Isagenix Scam
Isagenix: Scam or Legit?
1) If you stop recruiting, you stop earning
2) Not FDA approved
3) Whole kitchen sink approach. Isagenix product claims it fixes EVERYTHING
1) Moneyback Guarantee
Isagenix: Scam or Legit?
1) If you stop recruiting, you stop earning
2) Not FDA approved
3) Whole kitchen sink approach. Isagenix product claims it fixes EVERYTHING
1) Moneyback Guarantee
Most of the complaints about Isagenix being a scam are either about recruiting, refunds or that the shakes taste foul and that it's really a starvation program, not a nutrition program.
For $150 a month you get the shakes. Almost every review I read says that once the person goes off the shakes ( and start eating real food again ) the weight just comes back. People might be better off investing in some real nutritional education and developing a healthy active lifestyle rather than counting on shakes and gimmicks to lose weight.
According to esimates, only about 3% of people involved in Isagenix actually make a profit from recruiting. Autoship will eat into most profits even if you do recruit someone, as you have to continue buying to stay qualified for commissions.
I don't understand why you have to keep buying a product to stay qualified. Why can't you just sell the product. Isn't that the way sales and commissions are supposed to work? That's the part I think makes people suspect the Isagenix scam and most other MLMs. Can you imagine being a sales rep for Hallmark Cards, and every month Hallmark sends you out to CVS and Thrifty and Rite Aid, but before they give you your commission you have to requalify by buying a case of cards to sell directly to your friends and family or use yourself. Doesn't make much sense, does it?
1) Moneyback Guarantee
NOPE. You may returne the shakes byut isagenix keeps your shipping & handling fees. Total bullshit.
I have been a Isagenix Dealer for over a year now. I didn't get into it for the business opportunity and haven't done anything with it. I got into it for the nutritional benefits. I have a rare metabolic disease called Mitochondrial Myopathy. There is no medical treatment for this disease. The only way to "treat" it is by consuming high quality nutrition. I take several of the products including shakes, Ionix, Cleanse and the ageless essentials ( which is an awesome product ). Since being on these products my energy has doubled and I'm able to do so much more. This time a year ago I spent most my time in bed. I feel like I can actually have a life now! I will NEVER stop taking the products!! As far as the business aspect, I think this is a hard product to sell in this economy. A lot of people just don't have the money. I have gotten into what I consider the perfect recession proof business - Energy, everyone uses it with out even thinking about it and the company is top notch. This is the smartest thing I've ever done!
Gimmicks, they're all gimmicks, in fact the best way to lose weight is to eat normal proportions, take your vitamins and exercise. The equation hasn't changed, and it never will, no matter whats in the shake, or how much it costs. The moneyback guarantee is a plus, I'll give them that much, but you wouldnt catch me running out and selling this fluff, nor will I be stuck with any shipping fees, screw Isagenix, its a scam, just like most of the others. One day I'll find a company in the nutritional and weight loss area that I think isn't pathetic.
Bill......we meet again (Darth Vader Voice)...
So you work with Ambit and you deal Isagenix? Uber!
So this stuff works good for you to huh? Damn, between you and Jacob I need to give this company another look. You said you deal Isagenix but also work for Ambit Energy, but that you didn't get involved for the business aspect. Have you had any success at all selling it? I personally think the nutritional market would be hard at this point since there is so much scammy stuff out there.
Yes Jacob, I am a city boy, but believe it or not there actually isn't a gym for about 40 miles, weird isn't it? You're alright, and I'm glad to see you kicked the Doritto habit, that kind of stuff is terrible for you, all GMO foods are.
Sorry to hear about your condition Bill, but since the ingredients in Isagenix products are reltively common, isn't there something more effective in the area of medication available at all? Like a super potent medical brand of vitamins or something?
Most of the complaints about Isagenix being a scam are either about recruiting, refunds or that the shakes taste foul and that it's really a starvation program, not a nutrition program.
