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    • October 29, 2010 2:20 AM PDT
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      News 7 did an independent placebo test via two Universities. One to test the results, the other to examine the bracelet.

      They found no difference in the placebo tests.  In fact the only result that showed a change ( in stretching ) was when the subject was wearing the placebo bracelet. The is a raw video feed of Josh Higgenbotham giving a rambling interview and trying to explain away the lack of results. He hit every talking point on the 'lame excuse' checklist.

      1) That he doesn't know how the tests were done ( even though they were explained to him )

      2) That the product may have come in contact with it and magically 'charged' it. ( In which case, why buy one, when I can just charge up a bunch of say...Live Strong bands ... and give them away.

      3) That six people is not enough for a 'test'. ( Ironic, since they think that doing the test one on one is perfect ).

      4) That every time he has done the test on someone, there has been a result ( Of course there is Josh, you have an expectation of results when you give the test ).

      If you watch the videos of the testing, they were done scientifically with machines to measure everything from reach to strength.

      This is the first independent university test I've seen, hopefully there will be more, but no matter how many there are, count on the fact that cPrime and Higginbotham will always have an excuse why the independent studies are flawed.

      What elevates this guy to the level of "Snake Oil Salesman" ( in my opinion ) is that he continues to pretend this piece of plastic has an actual non-placebo effect on the human body.  He even says he doesn't know how a 'laser' somehow influences the piece of aluminum in the bracelet to give the results they claim. Because the pending 'patent' is sealed.

      Total F for cPrime and this bracelet scam.




    • January 8, 2011 4:55 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      'Negative' reviews tend to attract a lot of attention. In fact, the profitability of news programs is financially fueled by negative reporting.

      Internet marketers use the keyword, "scam" get attention just like the news attracts viewers with negative stories. The  negative tends to attract the interest, for some silly reason, of 95% of our population.This has attracted numerous views because the author is SEO savvy.... which make me wonder what the true intent of this post really is... Oh Yeah, its to get you to click on the, "s Shameful Myths" video.

      An intelligent person can quickly know if a demonstration of cPRIME technology is exaggerated or not. Experience the benefits for yourself... if it doesn't pass your personal test, return it for a full refund - no questions asked...

      To your massive success,

      Jim Hageman


    • January 9, 2011 11:01 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test


      The keyword 'scam' definitely gets attention. I don't know who is responsible for the Shameful Myths video.  But if the independent university placebo test had proven that cPrime provided a benefit, any benefit whatsoever, in a controlled scientific environment, it would also have attracted a lot of attention. Every cPrime bracelet marketer would have referred every one of their prospects to the study for a 'look, see!' validation.

      The fact that the the independent study showed the bracelet as being nothing more than a piece of plastic is far more compelling as an indicator about the "cPrime Scam" ( in bold, for extra SEO juice! ) than a 'personal test'.

      Ask your cPrime upline about the 'cPrime Patent'. There isn't one. The corporate office won't even answer any question regarding any patent. Patent's are a matter of public record once they are filed. The company constantly talks about the 'cPrime Patent Pending technology' with the full understanding that the average person buying the bracelet has no understanding of the patent process, but it sure sounds great in a marketing message!

       If the product really did what they said, there would MOST DEFINITELY be a patent application outlining it's special benefits so they could protect their magic holographic sound wave chronicles of narnia mystical nanotechnology from every other fake bracelet company in the world.  They company won't even answer the question 'has a patent application been filed'. I know, because I've emailed them and gotten nothing but nonsense responses.

      "We can't talk about the patent."

      "Why not? The purpose of a patent is to protect your proprietary technology. If one has been filed, you are protected from the date of filing if it is approved."

      "We can't talk about the patent."

      "Has a patent been filed?"

      "We can't talk about the patent."

      "Has a provisional patent application been file?"

      "We can't talk about the patent."

      "Is there any documentation about the patent other than the apparently false claim that there is a non-existent, hush-hush top secret never to be discussed patent application that you claim is pending, but can't provide any proof was ever filed?"

      "We can't talk about the patent."

      You can tell more sometimes from the absence of a thing, than you can by it's presence.

      Take a look at what's been happening in Australia and other countries with their regulatory agencies stepping up and making these hokey bracelet companies admit there is no scientific evidence to back their claims.

