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    • April 28, 2011 12:30 AM PDT
    • ACN Reviews

      So with the recent ACN forum activity, I thought I might take a peek a various ACN reviews across the Internet, and I don't think things look all that great. The sad thing is, somehow, if I didn't know any better, and I looked at the package, the company's appearance, and what they claim to provide, I'd have thought they looked like a really great company. Hell I even like the logo presentation. American Communications Network Inc. is basically a telecommunications company that provides, well, telecommunications. They are stationed in North Carolina where they provide telephone service, high speed Internet, video phone and evidently home security. The company was founded by Greg Provenzano, Mike Cupisz, Robert Stevanovski, and Tony Cupisz. Anyone familiar with these guys can basically tell they have got some collateral, so its hard for me to really understand what the cause is for the common and ever increasing angry ACN review. What I mean is, some of the complaints are so numerous that there just HAS to be truth to them.

      If you still cant see what I'm getting at, consider Bill Gates and Microsoft. Say what you want about Vista, it was definitely a pain in the ass, but what if it was far worse than it was? What if it didn't do half of what it claimed? You'd be dumb founded as to why one of the richest individuals in the world would have his company produce a terrible product, and not care, then give you a real hard time trying to get a refund, or outright deny you. Well, ACN is no Microsoft, nor are the founders in the same world as Bill Gates, but the formula is the same. Why did ACN turn out to piss so many people off and appear kind of sucky? Before I get into all the sucky things floating around the Internet, I want to point out that they have an A rating with the BBB, and although that doesn't always mean everything, it certainly means something. They're also a member of the Direct Sellers Association, and that group does have some noteworthy standards. The other thing is, they do seem to be staying afloat, though I'm not certain how well its doing, it says alot in an the mlm industry.

      Now to be honest, if you can't already tell, I'm not really qualified to rate a comp plan, I haven't participated in any mlms, let alone enough to compare more than one, but I can say in a review whether or not I would. New ACN representatives are awarded with two starter levels; Customer Representative and Team Trainer. There are also three earned levels; An Executive Team Trainer, A Team Coordinator, and a Regional Vice President. You pay a one-time training and application fee of 99 bucks, but if you want the Team Trainer package, I hope you have the $499 they want for it. Like other mlm comp plans they have a point system and a title hierarchy, like if you want to be an Executive Team Trainer, you need to yield 20 personal billing customers while having also directly sponsored and qualified three Team Trainers. That means helping each of them acquire six long distance customers or eight customers using any ACN service within the specified time.

      Probably sounds easy, but one of the biggest complaints that pops up on the Internet is that you bust your ass juggling all these deals, taking calls, attending meetings, and keeping busier than McDonald's employee, only that employee makes more money and makes it more consistently. Obviously its not fair to judge that based on only the negative, but it seems like all the positive reviews only come from articles written by highly biased individuals. Another issue is the quality of their products, starting with the ACN video phone. The point has been made over and over again; who uses a video phone other than another ACN rep? What's wrong with the phone you already have and pay some hefty fees for? To add to the already irritable state of ACN reviews, the phone is said to have horrible picture, and an equally horrible connection quality, then finally to top it all off, if you leave or cancel, you're stuck with the phone, and it won't work without their service, which you need to be a member to "enjoy". See the issue?

      Another complaint is that some ACN reps (not all of them obviously) have all but stalked and harrassed some people in an attempt at getting them involved with the company. Now in mentioning this, I'm merely pointing out that something is off somewhere. That kind of behaviour is likely not suggested by ACN, but is there maybe a lack of compensation, a dealine, something in particular that makes some of them go that far? Is it just bad luck that ACN managed to hire a portion of the world's sales psychos? It's tough to say, but if the work vs payout is as bad as many people say, maybe that's the problem. Though, it must be said that a sane person would leave the company before resorting to those kinds of tactics.

