Adaptogens and MLM: What are Adaptogens?
So there's been a lot of buzz about "adaptogens" lately, and many MLM companies have been jumping on the adaptogen bandwagon, such as EPXBody and Adaptogenix. All of these companies make Adaptogenic plants sound like miracle herbs, so I decided to do a little research of my own, and figured I would share my results here.
First of all, every source I could find about adaptogens stated that in order to be considered an adaptogen, an herb had to meet three requirements. The first was that it must not be toxic to the user, and one site even added, "at least in any reasonable amount." Well, that's very comforting, considering I couldn't find anywhere what a toxic or non-toxic dose of adaptogens might be.
The second requirement is that the herb must generate a nonspecific response. In other words, the herb creates a response that affects the entire body, not just one specific region.
The last requirement for an herb to meet to be considered an adaptogen is that it must help to create a balance or equilibrium in the body, and aid in reaching homeostasis.
Adaptogens have apparently been used for hundreds of years, by many different cultures from ancient Chinese to many various european cultures.
Basically what all of these advocates of adaptogens are saying is that taking adaptogens helps your body maintain homeostasis, which will allow the body to more easily cope with everyday stresses that occur. Many sources say that adaptogens are very rich in antioxidants, so they can also help reduce the risk of heart disease. Some people also claim that taking adaptogens can help treat diseases such as Parkinson's, and even cancer, although I couldn't find any research that gave credit to these claims.
However, as far as the claims about adaptogens helping the body cope with daily stress and changes, there is a very long list of studies done, some starting in the 1940's, that support these ideas. From the amount of studies and people who say that adaptogens really do work, you have to give credit to the fact that they either really do affect your body and help you mental and physical performance as well as helping prevent diseases, or the people in the studies simply felt better because they were told they were supposed to if they took the herbs. One of the main purposes of adaptogens is to make a person feel better, healthier, and more relaxed, so no matter which case is true, adaptogens seem to be doing what they are meant to.
If anyone else has different or new information about adaptogens, or have an opinion to share, please comment.