      Do you think cPrime still has every dollar to refund every customer who purchased one of these placebo bracelets?

    • May 24, 2012 1:55 AM PDT
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      Is this the cPrime patent?

      The patent document was a very entertaining read.  I am a big fan of science fiction.

      It is for a “Planar Antenna Array” ( Antenna arranged in a flat “plane” )

      This is an actual snapshot of figures from the patent:


      Doesn't look very sophisticated, does it? The sophistication is in the language used and suspension of disbelief required to imagine that little gold spiral actually does anything.

      As it applies to cPrime’s magical powers, the invention summary states:

      "A planar antenna array and articles of of manufacture using the same are disclosed that mitigate the harmful effects of low intensity EMF radiation on humans."

      In plain English, they claim their flattened spiral antenna  'mitigates' the harmful effects of "low EMF radiation". The patent doesn't prove they do so, just that they have patented a flattened spiral antenna design they claim does so.

      Here's the ridiculous part. They make the claim that: "The effects of high intensity EMF radiation on humans have been proved conclusively".

      First, they don't definte "high intensity EMF". What level is considered "High Intensity"? Common sense dictates that exposure to a high enough level of any radiation will be harmful. But are we walking around daily basking in an invisibile waves of 'high intensity EMF'?

      Finally, they claim the gadget in the patent mitigates "LOW INTENSITY EMF" but then claim that the effects of "HIGH INTENSITY EMF" have been proved conclusively.

      Guess if you happen to be around high intensity EMF and are wearing your cPrime bracelet, you're shit out of luck.

      Here is a quote from a source that specifically studies EMF and its effects:

      Although the science is far from conclusive, a substantial base of data exists from years of research which is highly suggestive of an association between exposure to electromagnetic fields and the development of certain health problems. It is possible that a subset of the population, which may have a genetic predisposition to the development of these conditions, or who have been exposed to chemical or physical initiating agents, may experience enhanced sensitivity to the promotional effects of electromagnetic fields.

      There are definitely studies that indicate exposure to what one would assume to be high levels (Specifically, living right underneath high voltage power lines ) can lead to potential health issues ( children in a study were twice as likely to develop childhood leukemia as a group not living so close to the power lines ).

      The patent then tries to support the claim of magical health properties by stating “The negative impact ( of EMF ) may take one of many forms including inflammation in the body, decreased cellular oxygenation, reduced stamina and endurance, agitated nervous system, muscle tension, spasms, cramping, headaches and migraine pains, or decreased digestive function, for example.”

      The only place I found the claims of these specific negative aspects of EMF this patent. ( Google it ).

      It also states “In particular embodiments improved balance, flexibility, energy, strength, recovery, immunity, and/or relaxation are imparted as is a decrease in stress. That is, the impact of psychological factors on many health aspects and performance cannot be ignored and the planar antenna array and articles of manufacture presented herein ameliorate real and psychological factors giving rise to physiological conditions as well as psychosomatic symptoms and somatoform-related disorders”.

      In other words, they claim their sticker may result in psychological ‘placebo effect’ results. They don’t provide any proof that it does any of the things claimed.  They could just as well add, “improved posture, breath, hair sheen, gleaming smile, higher probablility of winning the megabucks, and more dates with supermodels”.

      The best part is where they say the chip may be applied to a glass that 'may affect one or more physical properties of the water" inside the glass.

      Note they say it "May", not that it conclusively "Does".

      Even if we jump into the realm of magic and assume it "does", we still need to assume this magic water "May" affect our balance, strengtch, etc. Which it has been proven in blind placebo tests like the one referenced in this thread - that it does not.

      This patent is one of the best examples I've ever seen of taking a simple design ( flat spiral antennas ) and from that throwing in mountains of speculation about what the antennas may or may not do to support a bogus claim of magical quantum powers of health and well-being evoked through use of the enchanted pokimon sticker or bracelet.

      They go so far as to invoke the Casimir Effect as part of their patent application, which is a quantum field force that they claim is what creates ( in part ) all of these magical effects on the body, or water, or whatever it's attached too.

      Unfortunately one of the basic elements of the Casimir Effect is that it is only measurable when the distance between objects is extremely small. Like submicrons. So even if these flat spiral antennas somehow do interact in the way suggested with EMF fields, any effect would be limited to the space between the stacked antenna.

