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    • January 5, 2014 7:52 AM PST

      My name is Alonzo Williams and I'm an associate of iLA a.k.a. Inspired Living Application. We are a technology company that develops

      mobile applications headquartered in McMinnville OR [Founder & President:John Rodgers - App Developer & Vice President: John Marr].

      We were established in December 2012 and we've been growing and becoming more popular since that time.


      I am proud to share the exciting opportunities for personal enrichment and financial advancement here at iLA! 

      Every time we introduce a new app, it adds an enormous amount of value to ones life and inspires, educates , and motivates

      you helping you make more money and save money along the way. But that's not all. Our apps help you to improve relationships, financial skills, leadership skills, business development, personal development, time management, goal setting, asset protection,

      plus more. Access our mobile apps from any mobile device or desktop.


      The philosophy of iLA is VISION: FAITH: ACTION.  We want to create an environment that excites and motivates you to accomplish 

      your dreams. We offer an affilliate program where you get paid for having mobile apps on your mobile device and you get paid 

      for sharing these apps with others when they purchase our full suite of mobile apps or any number of individual apps.


      Right now we are entering into a new phase or rebirth of our company. 1. We are in PRELAUNCH of a new Fast Start Bonus program.

      Finally you can earn a BIGGER commission check with a smaller team in a new robust compensation model. 

      The Fast Start program began January 2, 2014 and 27 days remain that you can get $70 bonus added to your normal earnings. 

      To make it simple: When you bring in 3 new associates you are paid $100 - each time this happens!

      2. The OFFICIAL LAUNCH of a new app: iLA University was January 2, 2014, along with the announcement of another app: BEAM.   It's going to be an online platform of educational material for entrepreneurs and people who want financial success. Now these 2 

      apps will soon be sold together and used in conjunction with each other and you'll notice a $10 increase in the cost when they come 



      We are on the front end of a trend

      and movement with mobile apps! Now is the best time to get in on this ground floor app 

      explosion- Premier Business Package - $49.95 monthly subscription (This price will increase to $59.95 when BEAM is released

      but if you subscribe today you'll never have to pay more than $49.95)

      Position yourself as a leader. Build a foundation for yourself. You'll have a success story to share with your organization. 

      If you are a network marketer just do a comparison and see if your compensation plan offers you more for the work you put in.

      If iLAs compensation plan is more appealing to you, bring your team with you!


      It was my pleasure to invite you join iLA and I look forward to share more details about our suite of mobile apps. Until then,

      you can go to

      Compensation_Plan_iLA-21_Oct_2013.docx (1.56 Mb)
      This post was edited by Alonzo Williams at February 8, 2014 8:04 PM PST

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