For $150 a month you get the shakes. Almost every review I read says that once the person goes off the shakes ( and start eating real food again ) the weight just comes back. People might be better off investing in some real nutritional education and developing a healthy active lifestyle rather than counting on shakes and gimmicks to lose weight.
According to esimates, only about 3% of people involved in Isagenix actually make a profit from recruiting. Autoship will eat into most profits even if you do recruit someone, as you have to continue buying to stay qualified for commissions.
I don't understand why you have to keep buying a product to stay qualified. Why can't you just sell the product. Isn't that the way sales and commissions are supposed to work? That's the part I think makes people suspect the Isagenix scam and most other MLMs. Can you imagine being a sales rep for Hallmark Cards, and every month Hallmark sends you out to CVS and Thrifty and Rite Aid, but before they give you your commission you have to requalify by buying a case of cards to sell directly to your friends and family or use yourself. Doesn't make much sense, does it?
Great post! It's very nice. Thank you so much for your post.
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Most of them do just seem like cookie-cutter copies of some other company. Different product names. Different compensation plan. Same old story.
Yes, we meet again :-) This is actually Bill's wife replying to the Isagenix posts. I'm the one that has the metabolic disease and I got into Isagenix simply for the nutritional benefit. I haven't really done anything with the business. I have talked to people, but we live in a small town and most people just don't have money. Ambit is a much easier sell!! As you know Energy is something people use every day without even thinking about it and the monthly rebate check just blows them away.
As far as the ingredients in the products, not all vitamins are created equal. I have tried tons of different kinds and combinations, but Isagenix gathers their ingredients from the best purest sources all over the world and there really is a difference. There really is no medical treatment for this disease, even with the advances of modern medicine. I do get Carnitine ( which is a natural supplement ) through the pharmacy, but thats it. The rest is diet...weird I know. Isagenix is the most super potent stuff that I'm aware of!
Do you have a home business, or are you still looking?? Its hard to know what one to pick, there are soooooo many out there and of course they all sing their praises :-) Niki
I agree with you that you should't have to keep buying to stay qualified. Thats really not any way to run a business. Because I take so much of the product I personally have no problem. I'm sure others do though. I'm really surprised that people are complaining about the taste of the shakes! I think they are the best shakes I've ever had - compared to other protien shakes. Everyone I know that takes them loves them!
To maintain your wieght after going off the shakes, obviously you can't go back to eating whatever foods that got you in the need for a weight loss program in the first place! You must eat sensible.....
Yall are a batch of tough ones If I've ever seen them. There are a ton of MLM products and companies and a greater majority of them really do walk the line of BS and truth, but I can tell you with first hand experience that Isagenix is the real deal, and there is no Isagenix scam. I was having chronic health problems ranging from weight, heart, my energy was low, and even my mood was amiss for the kind of life I need to live, I got kids man.
I've been an auto mechanic for 10 years and got used to missing meals, or eating garbage snacks all the time like Dorritos and other treats, I began to develop sleeping problems also. I wasn't all that easy going and would stress over the least little thing, even my youngest son asking me to play with him when I got home. I tried diets, I tried vitamins, I tried going to the doctor, whose only advice was to diet and take a multi-vitamin.
What I began to notice was that the worse I would feel, the worse I would treat myself physically, and I was unable to stop the cycle. One day I got back from workin and my wife had a package on the table and asked me to sit down and check it out. It was a 9-day supply of Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System. I protested at first and gave her some lip and told her Isagenix is a scam. None the less, I was really strapped for an answer so I gave it a shot, and lost eleven pounds in the first 10 days. It basically helps cleanse your system while infusing your body with nutrients causing you to lose weight and start to feel a hell of alot better.
My wife had already researched it online having put in the usual terms, Isagenix ingredients, Isagenix scam, Isagenix hoax, but in the end she was still convinced it was perfect for me. Now at 38, I'm 6'1" 170 pounds more fit than I have been in years, I feel great, I sleep well and my kids don't think I'm a "Grumpy Guss".