      Look, I'm not a rocket scientist ( I just play one on TV ), but the entire patent application states many claims of what the invention “may” do, but not one shred of proof or documentation that it “does” do it.

      I could create a patent application that states that arranging peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches into triangular wedges that when perfectly aligned on a platinum plate at high noon allow photons of sunlight to interact with an identical marshmallow fluff sandwich in an alternate universe as posited by quantum physics and that by rotating the plate clockwise and counter clockwise I “may” be able to establish communication to the parallel universe…and that patent would probably be granted.

      Just substitute in some fancy sounding technical terms ( the patent inspectors are typically attorneys, not quantum physicists ) like Casimir Conductor instead of marshmallow fluff sandwich and Photon Receptor for the plate and bam, you’ve got a patent. A totally useless patent, but a still a patent.

      This is all going to get worse, because now that there is a ‘patent’, even without any proof that it does any of the things they claim – and to the contrary, every legitimate placebo test fails and the fact that the demonstrations are all based on applied kinesiology – it’s just a disturbing trend toward confusing consumers with pseudo-science to get them to empty their wallets.

      All these claims were made in the 70s about “Pyramid Power” but no one went so far as to try to patent it and sell it via MLM.




    • January 20, 2011 6:42 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      Hi Watchdog,


      I was introduced to this CPrime about 2 weeks ago.   Your point about the patent is well taken.  At my expense, my wife and I went to Dallas to see this first hand.  I've never done such a thing, but the test on me, ones I conducted on friends, children and had them do it on eachother yielded such similar results... I had to find out.

      I"ve done 20 tests in the past 2 weeks.

      Here's an interesting observation.  Unknown to me, I was given a test with a placebo bracelet.  It was very obvious to me that the bracelet was broken or not working.  Secondly, I was told it did not work well, or perhaps at all, if it was in a high and desolate location.  I had forgotten this, and was doing a test on a friend... and it didn't work!  The only one that did not work... then I remembered what I was told.

      In at least half of the tests, I have people who have nothing to prove or disprove... to do it on eachother... same result everytime.

      But, back to your patent issue... that is a very valid point!

      I will have the opportunity to talk with someone who was involved at its inception, and I will press this issue.

      If  you want to know my result, let me know.




      P.S.  I hope this works, not for monetary reasons... but, for the sake of humanity... this would be a wonderful discovery.  They are conducting a 100 person, controlled, double blind test... they are humble about the pending results... we shall see.  I hope you are proven wrong...   By the way, I tried all the competitors bands, one at time... with the CPrime... no result

    • July 15, 2011 9:45 AM PDT
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      Watchdog,  Your understanding of the patent process appears to be slim to say the least. The process can take two years or more from the time the patent is applied for to the time of issue. BUT to use the expression Patent Pending is permitted ONLY so long as a patent application has actually been filed or a fine up to FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS may be imposed for EACH offense, EACH mismarked article constitues an offense. Do You think that the investment banker's and other investor's would give out any information on the technology so others may copy it let alone use Patent Pending on -Prime bracelets with out a utility patent pending actually being issued?

    • January 20, 2011 9:17 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      I"ve done 20 tests in the past 2 weeks.

      Here's an interesting observation.  Unknown to me, I was given a test with a placebo bracelet.  It was very obvious to me that the bracelet was broken or not working.  Secondly, I was told it did not work well, or perhaps at all, if it was in a high and desolate location.  I had forgotten this, and was doing a test on a friend... and it didn't work!  The only one that did not work... then I remembered what I was told.

      In at least half of the tests, I have people who have nothing to prove or disprove... to do it on eachother

      Hi David,

      Thanks for your response. Could you clarify something for me? I'm unclear on whether you mean you were initially tested with a placebo bracelet, or that the one you used to test 20 people was a placebo bracelet?

      Was any explanation provided as to why the test would not work in a high or desolate location?

      I'm particularly interested in your results as a tester because it seems unlikely that you would be manipulating the results or be using any techniques used in some kinesiology style tests to skew the results. Results can sometimes be skewed based on expectation, but I'm much more skeptical when a trained company rep is administering the test vs a potential distributor or rep.

      One more question - does the cPrime bracelet work through clothing? Does it need to be in contact with skin to work?

