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    • February 3, 2011 1:09 AM PST

       I became a distributor in January 2010, I faithfully used all the products and felt great for some time, in May I had my annual physical and was healthy. I started feeling tired around the end of May so I ordered the 21 Day Herbal Cleanse. I started the 21 Day cleanse the first week of June,
       following all label instructions to the letter as I did with all my Herbalife products. I woke up June 20, 2010 with chills and a high fever of 104.8 and severe abdominal pain. My wife wanted me to go to the emergency room but I told her it was probobly a bug and would pass, it did not and after three days of excruciating pain I went to the hospital. My colon was almost completely clogged and ruptured, I had emergency surgery to remove 90% of my colon and appendix. I woke up with a colostomy bag and spent almost a week in the hospital. I spent three months recovering from surgery, and then I had the remaining six inches on either end of my colon reconnected. I quit using Herbalife products after my first surgery as the shakes would bind me up, no matter how much water I drank, I would not have any bowel movement for days. I contacted Herbalife and was asked what products I had been taking, I gave a list of all products and lot numbers and expressed concerns that labels should state that products may not be safe for everybody and I could no longer sell a product that I felt was unsafe, Heralife offered to repurchase most of my products. I had a very bad experience with Herbalife products and could not recommend them to anyone. While I cannot prove the Herbalife products caused my colon to clog and rupture, I can say for a fact that I had a colonoscopy 18 months earlier and my colon was healthy. 
      Jeffrey Raum, Sharpsburg, Ga.

    • February 17, 2011 9:06 AM PST

      Oh gosh Jeffrey thank goodness you're ok, thank you for posting your story.

      When my daughter was a teenager in the late nineties she was dating this really sweet boy Chris, (who she ended up marrying and has 2 beautiful children with today.) that worked across from her store inside of the Emerald Square Mall where we used to live. She was working at the Silver Dragon I believe, and across from her was a Herbalife floor cart with weight loss tablets on display. I can't remember if they sold any other products back then, but Chris had a bit of a weight problem and began using their pills.

      He was dieting and exercising every day and really began to look fantastic, paying something like $26 a month for the product. He raved about them giving him energy and suppressing his appetite. I can't remember because it was a long time ago, but back then Ephedrine was popular in weight loss products and I think it was an ingredient in Herbalife weight loss pills, but I could be mistaken. Needless to say, Chris ended up passing out after about 3 months of use and staying in the hospital with severe liver problems. Now like you it was never exclusively proven that Herbalife pills were the cause, but Chris never had problems prior to taking them and never took them again.

      I don't know what to think about Herbalife, but I am not leaning in the direction of approval.

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