Now for the big ole kicker...I have become a rep and I'm raking in an extra $250 a month, which means a few less hours in the shop for me. I won't lie to you, the price is a bit noticeable, but this product has really changed things for the better in my life and I want you guys to please give it a try before you think its a scam, I promise you its not.
Congratulations to Jacob and to Bill for getting healthier bodies, I am happy for both of you. I am not so sure it is Isagenix shakes but your effort after all. I haven't tried Isagenix, but I wanted to ask if they were all natural? Does this product contain any chemicals, such as preservative? If so, you should research the effect of preservatives on the body. Otherwise, it sounds like Isagenix is a very good business opportunity, with many people like yourselves having such great success!
Peace to you.
Sup Jacob, First I want to say that I think it kicks ass that you got some results simply for the sake of your health and family, so cheers on your improvements bro. I mean no disrespect but you could very well be an Isagenix rep here to spread a little mischief, I mean we wouldn't know the difference. Out of respect for you, I'm going to suggest that what you did was stop eating shit. No offense, I don't mean that in a mean way, but Dorritos? seriously? I stopped eating stuff like that when I was 14 dude lol. If you eat stuff like that its going to make you feel like crap without a doubt.
I figure (assuming you really are a legitimate user of Isagenix) that you felt terrible, realized you needed to make some changes and went all out eating some better foods and grabbing some exercise. I am into the health scene a fair amount, and it didn't sound like you maybe had much experience with fitness and healthy eating before, which is cool, alot of people don't get the privilege of learning that stuff, so again I mean no disrespect. You are now naturally feeling better and watching the pounds drop, on an endorphin high from the exercising and feel as though Isagenix saved your life..right?
Know what I think? I think Jacob Tiller saved his own life by eating good and taking care of himself the way he was supposed to. I think Isagenix is little more than a placebo with some colon cleansing ingredients, sugar, and whatever other bizarre ingredients they found in there. This is how these products work my man, its never the product its just you. They appeal to your needs before you begin the change, and they utilize your excitement when you see your own results, making you feel as though the product works.
You say you're making a couple hundred bucks selling the stuff, well that's cool, but how long have you been selling it? How many hours are you dedicating to finding buyers? How much are you paying for your supply and how do you feel about the compensation plan overall, is it working for you enough to recommend that other people put their hard earned money into investing in it.?
I'm not trying to just dump on the company for no reason, but I do feel Isagenix is a scam, and that companies like this simply feed on the hard work of individuals like you, because you aren't aware that you did the work yourself, make sense? I apologize if that sounds disrespectful, I don't mean for it to, but that's how I feel.
This falls in line with a somewhat popular formula that has been around for ages. I can't say if Slim Fast was the first, but the principle really hasn't changed. Originally, Slim Fast hit the market over 25 years ago, and they nabbed Tommy lasorda to do promos for it, which made it super popular in the 80s. People have basically known next to nothing about nutrition until the last 100 years or so, and even the last 20 years has revealed a lot. These companies simply study the average consumer and learn what makes them hungry, what they want to eat, and how to get as close to giving it to them without going over the daily allowance of calories and carbs that determine whether or not you gain wait. They really aren't blatant scams exactly, they're just unnecessary because losing weight is a simple formula, it always has been and always will be. It takes effort, and self control.
Isagenix is ultimately just another slim fast clone, maybe with newer ingredients, but using the same formula; "Here is what your body needs, covered in yummy chocolate." Honestly, you can't knock the effort, because a major contributor to the way so many Americans eat is a busy schedule and lack of convenience. You want to get up earlier before work to make the salad you should eat for lunch, or you want to pop a dollar in a machine and grab some delicious ready-made cheddar sun chips? Isagenix gives you something you can just stick in your briefcase, just like Slim-Fast did, and if you follow their guidelines, which are the well known universal ones disguised as a secret, special, impossible to duplicate, impossible to get fat on unless you're a slug guidelines, you will lose weight.
