cPrime Scam
Aside from the completely incoherent nature of your post, I found the video you attached of someone with a hilarious redneck accent comparing the way a cell phone works to the way the cPrime bracelet works for a rapt audience of football players to be utterly entertaining.
Your video ( and slapped together post ) don't address the one critical piece of information about the cPrime bracelet: It doesn't broadcast anything.
It also failed completely when double-blind tested under lab conditions. ( http://repspace.com/forums/p/2234/3061.aspx#3061 )
The bottom line is this is 100% placebo effect. The product can not pass any true double blind test. There is no measurable 'frequency' or any other signal being broadcast from the bracelet. If there was, it would be detectable by some measuring device other than lame applied kinesiology tests performed by shysters in the know.
If you can produce one test that produces measurable results via a scientific device, or done under lab conditions that can be easily replicated, rather than based on a sales clown doing the test, I'll buy a case of these and donate them to your favorite charity.