Mandura TRIM
Americans are Overweight.
No, let's be honest, we're FAT!
Currently, close to 74% of ALL American Adults are
Overweight, Obese or Extremely Obese!
In spite of all those:
* exercise programs,
* expensive diet plans,
* overpriced and dusty weight-loss equipment, and
* organic food we buy
We're still gaining Weight!
While diet and exercise can take many most of the way, most of us need a push over the 'hump' to our ideal weight.
Mandura, the International Leader in Nutritional and Diet Supplements introduces TRIM.
In a 60 day Double-blind, placebo-controlled test,
The Mandura Trim group:
• Lost 21.5 pounds of body fat in 8 weeks
• Lost 3.96 inches off their waist
• Lost 3.28 inches off their hips
• Lost 1.2 inches off each thigh
• Reduced leptin levels by 42%
• Had a 90% greater fat loss than the placebo group
Mandura Trim isn't another generic weight-loss supplement
that boosts your metabolism with potentially harmful side
effects, or that unnaturally suppresses your appetite and
causes weight-loss through starvation!
that boosts your metabolism with potentially harmful side
effects, or that unnaturally suppresses your appetite and
causes weight-loss through starvation!
body uses to let the brain know when you're full. Instead of
tricking your body, Trim lets your body function as it should.
Safe, Natural, and PROVEN.
FInd out more at:
Jon R. Patrick
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