blurbs and spin. Here's the claims I've seen in emails and posts:

      The "Google President" went to the launch of the TelexCommerce division and has shown an interest in being part of the business. Really? Who exactly is the Google President? No name is mentioned. And he just 'expressed an interest'? This is such old school smarmy MLM pitch garbage that I feel like I need a shower just typing about it.

      Next: Best Western has attached themselves to Telex.  Really? Last time I heard a spiel like this it was Zippi Rewards claiming they were partners with EBay. Not so much.

      Finally, there's the big fat turd floating in the toilet bowl of the pitch claiming that Brazil's government regulatory agency has somehow reviewed and given the green light to their business operation. Heard this one before. Usually when companies claim they've been reviewed by the FTC, SEC or the FDA and they've been 'approved'. None of those agencies do anything of the kind. They don't issue a stamp of approval or review your products, comp plan, or services. They just show up in black suburbans and zip tie handcuffs and cart you and your staff and all your computer equipment away when they've had enough of your shenanigags.

      And finally, if the company is in Brazil, why is it being pitched as running from Marlboro, MA?

      More to come, I'm just getting ramped up on my research of this dog. Or, in my humble and first amendment protected opinion, big, fat, TelexFree scam.



      This post was edited by WatchDog at April 10, 2013 8:34 AM PDT
    • April 10, 2013 5:50 AM PDT
    • TelexFree Scam?

      thanks for this, I have a local successful lady earning a full-time income from home, and he's up to about $800 a month from just telex.

      It sets off bells for me, and I'll stay away from it and wait for the inevitable shutdown.


      Jon R. Patrick

      Total Life Changes - Nutrition & weight loss products including the "Miracle Tea". Established & debt free with 700% Growth past 2 years and Binary comp plan on steroids! Weekly pay on fast start and residual with $40 order and NO Sign Up Fee! 

      Give Your Life Some TLC!

    • April 10, 2013 8:33 AM PDT
    • TelexFree Scam?

      Thanks Jon. There's no question that some people can make quick money on these deals. The replicated sign up portal with daily ad posting requirements seems to be trending because it works to get companies noticed and even ranked on sites like MLMRankings. Some people mistake even those rankings as a stamp of approval, when the site clearly says it's just a measure of public interest in any given month. When Fortune High Tech Marketing got beat up by the FTC, they topped the list. Same with Zeek. When they got shut down, everyone was searching and buzzing about them.

      I'm hoping people don't lose their money in TelexFree, and there have probably been one or two instances where a company has started off with all the marketing spin and questionable promotion practices, built a large group of subscribers - in this instance, maybe for their phone application - then sold off to a legitimate company or just morphed into a different business model and droppped all the questionable practices.

      Time will tell. I'm surprised the cheerleading squad hasn't show up yet to tell me why I'm so wrong about this company, and that it's inspired by God, the application is magical, it's saving lives and healing cancer or whatever.
      I really enjoy replying to those posts. In the most sensitive way possible of course.

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