      And glad that you understand what I'm saying about the provisional vs pending full patent application. Regardless of how I feel about the veracity of the cPrime bracelet claims, that one aspect alone - claiming a patent application when based on the timeline the facts appear in conflict - would make me shy away from the business all by itself.


    • January 23, 2011 12:25 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      They are conducting a 100 person, controlled, double blind test... they are humble about the pending results... we shall see. 

      I'm very interested in hearing the results. It doesn't explain why the bracelet failed the independent university tests, and the only way the 100 person double blind test will be valid is if it is conducted by an established independent research facility.

      I've been around MLM for quite a while. I've seen tests published that are intended to prove product claims, but turn out were conducted by 'accredited facilities' that didn't exist prior to the tests. I'm hoping this isn't going to be the case.

      Does cPrime sell the placebo version of the bracelet so that someone like myself could do their own double blind tests?

    • July 16, 2011 8:36 AM PDT
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      Um, did you consider Wikipedia as your only option for attempting to explain a patent Doug? Its you that seems to have a difficult time comprehending the laws. Did you not read the source Watchdog provided and the more relevant parts of it that explain the process in further detail? It looks to me like you glanced over it, googled a wiki explanation of a basic patent, and responded lol.

      "Applicants are entitled to claim the benefit of a provisional application in a corresponding non-provisional application filed not later than 12 months after the provisional application filing date.

      "A provisional application for patent is a U. S. national application for patent filed in the USPTO under 35 U.S.C. § 111(b) . It allows filing without a formal patent claim, oath or declaration, or any information disclosure (prior art) statement. It provides the means to establish an early effective filing date in a later-filed non-provisional patent application filed under 35 U.S.C. § 111(a) . It also allows the term "Patent Pending" to be applied in connection with the description of the invention."

      Needless to say, you should read sources in their entirety before attempting to debate legal processes.

    • January 21, 2011 1:36 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      "magic holographic sound wave chronicles of narnia mystical nanotechnology" lmao, that was great.

      All due respect, I have been trying to be more open-minded about this kind of thing, but I have to tell you, the lack of patent info is generally pretty revealing. There are alot of different types of people in the world, with varying beliefs in regard to science, spirituality, even the world of Physics has opposing views in the world of empirical science. All things have energy, all things vibrate at specific frequencies, so I do happen to believe that the future of health and medicine in general, say 100 years from now will probably involve processes that delve more into physics. Right now however, I think this is pure bunk.

      I happen to agree with Watchdog that there simply is no patent, because there is no technology. This borders the silly world of spells and incantations, and if it has any value at all, it simply helps a person "will" them self into a healthier state of mind via their own belief in the product.

      Had this not been a business, or something asking families to pay large sums of money for what amounts to a cracker jack box spy message decoder, I might not take such offense to it as a consumer, unfortunately, these companies and their products are taking advantage, and the best that these representatives can do is claim they themselves and people they know; have found a miracle cure through its use. Of course they have, they are working for the company. Of course they fully understand the validity of Watchdog's point, because they have no response to it, and of course they are challenging you to "see for yourself" because they will have succeeded in selling it to the that's salesmanship!

      You want to unleash this new world cure? then distribute a million of them for free, and then let the miracle results speak for themselves. Distribute these bracelets to people in 3rd world countries who could never afford your MLM opportunity, or your bracelet. If you do that, I'll be one of the skeptics who pays for a single bracelet and gladly gives you the sale in honor of your effort.

      I have no doubt a portion of cPrime associates believe in the product they are representing, after all, people believe in alot of things these days, so to those that really believe, I mean no disrespect with my skepticism. For those that sell it and "know" its a load, you are what's wrong with the business and marketing world, and I have absolutely no respect for you.

    • January 21, 2011 2:15 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      Sure... be glad to quickly respond.

      1.  On the placebo bracelet.  This was introduced to me, in a setting with a C Prime rep, where I was completely unaware

      of an existence of a placebo, look alike, C Prime.  I had every reason to believe it would work, and expected it to work.  But, noticed

      it was missing its "magic" powers, I say this tongue and cheek. 

      Then it was disclosed to me it was a fake.  I know it was a fake, because after realizing it, I tried it again, and then again, the difference

      was obvious.

      Along the same lines, and as I'm sure you know, the most ubitquious of the bands is Power Balance.  PB, is facing a class action lawsuit of

      serious proportions.  Google this, you'll find it, unless you already know.   With Power Balance, and three other well knows bracelets, myself and

      a neighbor did test after test with each of the bracelets, along with our wives... it was VERY clear the C Prime worked, while the others did not. 