      Finally, there is the management. What is the biggest most important part of a company's structure when it comes to decision making, planning and direction? The guys in charge right? If the guys in charge could care less to run a competent customer service that actually returns your calls, and doesn't refund you your money for a useless phone, what does that really say? I think the concept of what they offer is great, business all over the world may understand their products, their goals and the market in which they're entering, but what if they have no idea how to set up their technical business network, with office lines, customer service etc. Who would you hire? ACN if only they were awesome. Ultimately, I really don't know where ACN stands, if there were only a few complaints covering these categories, I might not have thought much about them, but there are quite a few, and I find it even more puzzling since as far as I can tell, the founders aren't known cons.

    • May 5, 2011 3:43 AM PDT
    • ACN Reviews

      This is hardly a review Wallace, I'd have expected a bit more from you. In fact I find it a bit unusual that you are reviewing a company at all really, its not like you're a member, you openly admit that you aren't qualified to rate a comp plan, which I assume is because you really don't understand them. Well a comp plan is kind of half the cake isn't it W? If you can't do that, why are you writing a review at all? Even when you aren't saying something is good or bad, your tone and writing barely masks your sarcasm, and a truly unbiased review wouldn't do that, it would simply discuss the facts. This is not your cousin Larry's shampoo mlm, so you won't be paying a $29.99 entry fee, this is serious business, this is work for motivated entreprenuers, so you will be paying $499 in hopes of making 400k, get it? The concept that the phone is useless has been floating around for 3 years now, and its false. The phone works beautifully, it is geared for business, your ACN business, its designed to work in conjuction with your ACN network, and that is stated in the contract. You by a cupcake and take a bite, decide you don't like it, and attempt to bring it back to the bakery, well guess what bubba, they won't refund your money. They would go broke every time some loafer decided they couldn't hack doing real work and wanted their investment back. Everybody wants to make a million bucks, yet few can get past the 3 year mark of dedication.

      ps..Have you actually tried the customer service department? Go ahead and call ACN 877-226-1010, just ask for some information, see how fast, and how eager ACN associates are to help you, then write a review, when you actually know a little about what you're talking about.

    • May 26, 2011 11:18 PM PDT
    • ACN Reviews

      lol, good grief, I must have hit a nerve on this one. You're right about a couple things my good man; I've never participated in an mlm. I've touched on my reasons why in a few posts already, but in a nutshell; I'm not the kind of guy that they require. I at least like to think of myself as a decent guy, quiet; as hard as that may be to believe. I have a severe dislike for sales people of any kind. When I'm in a store, I'm pretty irritated that sooner or later someone is going to ask if they can help me. I won't show it of course, but that's how I'm feeling. It is, of course; not the salesperson's fault, its the culture that insists he is needed. Its an impatient culture that is incapable of having direction, knowing what it wants, and where it will most likely be. So when I enter a store, I am automatically categorized as needing some type of assistance. Call me grumpy if you like, but that's me. My personality would never mesh with most mlm requirements that would guarantee success. I'm not pushy, particularly social, or interested in giving presentations. I think that could change under the right conditions, the right product, and the right kind of situation, but that has yet to be manifested.

      My sarcasm toward ACN is my business. This isn't a professional review, this is just some guy on a forum sharing his research, so if you're pissy over what I said, blame the Internet community, since that's where I get my information from. I have multiple sources telling me why ACN is a bad idea, and that the phone is crap, vs a manipulative ACN rep whose tone and writing barely masks his intent....

      You mention that ACN is work for serious entrepreneurs, everyone is serious, "bubba". From what I have seen, and not experienced firsthand as you have rightfully pointed out; is that there are two kinds of people in this racket. Those under the right conditions and with the know how, and those that don't know what their doing, have a tough mold to break out of and fail. You know what they both have in common? They both likely tried pretty damn hard, with the smarter one taking the finish line. Sure there are the loafers that like the idea of an mlm, and the idea of the job, but don't actually try very hard, so they fail, but that doesn't mean every single person with nothing but bad things to say about your precious ACN is in that category.

