Would like a new Forum Group for 20Now/ToolsTeam
I created a group, but have had other issues and got off track for the past few weeks.
I think my company could be Dynamite for every affiliate posting on RepSpace, with
No Doubt whatsoever, and it's only $20/mo with a 30-day money back guarantee, pluss
No online processors involved.
IMHO, this is the Most Elegant and simple system we ALL need to catapult all our
company opportunities into the Stratosphere. You can't get these tools Anywhere
Else on the net. Jarhead, our owner and founder created them and NOBODY can
get access to them other than through paid members' Urls.
Mine is http://togetherweearn.org/20Now/GwynG.htm
(splash page created for me by our team leader)
The spillover in this will be astounding. Over 30K people
PRE-ENROLLED, and the advertising has gone ballistic even since then.