      How people even sell these other bracelets I don't know... unless they are manipulating the tests.  I just cannot relate to someone, against their conscience doing this.  I can tell you, I have no motivation to manipuate anything.  I have my own company, not an MLM, and  a GREAT deal of name respect to lose if I'm pedalling snake oil.  

      2.  The explanation given to me re the desolate/desert/mountain type of locations had to do with cell towers, and various frequencies that populate a congested area.  There is no electro magnetic field interference. 

      Frankly, I don't really care what the science is, I'm sure there is a science, but, all I know is I was expecting the C Prime bracelet to work, and it was useless! 

      Along these lines, one of the tests they do is put a cell phone in your hand for a strength test, its painfully obvious how inhibited your strength is.  Then they put a C Prime bracelet on top of the phone, while you hold it... and wha la... strength is restored.  Its weird, its strange... but, it does work.


      3.  Regarding the skin.  No, it does NOT have to be touching the skin.  There is NO metal touching skin.  In fact, you can have it in your pocket... no difference in how it works.  I have noticed if I have 2 it works slightly better.  It is discernable though.  I was told after 2 braclets there is no difference.


      4.  Regarding the patent, I have since done my own research, and found that a patent pending, does not have to disclose any information, even if there is an application.  That's been my understanding, which does make sense, from an under the radar type of marketing approach. 

      I'm confident there is a patent, otherwise, the other bracelets would be working just the same.

      If I am being duped, which I'm not ruling out a 100%, then is it absolutely the best con job I've ever witnessed.  Because, all my friends, neighbors, whom are professional and smart people... are all being fooled as well. 

      I told a good friend, who was at my home last night, a former elite athlete, quarterback for a division 1 team, that IF... IF this is really true, and IF the current 100 double-blind test that is being conducted (I personally know this for a FACT), and the results will be released by the end of March... then this is the most explosive, far reaching discovery I've ever been personally associated with in my 52 year life.   If I can profit from it, while helping people, there's nothing immoral or unethical about it. 

      Finally, I'm a busy man, with no MLM history, and I understand the necessity of this MLM business model.  I'm not 100% behind it yet, but, I'm moving forward in good faith, making a deeper and deeper commitment with each passing day to get behind this.  Timing is important in these ventures, that I know, so I don't want to be shaking my head someday... thinking... why didn't I do my due diligence.  I am not blindly doing this... I can assure you, if it sounds like a duck, acts like a duck, and looks like a duck, its probably a duck.  So, if there is any snake oil to smell, I've got my sniffer open... and if I smell anything that smacks of quackery... I'm gone... but, thus far... its all looked legitimate.  I should mention I met the founder and had a close and personal conversation with him for over an hour.  There was no salesmanship going on... it was just a remarkable story... that left me and my wife shaking our heads ... marveling.  By the way, and this shocked me... 3 days ago, I met a former business partner, very successful man... I said to him, have you ever heard of "I named the founder"... he looked at me like a deer in headlights and said, that man worked for me for 8 years.  Can you imagine my shock?  He then took an hour and told me of his personal experience with the C Prime founder... and he said, he absolutely conducted himself with the utmost integrity in the 8 years he worked for him, and that was the secret to his success.

      Finally, there is a lot more ice under this glacier, than I'm disclosing... but, even with all of this... I'm proceeding with caution... but, I'm proceeding.  It's early in the game... the official launch is not until March 31st in Dallas, and right now, I plan on being there... and I don't feel I'm caught up in any kind of hyperbole or hype, but rather genuine excitment... and my final statement:  If pride precedes the fall, then humility precedes the rise.  These are humble people, who are handling this like it is a sacred cow from India. 

      There you go... the long version of my response to you!


      David in TN


    • January 21, 2011 2:41 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      Here's a quick response... regarding the world cure... first, they CANNOT make medical claims... I get that.  However, the double blind test will be revealing, due out end of March.  I may eat my words, but I don't think I will on this controlled, 3rd party testing. 

