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  • Topic: Crawdads, Creek Rocks and Network Marketing

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    • April 11, 2011 2:33 PM PDT
    • Crawdads, Creek Rocks and Network Marketing

      I woke up this morning with the title and idea for this posting in my head. After chewing on it for a moment I laughed because it kind of reminded me of an elementary school “what doesn’t belong” test. You know, the little row of pictures that are all similar in some way to each other with one exception…… Just like this…….

      Anyway, ahead with the posting.

      I was driving from Charleston to Cincinnati this week and along the way decided to listen to some conference calls on my iPod touch. I was listened to one of Todd Falcone’s Q&A podcasts. If you don’t know who Todd is, you are in for a real treat. (At the end of the post I’ll bio him)

      Todd was discussing the success and failure of people in the MLM/Network Marketing industry and the steps it takes to ensure success in your business. The main point that Todd referred to was consistent prospecting. No, I am not talking about our fore fathers out panning for gold. But the consistent effort of introducing a large number of people to your MLM/Direct sales opportunity.

      I noticed a great analogy in Todd’s teachings on this certain call. He placed a great emphasis on taking the emotion attachment out of prospecting. When speaking about the act of prospecting Todd’s exact word were, “Go out there and flip over some rocks, see what turns up!”

      I laughed when I heard this because it makes total sense. After a few minutes the concept really hit home with me and made me recall my days as a young man running the fields of central Pennsylvania.

      As children my brother and I were free to explore the mountainous beauty of the Keystone state. It wasn’t unusual to find us building a fort in a tree or cutting paths in a corn field. Our favorite was fishing at a local feed mill, and the best bait was a soft shelled crawdad…..

      In order to find these little guys we had to head out into any shallow body of water (usually with our pants rolled up), reach down into the water and pick up rocks. If you were not the one lifting the rock, it was your job to catch the crawdad. This was not as easy as it sounds, and usually left us disappointed.

      Have you noticed the similar process here?

      When prospecting in MLM/Network Marketing or Direct sales, we must constantly be out there “turning over rocks”. Consistent exposure is the key to generating anything viable in our industry. As the great Mark Yarnell would say,”There is only 2 ways to the money, recruit and retail.” This being said, the majority of our efforts have to be focused on doing just that!

      And another thing, my brother and I kept turning over rocks. We didn’t get upset and stomp our feet when we turned up rocks and didn’t find anything. We didn’t cry and say, “I guess all the good crawdads are gone.”, or, “maybe I’ll post an ad on facebook and some crawdads will crawl up to my front porch on their own.”. WE KEPT ON GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      So many people stop prospecting because the first 5 people they talk to say, “no”, or “it’s not the right time”.

      Get over yourself and start turning over some rocks. They are out there, and they are waiting for you………..
      Roll up your sleaves, jump back in the water, and get to WORK!

      Here is some information about Todd Falcone:

      Todd Falcone speaks and trains on the subject of network marketing success and helps people move to a position of achieving Network Marketing Mastery™.
      Todd consults network marketing company owners as well as coaches and trains top-level distributors throughout the profession.
      Todd has over 20 years of full-time experience in the field of network marketing and direct selling, and now devotes all of his time to teaching and educating on the subject.
      Todd has devoted his entire professional life to achieving expertise and mastery in the arena of network marketing. He has conducted thousands of conference calls, webinars and live events in front of tens of thousands of people in literally every country throughout the world.
      He is the President of Reach4Success, LLC and is the author of numerous articles and training programs, including Insider Secrets to Recruiting Professionals, How to Win in the Game of Prospecting, The Little Black Book of Scripts, and The Fearless Networker, just to name a few.
      Todd also hosts an internationally recognized weekly show called MLM Power Hour that he has been conducting for nearly ten years. Plug in every Monday Night at 5pm Pacific Time, by calling 206-701-8388, code 933095#. If you’d like to listen via the web, more details can be found at Todd Live.
      Todd’s candid, in-your-face approach to teaching success principles has captured the attention of literally tens of thousands of distributors worldwide who swear by his trainings and his “no frills” approach to teaching success. Todd is considered one of the hottest superstars in the training and developmental arena of network marketing.
      Todd is a husband to his wife Carla, and a father to his two boys Gianni and Joey. He’s a surfer, a skier, a golfer, and loves to fish and play in the outdoors.

    • April 12, 2011 2:24 AM PDT
    • Crawdads, Creek Rocks and Network Marketing

      Hey Tony, real good stuff, I actually really appreciated this post, and your analogy. I find myself telling people I know similar pieces of wisdom, and it almost always comes through. Its nice when the universe has some simultaneous activity that somehow completes a revelation for us.

      Made me remember roaming Matunuck beach for crabs with my brother.

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