Beachbody Complaints
Wow... there are some very disgruntled customers from the team beachbody corner. There are complaints from beachbody customers about the fact that you are never given a confirmation number for orders, complaints that the beachbody products are not received in the same promised packages as seen on the product ordering page, complaints that the beachbody company is charging customers for items they never ordered, and a host of other complaints ranging from troubles with the actual beachbody website, to issues with the products themselves.
Oddly enough, there always seems to be a beachbody representative available to direct comments to, or call for resolution... however, it's not coming from Beachbody itself, but from various reps who stumble upon the complaint listings or forum posts on the net.
I hope the company pays them well to hunt down po'd consumers and smooth things over for them.