      Also, regarding the world cure, I specifically talked to the founder of C Prime, who perfers to keep his name out of the limelight, but for humble reasons, about the philanthropic nature of the product.  I said, just for PR purposes, but also for humanity, what are your plans to donate these bracelets to people who could benefit from it?  He gave me a wonderful explanation about their plans, and told me this is an important part of their business model, but since they aren't launching until March 31st, it was premature to discuss this publically. 

      Just keep doing your due diligence, as I am.

      On the patent issue... read what I wrote Watchdog...

      I"ve I'm off, by all means, set me straight on the patent issue.   I don't detect any kind of evasiveness in the leadership of this company. 

      There is a multiplicity of stories I've heard, and know they are factual... it just keeps piling up... at what point do I throw in the towel and like the doubting Thomas say, I believe, even though I can't fully understand? 

      I don't know. 

      But, the towell is in my hand at least... and my arm is pulling back.  This is my journey into my investigation... I think its critical you have your own journey. 

      It's still early in the game of C Prime, the people that will really feel foolish will be people like me, who had the opportunity to do the due diligence and instead choice to follow the nay sayers down their cynical path.

      I hope I'm right... but, not for me... for all the millions of people who will benefit.

      My 17 year old son is like an apologist, very logical in his thinking, and has a deep sense of living with a clear conscience.  He came home yesterday, telling a story of a boy in his school room who has damaged knees and restrictive movement.  He put the braclet on him, and the boy who could not stretch his arms past his knees, was able to touch the floor. 

      The young man freaked out.

      My son witnessed this, and freaked out himself... he did the test... he knows the young man, who has been in his class for 5 months... its all so strange.  But, even with this personal experience, my son still doubts and questions.  I get that.  I still do.  But, I"m moving cautiously forward into this venture... if I've proven wrong... I don't care... I have anything to prove.  I just want the truth. 

      I spent a $1,000, on my own dime to go to Dallas... to see this first hand.  To say I'm glad I went is an understatment.  Regardless, of how this pans out, I'll NEVER think it was a waste of time or money.  It was my journey... I was there... I saw and witnessed the technology that put my brain in tilt.  I have no reference point for this... tis hard to swallow... but, it keeps coming back in my face...

      One day I'll either laugh... and tell my grandchildren about the biggest scam that ever fooled me, or I'll tell a story about how I was there... before everything was official... and I saw it unfold before my eyes, and the life lessons, regardless of the outcome that I learned. 

      To use a metaphor, I was expecting a stick of dynamite, I was hit with a hydrogen bomb. 

      It's your journey... I encourage you to stay on this path... I have a deep, gut feeling.... I"m right on this one...


    • January 21, 2011 3:05 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      I respect your thoughtful response.  You are an intelligent person, as I think of myself (sometimes). 

      Last night, my son, tried to fool me... he acted like he took off the bracelet, but instead put it in his pocket.  I had no idea the bracelet was in his pocket.  We did the typical testing, and the results were as though he had the bracelet on... in fact, he did.

      If for no other reason... but for your own entertainment... get the bracelet... try it, test it... IF you don't want it they will send you back your money... I don't know anyone who has... but, you certainly have that right.

      My best friend of 25 years, who has been in business with me 20 of those years... though he trusts me implicitly cannot wrap his mind around this, and he won't take the opportunities I've offered him. 

      I don't take offense.

      But, from experience I'll tell you, its IMPOSSIBLE to judge this product objectively without your own personal experience.

      In fact, I'm so confident it will work... I will pay for a flight to my home town, furthermore, I'll put $500.00 on the line, right here on this public posting, that if this does not work on you, you will go home and post your story for all to see, and you will have $500 in your pocket.   We will chronicle this entire venture on my flip video.

      It my experience, it is impossible, yes impossible to fake the test, to a stranger, because the test is conducted by BOTH parties.   The person giving the test can tell, more than the person receiving the test.  Because the person giving the test KNOWS how much pressure they are putting on the person.     It's one thing if I give you the test, its another thing, if we go to a mall together, you point out a stranger, I'll offer them $100 to do a test right there on the spot... they will accept the test.  It does need to be a person of normal size, male or female.   YOU WILL conduct the test... AND, this stranger you pick out, will conduct a test on you.  We will flip video the whole thing.

      If you lose, then you will pay me, right there on the spot for the flight, AND, rather than give me $500, you will sign up, and buy a starter package valued at $500.

