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    • January 28, 2013 12:21 AM PST
    • iLiving App Review

      “Getting invovled with the iliving app now might be your best idea ever”.

      The quote, "invovled" typo and all, from the iLiving App site.

      Eloquently put, but I beg to differ. My money, which will not be spent on the iLiving self help app, is on this MLM being shut down by the attorney general within three months after the launch date. The iliving app (Is it Iliving or iliving? It’s spelled both ways on the website- another indication of credible professionalism) makes no efforts to disguise the fact that it is in fact an MLM company of the most questionable kind. Should this be frowned upon or applauded, I’m not yet sure. They could be commended for giving potential consumers a fair warning, through the use of seemingly intentionally placed red flags, of the inherent scammyness that is the Iliving app. The landing page almost seems like a joke. If I were creating a fake company to educate people by highlighting the most obvious and common pitfalls of network marketing, I would have written the content in much the same way.

      I really can’t fault iLiving app for being brutally honest about the hard truths linked to potential pyramid schemes. If anyone is oblivious enough to go for something like this, shame on them. Whoever built the iLiving app webpage actually had the balls to include a picture of people in a pyramid to demonstrate how the compensation plan works. Most people know that’s how MLM companies operate, but to blatantly paste it on the front page of the company website seems brash, foolish, and almost comedic. Perhaps the web designer was playing a trick on them and no one at iLiving app is quite sure how to correct the errors. Although that would be strange for a company selling a product supposedly created by a successful tech guru.

      Its so easy! The writer, at the time of writing this, or by the time they wrote it, or during the time it took to write that?... Recruited 31 people! I bet by the time I’m done writing this, the number may have spiked to 33! Who wouldn’t want a mobile app backed by a scammy MLM that tells you how to live your personal and professional life? Who needs Siri. iPhone 5, watch out- iLiving app is here.

    • January 29, 2013 2:36 AM PST
    • iLiving App Review

      I have my eye on this one. Adding it to my Fantasy MLM Shut Down League.

      I haven't had an opportunity to really review their offering, but as far as I can tell it's $9.95 a month to get what...inspirational and motivational messages on my phone?

      Can't I get that for free by joining a few Twitter feeds?

      Let's see if I can read through their site and type at the same time ( I'm known for my walking and gum chewing skills too ).

      The iLiving App prelaunch is just 2 days away, scheduled for February 1st.  I am apparently now in the unique place of being one of the first to learn of a new, cutting edge mobile application. I'm going to have to disagree. Based on the amount of Facebook and email spam I've received, it would seem many others beat me to the kool-aid.

      The iLivingApp

      I must you give them credit for the heartwarming little jingle that plays along with their "Learn and Earn" commercial spot. Sadly, the commercial tells me how much I love it, but not exactly how they're going to deliver all this "personal enrichment, personal development, time management, wealth building" and even "Health!, Conflict Resolution, Leadership, Goal Setting, Family and SUCCESS!"

      I guess I must join to see how they are going to deliver all this touchy feely goodness to my mobile device.

      Having an understanding of the value of a valid contact list, including cell phone numbers, it is my humble opinion that anyone joining can expect to begin receiving awesome opportunity offers from auto-dialers sooner rather than later.

      The Compensation Plan

      The Mr. Rogers voice-over assures me with capitalized empasasis, that iLA WILL go viral.

      No barrier to entry. No risk. No recruiting requirements.

      Last time I checked, posting a payment to any company inherently involves the risk of getting shit-all in return.  Do I need to be a paying iLA App user in order to participate in the comp plan, or can I just refer millions through my billboard on Hollywood boulevard with my referral ID and URL in neon letter, and get paid for every enrollment?

      Uncle Bob

      The compensation plan posits a fictional Uncle Bob making $2,511.75 in a clear pyramid. I mean matrix. Hey, iLA, you might want to research how Attorney Generals feel about income claims.

      The more I watch this video, the more this deal just looks like a garage cash-gifting deal where the promise of an app and content is thrown in to make it appear legitimate.

      Look, I know I'm a pessimist about a lot of deals. So far, my pessimism has been focused pretty much in hte right direction. Right now my pessimism alarm is going off and I feel this is an extremely high risk deal. Does that mean this is definitely an iLivingApp Scam? I dunno.

      Must be Active Associate to Get Paid

      In order to be an active associate, you can join iLA as an associate for $9.95 a month, or refer to 'retail' customers who buy the app for $6.95 a month.

      Product Enrollment:

      With Free Enrollment::

      Weekly iLA video content, nothing else.

      As a retail customer:

      $6.95 a month. Access to content, but no access to matrix referral commissions.

      As an iLA Associate:

      $9.95 a month. All the bells and whistles.  Content, weekly iLA video content, access to commission matrix.

      Can't wait to see how this all plays out and the first reviews of the video content. With so much video content available on the Internet for everything from personal development to underwater basket weaving, I just don't see how the percieved value threshhold can be met with this one.





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