I've heard quite a few bad things about ACN, not just from Internet sources, complaints and review sites either but from a friend of mine who tried the system out when he got back from Colorado and needed to establish a financial base. He actually studied the company and its comp plan for awhile and figured it would be a good idea, and I told him I had come across countless complaints, and to choose another. I explained to him that its relatively normal for all MLM companies to be accused of unlawful practices to some extent because there is always a bitter person who couldn't make it, but that there was definitely grounds for the term "ACN scam". He swore up and down that he was all set and there was no ACN scam, not knowing he'd be left with a $1188 bill! I told him from the beginning you're better off with many other choices, especially with his knowledge of nutrition and athletic appearance, but he was really stuck on this.
He went on and on about how ACN is going to be the premiere American communications network, and that its not a scam (I was weirded out by the way he put it, almost seemed like someone had convinced him and he wouldn't admit it), and that they offered "quality communications" that if demonstrated properly to prospective customers; can make you rich. By this time I pretty much figured out he had already signed up and had been brainwashed by someone at ACN, but was fairly disappointed because I never knew him as a guy who didn't read between the lines, or be easily swindled, I'm still a bit perplexed about it to this day.
ACN is a scam, plain and simple. Just type "ACN Scam" on your search engine and read all the experiences that pop up. The easiest way to gauge a company that pulls crap like this is to single out the ones that make you pay to join them, that's pretty much a no brainer for me. They socked my buddy for the remainder of his bank account while he had no home, no apartment, no base of operations because he assumed he would have no problem recruiting. Well exactly how do you do that when you don't know anyone in the area you moved to? I'm the first to admit that my buddy is almost solely to blame as far as making bad choices go, but when he went to pull the plug, ACN took over and made sure he wasn't getting his money back, and not by hiding behind small print either, this is actually blatant.
He paid a full $500 to join up with the company, and like the poster above, also added a "Demo" account as well, which they said would be no charge whatsoever, of course that was never stated on paper, and I got on him about that at the time. He got charged $543 as his first bill, and of course even though he was staying in a mutual friend's apartment, he also agreed to consider starting a land line which cost $25 a month. Instead of 80, he was charged $120 for voip boxes and then a week later gets a new invoice saying he owed $500, as if he somehow opened two active accounts! By this time he was furious and canceled, unfortunately for him, he did sign a contract with ACN, but he read very carefully and swears to me that he knew what he was signing. Like the poster above, he insisted his apps be faxed over, and sure enough, the forms were completely different yet his signature was added to documents he didn't sign.
So simple a scam, and yet very effective when used against people with no money for a lawyer....
the ACN scam.
My friend hasn't received a dime, and he already paid.