Once again, I have to take the time as a proud American Communications Network Representative, and correct a bunch of individuals whom seem to have taken it upon themselves to discuss a product that none of them have actually used. I myself can tell you just how much information there is all over the Internet about alot of things, but you can't simply believe everything you read. The problems reported with the Iris 3000 are simply false. This is something that was started by the same deviants who want to see ACN fail. Once you realize you can't say anything bad about the company without us patriots coming out to defend, you move on to attack the phone. Well you know what buddy, you're all wrong about that too!
The Iris 3000 is a fantastic device, with a fully interactive interface, a sleek, aerodynamic design, and excellent electronics quality. There are numerous things said about this phone that are simply not true, and often privy to the quality of phone carrier, and the common sense of the user. I am quite frankly; sick and tired of people using the complaints of others, to gauge an experience. Exactly how well do you think you can interpret someone else's experience, no matter how vicariously you try? You can't, not when it comes to a piece of high tech electronic equipment. ACN's videophone is an SIP device manufactured by UMEC, and features a CMOS Camera, 7-inch screen, a photo frame, and a 56k phone jack which allows you to connect it to a cordless telephone allowing you mobility. It also takes advantage of your high speed Internet connection, adding another good reason to have one. One advantage to this device is that you can see the person you're talking to in real time, and it doesn't require any technical know how, its just as simple as using a regular phone. You can also project whatever you have on the Iris 3000's screen onto a larger display, a computer, or via a projection device.
How fun would it be to leave a video message instead of a voice message for those times you aren't home? You're also free to check your messages from anywhere in the world over another telephone, or from any computer. The phone also allows you to upload photos, power point presentations, and anything else which includes imaging via a USB drive. This phone does everything, and there is no truth at all to the rumors about it's picture quality, sound, or the popular lie that it can't be used with non ACN phone contacts. Yes it is true that unless someone else has a videophone, you can't utilize some of the features, but doesn't that fall into the common sense category? How is someone with a state of the art ACN videophone going to see you if you're on an ancient rotary phone with no cam? That is the source of the rumor everyone seems to spread, and there is no truth to the rumor whatsoever.
Another rumor involves picture quality and sound quality, more specifically, that they lack, and that is also a myth. Let me explain a few things for people that don't understand the factor that goes into this kind of thing. Lets say you want to get on a web cam with your uncle Vincent, and whenever you do, you notice it looks choppy, with poor frame rates, and the sound sometimes lags behind the image, or vice versa. This is because of your Internet connection, or your uncle's, not the web cam. Maybe you only have 56k, or maybe you are downloading some seriously hefty bandwidth's, but rest assured, that's the cause. Next thing you know, you take the cam back to the store, and get a refund, then you fill out a survey saying how much the cam sucks, spreading disinformation, simply because you didn't understand the factors in your experience. Now some guy we'll call Bob, no, how about we call him Jacob; reads all these posts and feedback complaints about that same web cam, and decides to tell others how crappy the cam is. Meanwhile ten other people just like him believe what he posts, and sales go down for the cam, and it gets a bad reputation. I'm sure you see where I'm going.
The ACN Iris 3000 is a magnificent device, and I assure you, you will not be disappointed in the company, or the videophone.