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    • October 17, 2014 7:24 AM PDT
    • BitClub Network Launches

      Rumor has it that BitClub Network has launched - and in my opinin it should be accompanied by a major Scam Alert and BitClub Warning.

      On October 14th the company's Facebook page ( 9064 likes so far ) stated that the mining pool would be going live within 24 hours. Yesterday, the post Facebook page stated:


      "BitClub Network mining pool earnings are LIVE! Enjoy your daily bitcoin!"


      i could not find any info on the BitClub bitcoin mining results, though there was a reference online to a blog promo released shortly after launch, translated from Indonesian, that appeared to claim that BitClub Network paid between .3 and .8 percent of the mining "investment" daily.

      As a comparison, Zeek Rewards, which was closed by the feds, paid out close to 1.5% in it's fraudulent scheme before being shut down. I commented in another thread, before the launch of BitClub, that I felt BitCoin's created a ripe scam opportunity that these less than savory marketers could exploit in the same fashion as Zeek Rewards and Zeekler did with penny auction "investments" and investment "compounding".

      Other blogs have pointed to a direct relationship between prominent promoters of BitClub Network and prior involvement in Zeek Rewards. T. LeMont Silver, who was specifically named by Zeek Rewards receivers as a large beneficiary of ponzi gains, was an early video promotor of BitClub Network.

      This time around, the BitClub Network ownership seem to be going to great lengths to conceal their identities and location:

       BitClub is not owned by any one person, we are a team of experts, entrepreneurs, professionals, network marketers, and programming geeks who have all come to together to launch a very simple business around a very complex industry. Anyone can join BitClub and begin earning a passive income by taking advantage of our expertise in Bitcoin mining and other Bitcoin related services.

      The domain registration for is hidden behind a proxy, and can't be identified easily online. But there are always loopholes...

      The IP address for the domain resolves to - a static IP address owned by hosting. The actual domain could be hosted elsewhere, with an IP redirect.

      The page itself contains a frame for the website - which resolves to  IP address is registered through, which has it's own lookup, which lists the domain regiration info as:


      Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2015-09-12 22:10:00Z

      Registrar: ENOM, INC.


      Registrant Name: BIT CLUB

      Registrant Organization: BITCLUB NETWORK

      Registrant Street: 13 BANUL ANDRONACHE ST

      Registrant Street: 5TH FLOOR

      Registrant City: SECTOR 1

      Registrant State/Province: BUCHAREST

      Registrant Postal Code: 011663

      Registrant Country: RO

      Registrant Phone: +40.212319481

      Registrant Email:


      So if BitClub Network is not a scam, why is a hidden registration required in Bucharest, Romania of all places?




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