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  • Topic: 1BitCoin Network Launch Clock Reset

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    • October 29, 2014 5:57 PM PDT
    • 1BitCoin Network Launch Clock Reset

      The 1BitCoin Network "launch clock" has been reset, after counting down to zero with lots and lots of hype, but not a lot of launch.

      New launch time set for one day, 13 hours from now.

      No press release, no explanation for the delay.

      Who is running the show over there?


    • October 31, 2014 8:05 AM PDT
    • 1BitCoin Network Launch Clock Reset

      The clock ran down to zero again today without a launch.

      This would be pathetic enough if it was just a run of the mill MLM deal. But it's not - it's a publicly traded company, and the launch is being hyped to investors.




    • November 6, 2014 4:52 AM PST
    • 1BitCoin Network Launch Clock Reset


      So because it is publicly traded, this makes it a real deal?  Sounds more like a pump and dump deal to me. PERIOD  When these pre-launch deals are hyped up to the max, and then never launch is sure sign they are just another BS start up. PERIOD

      Success to all,





    • November 6, 2014 7:45 AM PST
    • 1BitCoin Network Launch Clock Reset

      Of all the pitches used by businesses to imply a certain MLM is asound business deal, I've always found the "It's a public company - so it MUST be legit!" to be one of the weakest.

      This deal already looks dead. The site finally launched, but the only activity is internal - something like 30 classifieds listed by two people, including the COO Barry Lyou with his personal number attached - nothing to indicate any traction or traffic.

      When the stock doesn't "Pump" on pre-launch hype, these deals tend to just wither and die. There's typically no operating capital and unless the company can pull of a public offering for operating revenue, it's usually all over. And with a stock trading at .004 cents per share, not many investors are going to want in on a public offering.

      Just my opinion, but I've seen this so many times before it that it's like deja poo over and over and over again.

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