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    • September 27, 2013 9:42 PM PDT
    • Free Marketing & Media Expertise. :-)

      Hello, I'm Scott Thompson,


      Here is an open invitation to answer questions you have about how to use Internet marketing and media technology for your business opportunity.


      There is no charge to answer your questions ever and I'm not a sales representative of every recommendation.


      I am an expert and helping you and others succeed, save money and learn how to be better marketers is my passion.


      So, if you have a quesstion, just ask.


      I'll be glad to answer it if I can or I will refer you to a resource to assist you.


      Unitl then, best of life and be well.


      Scott Thompson



      This post was edited by Scott Thompson at September 27, 2013 9:46 PM PDT
    • October 5, 2013 9:06 PM PDT
    • Free Marketing & Media Expertise. :-)

      Hello Scott,
      I am a newbie with few businesses(niches) on hand. What is a good software or system to get true traffic and get sales. Very frustrating.

    • October 6, 2013 8:21 PM PDT
    • Free Marketing & Media Expertise. :-)

      Hi Solomon,


      It's good to hear from you and I appreciate your question.


      Let me keep this short and sweet.


      There are a few things that I recommend you do first, before you jump into the traffic selection process.


      I would like to help your new start up with a few nuggets of wisdom that will save you a lifetime of pain and needless suffering.


      First, I want you to know that I will help you on each step of your journey to find the right solution you need, but I must first create for you the right expectations and mind set.


      You will need to get a solid education over the next 30 days.


      I've been in marketing, advertising and technology development for many years and the one thing I can share with you is that  you will not go any faster hiring an expert or some great software, if you first do not have a firm grasp of the fundementals and methods used to generate traffic, you will just be wasting your money, and if you don't know how to turn that traffic into leads and sales your digging yourself a deeper hole to pull yourself out of.


      So here are my first recommendations to get you off to a good start.


      Allow me to introduce you to a free resource that can give you all of the training and products you'll ever need as a start up.


      Go to They have a huge selection of private label products and an even better $1.00 trial offer for gaining access to the latest cutting edge software, education and products to get you up and running quickly. It's a full 30 days and you can learn a lot and save a lot.


      Next, when you have had a month of training yourself, go to This is your advanced traffic system that will get you the traffic you need to make sales, but only if you've gotten your education down in the following areas:


      1. Lead Capture Pages.

      2. Ad Copy that Converts the Traffic.

      3. The right bonus offers to excite your prospects on your sales pages.

      4. The right email marketing messages for building a good relationship with your subscribers.

      5. The right follow up products that are featured in your emails to assist  your subscribers, just as I'm assisting you now.

      6. The right mind set for success. Learn what to think and do on a daily basis and do it.

      7. Learn how to network with other organizations and people.

      8. Get a budget together and get ready to set your business into high gear.

      9. Ask me some more questions and learn from me where other free resourses are. You can find me a good partner in business just by asking me a few deep questions. I'm a wealth of knowledge and I'm here to give you the right answers the first time.

      10. Look for a few mentors. Not all guru's are good guru's for you. You have to feel in your gut that they will help you, not just sell you the next items they recommend. Look for what they give you first as sign of what their true intentions are.


      I'm hope this has been a blessing for you.


      I know if I had access to the Resell rights weekly on my early days of my start up I would have saved a ton of money by not buying all the stuff that I found in there for free.


      Be love in your actions and the prosperity will flow to you like milk and honey, becuase it's always what you give to others that is returned in kind. It's my first law of attraction I wish to share with you.


      Take care and keep asking questions, there are no bad questions.


      Kind regards,


      Scott Thompson

      Chief Technology Officer

      Club 21 Travel

      This post was edited by Scott Thompson at October 6, 2013 8:28 PM PDT

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