      Judge much?

      You'll find that when ACN's online reputation improves, the tone of my reviews will improve with it, and I will do the very same thing I have done thus far; reflect what is already there. So don't get ruffled feathers just because I wrote a review you didn't like. Do something to improve your employer instead lol


    • November 23, 2011 1:33 PM PST
    • ACN Reviews

      Our first experience with a voip 6 years ago was excellent. When we moved we easily cancelled and started with another voip in another town. Two years ago we tried the ACN video phone. You know, so the grand kids can see Grandma & Grandpa. So we thought why not? Two year contract seemed a little over the top, but we thought why not. Then came the crappy phone with a cord! The pathetic little screen, poor quality. No other voip caused problems with our wireless network, but ACN messed up our wireless network, poor customer service, no pro-rated end of contract, so they sucked us in for another full month and then another $15.54 transfer fee to port our number to another voip. The new company you can cancel at any time. 

    • May 31, 2011 2:45 AM PDT
    • ACN Reviews

      You hit a nerve alright friend. ACN representatives will never let anyone slander or post misleading things about ACN and we will always answer the call when needed. My feathers can take much more than that before I legally consider them ruffled. I am a man of truth, and what I say about ACN reflects that completely. Your information is absolutely, without doubt, bogus. I take offense to your opinions not because they are your opinions but because you are attempting to review something that you have no experience with whatsoever. I'm trying to understand how you think using the Internet as a way to tell if your grits are done or not is a good idea. Let me tell you that if everyone in the world formed their opinions the way you do, then one negative opinion could potentially get a man killed. I've gone through the entire slough of bad statements ranging from our comp plan, to the videophone and all you people continue to do is talk about the same rumors. What gives? I'm not here to lie to you all, If I tell you a hen dips snuff, you can look under her wing. Please do some real research instead of amassing like a bunch of hecklers to gossip about rumors and lies. Not many things in this world are perfect, but ACN is pretty darn close as far as mlms go and you can't go wrong if you apply just half a drop of sweat.

    • June 1, 2011 5:26 AM PDT
    • ACN Reviews

      Listen, if you're making a killing with ACN and you're thriving, good for you. I don't know what your deal is but you still seem to be holding me personally responsible for the reputation your company has on the Internet. I have no interest in "slandering" ACN, and aside from the hard work and dedication of some or many of your reps, I could care less whether ACN reaches Bill Gates profits or swirls down the mlm failure toilet. Its completely irrelevant to me. I just study what's on the Internet, and chat about it here. I use the word "review" because I'm trying to give people the basic run down about a company and show them how it has been received publicly. Nothing more. I'm not a columnist, I'm not a news caster, I have the right to say whatever I want within the guidelines and rules of this forum, if you don't like it, too bad. I'm going to continue doing my best to talk about what I find interesting, whether it be ACN, Ardyss, or McDonalds. If that's going to be hard for you than either stop playing, or take your heart pills before logging on.

    • November 1, 2013 12:22 PM PDT
    • ACN Reviews

      If You are curious or want to know why an ACN RVP, CIRCLE OF CHAMPIONS, 7 Figure Income Earner, who was featured on the cover of SUCCESS Magazine, walked away from more than a Million Dollar a year Income, leaving ACN, Joining a 17 month old company already in 17 countries, Visit my website because you might discover his Why. Go To:


      Thank You,



    • November 3, 2013 6:46 AM PST
    • ACN Reviews

      Thomas Commiskey said:

      If You are curious or want to know why an ACN RVP, CIRCLE OF CHAMPIONS, 7 Figure Income Earner, who was featured on the cover of SUCCESS Magazine, 



      Hi Thomas, I believe SUCCESS Magazine is a pay to play advertorial publication. Not sure if the cover works the same way as the featured companies though.

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