      What do you have to lose, other than your pride and a $1,000 if you are PROVEN wrong?  On the other hand, IF you will... think about it... think about the You Tube hits you will get?  This would be a nightmare to C Prime!!! 

      If we are on... write me back... and you'll see I'm not blowing smoke.  

      You could take the easy route, and just order a bracelet. 

      Otherwise, the line has been drawn in the sand... for all to see.

      I'm smiling.... cause while I know I will most definitely follow through, this is your chance to make history in a small way...



    • January 23, 2011 12:20 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      4.  Regarding the patent, I have since done my own research, and found that a patent pending, does not have to disclose any information, even if there is an application.  That's been my understanding, which does make sense, from an under the radar type of marketing approach. 


      I definitely enjoy your responses.

      I have to disagree with you on this point, and then point you to the documentation which supports my opinion that there is a patent issue.

      A "provisional' patent provides protection for 12 months for a person or business planning on filing a "non-provisional" patent, i.e. a full patent application.

      There is no requirement to disclose any information about a provisional patent. The applicant can keep the entire matter top secret, and that definitely makes sense if you are trying to prepare a full patent application for something truly groundbreaking.

      Filing a provisional patent also gives the person or entity the *legal right* to use the term "Patent Pending". You may not claim "Patent Pending" if there is no provisional application.

      Within the 12 month period, you must file a non-provisional patent application which is a matter of *public record*.

      cPrime has been using the term "Patent Pending" for over 12 months. No non-provisional application has been filed. cPrime will not discuss in any way even the *existence* of the provisional patent, will not even confirm it has been filed, yet they continue to use the term "Patent Pending" everywhere.

      It's the absence of a full application and the time that has elapsed that makes me 100% confident that no such patent application exists.


      Applicants are entitled to claim the benefit of a provisional application in a corresponding non-provisional application filed not later than 12 months after the provisional application filing date.

      "A provisional application for patent is a U. S. national application for patent filed in the USPTO under 35 U.S.C. § 111(b) . It allows filing without a formal patent claim, oath or declaration, or any information disclosure (prior art) statement. It provides the means to establish an early effective filing date in a later-filed non-provisional patent application filed under 35 U.S.C. § 111(a) . It also allows the term "Patent Pending" to be applied in connection with the description of the invention."

      This leads to a whole 'nother can of worms. Let's say a guy goes into a bar and says "Hey baby, want to go for a ride in my Ferrari?" and the girl says "Sure", and they get outside and the "Ferrari" is really a 1978 AMC Pacer ( aka the fishbowl ). The guy is definitely a creep, but he hasn't committed fraud because there's no money changing hands.

      When cPrime says "Patent Pending" everywhere it is a product claim used to entice people to buy and to substantiate their claim that there is a benefit from the product.  There are legal issues not only with the USPTO but also with consumer regulatory agencies. The creepy guy can say, "Hey, I'm not going to talk about my car" and the girl can choose not to get in, and that's the end of the story. The cPrime consumer can say "Hey, WTF?" And submit complaints to the FTC, Attorney Generals' Offices, and even the USPTO. If cPrime is making the Patent Pending claim when no application exists, it is definitely fraud.

      If the AG calls cPrime corporate, the "We can't discuss the patent" just isn't going to fly. Even if they file a provisional patent TODAY, there's still the issue of the running clock - either they were using the term Patent Pending prior to filing the provisional patent, or they *did* file a provisional patent over 12 months ago and have not filed the full application.

      Again, the full application is a matter of public record and can be obtained from the USPTO.



    • January 21, 2011 3:14 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      I'm re-thinking... lol... you pick out 2 strangers in the mall... I'll pay them each $100 to do the test.  I guess if you really wanted to botch the test you could... but, 2 strangers YOU pick out... its highly unlikely... and you can question them to the NINTH degree after the test... this will all be unrehearsed and room for manipulation. 

      Of course, it may not come to this, as I'll offer you a test as soon as you get off the airplane... that will put a scare into you... or maybe it won't... but, I'll let you gracefully bow out of the mall test, and sit you down and tell you in great, lengthy detail... all about our product and program!





    • January 21, 2011 3:19 AM PST
    • cPrime Fails Independent University Placebo Test

      Because you might take me up on this... please know, while this would be serious, and documented it would not be done in a combative, threatening spirit on my part, it would be done in a serious, friendly and humble spirit.

      I don't want to frighten you away... :-)


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