Hi Wallace, Body FX is in prelaunch and has not officially launched yet. I'm a little familar with Beachbody, where everyone joins and work outs along with taking the nutritional product. Body FX specializes in Fitness DVD infomercials and introduces the Body FX supplements to their customers on the back end. Body FX Coaches will receive the contact information on those customers to follow up and introduce nutritional products and/or answer their questions. Also, when a customer purchases the Fitness DVD's they are automatically attached to a Body FX Coach so if that customer orders (without the coach even contacting him/her) the assigned coach receives the commissions. The Coaches package comes with a set of the JNL Fusion and a set of the Figure 8 (will not be released until Fusion DVD sales volumn slows down). And also each one of the nutritional products. Please visit my facebook fan page for more information at www.facebook.com/getfitwithbodyfx
Or feel free to call me at 719-565-9994 and I would be happy to send you more information on the products and comp plan.