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  • Topic: Bellamora Complaint

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    • March 21, 2011 9:23 AM PDT
    • Bellamora Complaint

      Bellamora is definately having problems.

      In one week the top 3 corporate people either got fired or quit.

      Ed Ayala, Bellamora CEO was fired.

      Brian MClane, Bellamora CMO quit.

      Allison Lamarr, Bellamora Corporate Trainer quit.

      There have been signs that trouble was looming at  Bellamora.

      There was no customer support by phone or email.

      There was no communication from Bellamora Corporate for almost a week.

      Products and samples that distributors have purchased are not being received.

      Websites the distributors pay a monthly fee for have not been working.

      Distributors have not been able to sign new people up.

      Distributors are reporting they have had duplicate charges for thier autoships.

      Top earning Bellamora Distributors have quit and left downline not knowing what is going on.

      Kelley Foote has been recruited to supposedly clean up the mess.

      But one has to wonder if Bellamora will survive this and what actually caused it.

    • March 22, 2011 12:37 AM PDT
    • Bellamora Complaint

      What a great post, I had no idea Bellamora was having this many problems, if all of this is true than its safe to say they are likely taking a nose-dive. There's virtually no information on the BBB for Bellamora, but at the rate they're going, I bet it wouldn't be good if there was. As of right now Bellamora is still active, the site is up, and the latest update was given about a day ago, so at least on the surface all appears ok.  There is however one thing I noticed, and for me it is kind of telling in relation to Mybigteam's post. There are no more live events scheduled at all, and you can see there was a fairly consistant pattern of about twice a month since January, now; nothing.

      I have my own ideas about why these things happen and while I'm no expert, I do think some of it amounts to common sense. If you're going to enter a market, the first thing you should look at is whether or not anyone has already conquered it, and if not, how many people are already trying? Put simply; how many skin care companies can possibly still exist, and broken down further, how many skin care MLMs can co-exist beneath them? Why start a company selling something that really doesn't stand out in any way? My fiance and I tested a few of Bellamora's products and we weren't impressed, her more the expert than I of course.

      I have always held the same attitude toward nutritional shakes, weight loss systems and all products of similar ilk. STOP MAKING NEW ONES! We are literally drowing in an ocean of skin care companies that have broekn down the market so badly that unless you create a cure for agin, I don't see how it can get any better, any smoother, and younger, any more wrinkle free, and especially any more expensive. I can sometimes feel that little inner urge to get excited about something, FantaZ, Tastefully Simple, things that have created their own market, but Bellamora is drowing in its own lake of obscurity because there is already too much there to look at.

      That is my opinion anyway

    • April 11, 2011 4:39 AM PDT
    • Bellamora Complaint


      I researched this one, as I do all new deals, and I happen to focus on those which offer free samples, notthing gets more attention in marketing than FREE.  Free samples seems to be catching on, as this is one of three programs I was evaluating recently, but like most, the proof is in the products, price point, value and quality, and since I never got my free sample, I sat back and just watched searching for any posts which would indicate what is going on, hence, I landed here, so thanks for the posts.  It appears they are going down the drain, so sad, it looked promising when launched.

      Success to all,

    • April 12, 2011 3:53 AM PDT
    • Bellamora Complaint

      Hey guys, I don't know if you read it, but I did put in for some freebies with this mlm and I did get the envelope. it was soggy but otherwise fine. Me and my significant other tried it and they worked amazingly well for about 10 minutes, then all signs of dry elbow/knee returned. Not sure what Bellamora's deal was, if it was just a scam and the product was meant to give the effect of an instant cure or what, but in any event, I'd say they are dead in the water.

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