So it becomes a matter of taste, cost, and convenience. Just my 2 cents.
Well as I said, I am an Isagenix rep now Rick, but I know how you meant it. I came to defend this organization and give my 2 cents about it more as user of the product than to tell you to get involved, but see, I can't tell you that you shouldn't try it as a consumer or a distributor, because it has done wonders for me. If it helps to prove my sincerity, I'm not trying to down any other companies or tell you that Isagenix is the only for yall to try, I'm just tryin to let everybody know that you can succeed in getting healthy and making a little extra money. I did save my own life sir, I will agree there, but Isagenix made it more convenient for me than trying to make a home gym and watch some lengthy exercise tapes. Try fitting a gym in your schedule when the closest one is 60 miles away. I'm guessing you are a city boy am I right?
Man I envy ya because we have miles and miles of nothing out here and sometimes trying to get small things accomplished turns into an all day thing. Isagenix was delivered to me, and I lack no space for walkin thats for dang sure. The supplements provided me simple things for simple problems, helped clean me out and get rid of cravings for certain foods. Yall don't know how bad you feel physically until you dump the smokes, beers and whatever other unhealthy things you hold onto, but you got to do something cause your kids need ya. As for making money, its slowly growing every day, out here we have a serious epidemic, don't let the statistics fool ya, people in the country are just as overweight and unfit as anyone else because its harder and harder to do the things we used to with this current economy. Four wheelin, paintball, hunting and fishing can be expensive, and I can tell you none of the folks out here want to hike since we have to do that just to go to the dang store. Its all about video games, movies, and television shows now until things are a bit more affordable for many people.
You seem like a social guy, do you participate in selling any products for a company, and if so, which one? I like my company a lot, it puts food on the table, keeps my belly down and my heart pumping, not to mention my wife gladly taken all the credit for curing me of my Doritto habit.
Best of luck to you all.
I feel the problem is most people are only associating Isagenix with weight loss. Because of my metabolic disease ( Mitochondria Myopathy ) I have higher nutritional requirements then the average person. I am in Isagenix only for my personal needs and have really not done anything with the business. I have never been over weight and therefore don't take Isagenix for weight loss. Since being on the products my energy & well being have improved a remarkablyl. In my experience their is no product that can compare to the Isagenix products including slim fast. My cousin is a wrestling coach and takes only the Ionix Supreme and no other Isagenix products. He has been trying to get the whole wrestling team to take it becuase of how much energy its given him. In my opinion, Slim Fast isn't even in the same nutritional category.......but thats just my 2 cents :-)
Hi Niki, you're probably right about it being superior to Slim Fast, and if Isagenix is not specifically a weight loss product, I apologize for the assumption. I think its fantastic that you're getting everything you need in order to combat your disorder with a shake, that definitely beats the hell out of medications if they had any that helped. Slim fast really isn't particularly healthy, so I guess my comparison was more in regard to the business behind it, but just about anything is better for you than Slim Fast. I lose myself a bit on these forums and especially lately, I can be a little ignorant only to come back and apologize the next day for some aspect of what I said....:p
I stand by what I say when it comes to these companies, in that I feel they are overpriced, (come on you have to agree with me on that one) gimmicky, and sometimes fail to live up to their own hype, but at the same time, I haven't tried this product, and it may very well do what they say it does, and you certainly seem pretty easy going and honest, and they are helping you. How you can afford it at $175 is beyond me, but I suppose if it has every vitamin you could possibly need, you might pay the same for vitamins separately, I know my fiance and I spend close to 25 a month for ours.
In any event, thank you for your 2 cents. How does this product taste anyway?
Have you watched the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead? it's a juicing diet. The man that made the movie has metabolic disease. so does the other guy weighed in @350lb. Isagenix is bad for you, if you overdose on vitamins in the program and you died you would not be able to sue them. If you get cancer years down the road, how will you know if it was the Isagenix. Food is for me. I was homeless for 1.5 yrs and lost alot of weight, I couldn't eat anything that needed refrigeration. ie: milk, butter, ice cream, eggs, cheese, sour cream. usually ate at Burger King and I ate donuts and cereal for breakfast w/a pint of milk.
