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    • May 23, 2016 9:01 AM PDT
    • Maelle

      I have started working with a company named Maelle.
      Maelle is a new up and coming cosmetic and skin care line.
      Maelle will work the similiar to Younique and It works! does BUT only way better!! 
      Maelle will have full online training! Maelle will start to launch in June 2016 so right now we are just building our teams and in the Pre Launch Stage. 
      Maelle has an $89.00 start up fee but that is all there are NO website fees nothing else! 
      As a Founding Mentor you will receive a kit worth over $400.00. When you join now you will be considered a Founder of the company! 
      Can you imagine what it would be like if you were a founder of it works, Younique, Amway, Mary Kaye or any other successful MLM? Right now you would probably be sitting on the beach somewhere sipping on a cold drink and basking in the sun. 
      Message me if you would like to learn more about the company and I will message it to you! contact info


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