Earn money while helping others. I have 4 different businesses w
My 1st business is not even an MLM: fdsp.webs.com but I will offered dealer pricing or commissions on sales. The main business activity going on now is emergency preparedness. You let me know that you wish to sell on the side & I'll set you up. There are no quotas. I do ask for a $12 charge because I'll be customizing a catalog to your specifications on what you want to show to potential buyers. I will be your drop shipper so you need not worry about carry stock on hand unless you wish to sell at a gun show (which is tops on my list), then its a hunting and fishing show, followed by a Home & Garden Show. I've been known to make $484 in sales within 2 days at a gun show in the past....never tried the others but I heard my co-dealers make a killing. The bigger and longer the event the better the outcome.
I'm part of a new cell provider. You can visit solavei.com/danielcastro If you don't join but help me enroll others I'll still pay you & if you should reach 16 enrollees I WILL PAY for the one time $49 membership for you.
I'm also part of the Infowars Business Team & you can visit fdsp.my90forlife.com We're called Youngevity & we're the 1st MLM company to have an FDA Health Claim. We've even sued the FDA (and lost) which shows how dedicated we are to fight BIG PHARMA & loosen the grip they have on sick people who are being taken advantage of.
The next & possibly last one is http://www.EPXProducts.com/fsy & I'm still really new to this one & I am currently trying out a sample product called EPX Body Restore. Now when I joined them they offered me 50 free MLM leads so that may happen for you as well. It shows that they do care about your success. I currently have a 17,000 lead list I've already used up 900 of them. So if you join on anyone of the above business I'll provide 10 free lead lists that I haven't used and relate to the industry you wish to join with me. If you don't get at least 3 people from the list & I see that you made at least 3 personal enrollments (whether it be preferred customer, customer, or a distributor). I will provide an extra 5 leads for free.