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    • April 17, 2009 2:52 AM PDT
    • Fountain of Life and VaNu

      I just submitted the information to the Npros Admin team yesterday about a company that is not new, it launched about 6 months ago, called Fountain of Life.  Based in Texas, Fountain of Life's cornerstone product is called VaNu.

      VaNu is an unique organic blend of the super-foods Acai, Cupuacu, Cacao (raw unprocessed chocholate), Camu Camu, and Goji.  Added to it to enhance the sweetness is raw agave nectar which provides a very low glycemic index.

      Now, I know that Acai products are popping-up everywhere but some of the things that I found unique about VaNu is the purity of their ingredients and their demand that sources be from organic growers that adhere to organic farming practices in order to preserve the environments that provide our ingredients and also following "Fair Trade" principles.

      VaNu uses only the purest and highest quality sources.   Along with using only the best ingredients, Fountain of Life's Project Amazon Life is returning the benefits of these amazing ingedients to the environments and the people who live in them.

      Another interesting note, since the launch of Fountain of Life and VaNU, many major professional atheletes have joined us to promote VaNu as customers and as distributors.  In fact, we've already been featured in two major sports publication including the March 2009 issue of Golf Digest.

      From the business aspect.  Fountain of Life has included something in their comp plan which I've not seen in my 20+ years on MLM and Network Marketing.  You many have always heard networking companies saying "Your in business for youself but not buy yourself".  Well anyone that's been in MLM for any length of time knows what that means.  For the most part, the company will let you buy their brochures and other marketing tools, but beyond that your really on your own.  It's a fact that MLM has a very high failure rate.  Many networkers simply feel that they're alone and just don't get what they feel they need to grow their business.

      Well Fountain of Life has changed that.  You really are not in business for yourself and neither am I.  Our comp plan has a feature that connects my success with yours.  When one person does well, all distibutors benefit financially.  As other downlines does mine.  All the leaders have a vested interest in making sure everyone grows a strong team no matter who's downline they're in just as each distributor benfits when others grow their teams.  At Fountain of life, we're all in this together.

      You can learn more about VaNu, Fountain of Life, our committment to the environment and the press releases showing the amazing acceptance of VaNu in the professional sports communities at my blog at

      I hope to have Fountain of Life and VaNu listed in the directory shortly but my blog has a great deal of information on it already.

      We're only a few months old but we're getting a lot of major sports coverage and very well known names behind us.  I'd welcome you to take a look at what I and Fountain of Life have to offer.


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