Why the Travel is the Best industry for home based businesses?
The facts don't lie...The travel industry is an 8.1 TRILLION dollar industry. I know about alot of mlm companies and was interested in selling products. Then I discovered World Ventures a little over a month ago. It is the PERFECT opportunity for me because I finally don't have to pedal products down peoples throats, travel is not a product, it's an industry that we ALL use. Whether it's flights, vacations, hotels, etc. We ALL know people who travel. Here are just some facts about the travel industry:
- The cruise industry is the fastest growing segment of the travel industry – achieving more than 2,100 percent growth since 1970, when an estimated 500,000 people took a cruise.
- Baby Boomer households are defined as having a head of household age 49-67. This consumer segment has high levels of disposable income, and according to the Travel Industry Association this age group accounts for more total annual trips than any other age group.
- It is estimated that nearly 70% of home-based businesses succeed for at least a three-year period (compared to 29% outside the home-based business ventures). The higher success rate is due to the ability for home-based businesses to be operated part time around a day job.
The support with this company has been GREAT so far. We all want to build successful teams and help each other out. If you are looking to get into a home based business, this one is definately my recommendation to go! Check out george23.worldventures.biz and watch the second video..This link is what made my decision if you aren't convinced. Also, any questions I would be HAPPY to help you out!http://www.worldventures.com if you would like more MIND BLOWING info.