Getting Traffic to Your Website
Hi Everyone...Just wanted to share some information with you. Maybe save you a little time in the process.
I've been trying all sorts of traffic building resources that I imagine clog up your inbox like it does mine. I've tried a bunch of them. Today I looked at what was producing traffic and what was not. I create a Trim url for just about everything I do so I can track my link activity for my sites, affiliate programs, squidoo pages...everything. I wanted one place to look at what was getting traffic and what was not. So I use to do this. It's free, check it out. Also a great way to cloak your links.
So there are list builders and I use the standard ListJoe as well as viral URL. Those are safe bets as far as list builders go. I use them and promote them on my main site at
Then I started using other services...a lot of them. Here is what was actually creating traffic for me. All of these require that you view other member ad unless you are on a paid upgrade membership. You will need to determine what works best for you. What do you have more of...time or money. If you have the money to get the upgrades and buy more traffic, of course that is best. However, if you do not have the money to spend on the upgrade, you will need to block some time to view other member ads.
- MillionLeadsForFree - This one kinda surprised me. You need to log in and view 10 other posted ads. Then you are given 5000 credits to post your ad. Once a day. Thats it. Comes with a nice and simple html editor to create your ad. Its simple and I was surprised to see the traffic from this site. Copywriting a good headline is key.
- LinkReferral - This one is a bit more involved. You build credits by not only viewing other member sites but you have a list of tasks to maximize the value of your membership. You view 30 websites, give reviews of 5, select a favorite and make a post on the forum. Each part builds ad credits. The good part is that you see a lot of interesting sites and very few are MLM company sites or basic splash pages. There is even a social element as you send site evaluations back and forth and meet other site owners. Its sorta cool to help each other out. You can also pick catagories of interest like travel, pets, sports...all sorts of stuff.
- Traffic Bunnies - Huge surprise at the speed you get traffic and the amount. They make it fun to use...sort of a game. They also give you additional tools like the ability to create your own fun splash page for whatever site your promoting. This is one of mine HERE. You can have up to 5 sites and it creates a link that allows you to promote it anywhere. Post it on Twitter if you want....
The key to all of these is that you make it a part of your daily schedule and you commit to doing it. Block out some time and just sit down and do it. Be consistant and you will see results.
That reminds me...Twitter. If you're not using Twitter and building you community there you're missing a huge..massive...explosive resource. Its going to be much harder to build the longer you wait. Why do I say that..those of us that have been there are everywhere and new people will get caught somewhere in our network of followers. One cool thing about is when I do create a cloaked link there, its hooked up to my twitter so any time I create a new link to an affiliate product or create a new link to anything, I just hit tweet this link and it gets sent to everyone following me. I can also track how many views I get. Its not uncommon to have 10 or more views witin 5 minutes of creating a new link. Its about working smarter my friends.
Almost can find me on Twitter at dBroseGroup
One last thing. If your in MLM...please don't fall into the trap of using your company owned website to promote you and your business. Be creative and be an individual...not just another distributor. If nothing else, go to Squidoo and create a page about your business and promote that. You can always put a link to your company website on your Squidoo page. Thats always the last thing I do. Here's an example of my last Squidoo Page I created.
Ok, thats it. Hope it was helpfull. Thought maybe I could save you some time and frustrations.