Hi Wallace, I know what you mean about getting carried away on these things! Now I'm thinking that I gave the wrong impression :-) Most people probably do take Isagenix products for weight loss, but for me its just the nutrition. I absolutely agree with you - they are way over priced! Medical Insurance doesn't cover my supplements of course, so what I spend to keep myself as healthy as possible does take a toll. I take way more then just the shake. I also take the cleanse, Ionix Supreme and the new Ageless Essentials Vitamin Packs. The vitamin packs actually save me money because its a combo of several different products.
I mentioned before I don't actively do much with the business. The cost is a big obstacle, but I do have a couple friends that take it. I don't know if you are looking for something to do at home, but if you are you should really check out Ambit Energy. We have a small construction company, a sub-division bought right when housing crashed and some rentals and other real estate. We became Consultants for Ambit because we were hurting with this economy. Energy just made sence because everyone uses it even during a recession. Ambit gives a guaranteed savings, travel points and more. They were just named the #1 Fastest Growing Company in America by Inc 500 and they are rated A with the BBB. They operate in NY, Texas, Maryland, Illinois and PA. Sorry, I'm just throwing that out there! If you want to check it out our website is I'm still tweaking the website....
Oh, and I don't like the Vanilla shake, but the chocolate is awesome. Its the best protien type shake I've ever tried. The liquid Ionix and cleanse are pretty gross, but you can put them in juice. When you are almost bedridden and can hardly even talk, you will take anything to make yourself better no matter how nasty it tastes! LOL I try not to pay attention to what I spend, but I'm wondering what your looking at thats $175? The weight loss system pack is $300 for a 30 day supply - yeah, I know! That comes with snacks and an accelerator - stuff I don't take. I also only take 1 shake a day instead of the 2 the system provides for....
Isagenix has many different product lines and an extremely popular one is their 30 day cleansing and fat burning system. Full details and testimonials obviously can be found at my site
Look, listen and watch the results that people have achieved on this program. See the before and after pictures, especially of those that win the Isa-Body Challenge. Truly life changing experiences.
The acclaimed 30-Day System Reach Your Ideal Weight and Reclaim Your Youthful Vitality has changed peoples lives. This cleansing and fat burning “starter pak” is ideal for those individuals who want to lose weight using a long-term, flexible program. The system is a ground-breaking path to healthy weight loss and designed to gently rid the body of potentially harmful impurities, while infusing it with essential vitamins, botanicals and other natural ingredients to help shed pounds naturally without the use of laxatives, stimulants or diuretics. Each pack is a full 30-day supply. Stimulant-free. You may experience: •Energy boost •Consistent weight loss over time •Reduced cravings for unhealthy food •Improved muscle tone •Balanced digestion just to name a few things.
Depending on your goals you can continue on the 30 day system or use their 9 day program, or develop your own system based on the products that you enjoyed the most or saw the most results with. There are many many products to choose from and many people actually cross and mix product lines once they have achieved their desired goals.
The Isalean Shake (and so does the cleanse really) gets a great deal of notoriety. The Isalean Shake is a balanced 240-calorie, meal replacement clinically shown to support healthy weight loss and lean muscle growth with 24 g of high-quality protein. 23 vitamins and minerals, protein, energy-fueling carbs, and good fats, high-fiber content and active enzymes that aid digestion. This is just one part of the process, but it gets a tremendous amount of press.
There is so much more to their 30 day cleanse and fat burning system that you can see at my site: and there are many videos on there that you can watch today under the Isamovie tab and into the weightloss category. They are there for you to learn and enjoy for free.
If after watching the videos or looking at all the weight loss products, things interest you or if you have questions, email me through my site or call my 24hr message center at 732-298-6010. Wishing you all the best as always, Anthony
This article was published on 15.03.2016 by Anthony Lombardo
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