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    • February 20, 2011 1:07 AM PST
    • Advocare 24 Day Challenge

      The Advocare 24 Day Challenge is Advocares amazing program to help you lean out and tone up in less than a month.

      The Advocare 24 Day Challenge is different because it doesn't just help you lose the weight, it helps you develop the important skills to keep the weight off through nutritional and supplementation.

      The average person loses 8 - 10 pounds in their first 24 days. The program is not a diet - it's not an eat less program that leaves you feeling tired and hungry, it instead focuses on feeding your body the quality healthy nutrients it needs to feed muscle and starve unwanted fat.

      If you've already tried the 24 Day Challenge you know that it incorporates a well balanced diet with excercise and Advocare nutritional products. The only cost is the price for hte Advocare nutritional supplements.

      If you have already tried the challenge, please post your results here.

    • February 20, 2011 5:54 AM PST
    • Advocare 24 Day Challenge

      Hello to you AdvoRep, and welcome to the discussion boards.

      I had a few questions about Advocare because I have been thinking of welcoming more physical activity into my life, and if the income possibilities are appealing enough I would consider sharing my success with others and become a representative. I understand that Advocare was started by Charles E. Ragus in 1993, and that is a considerable amount of time to be in the health and weight-loss industry, but also it is apparent that so much has changed in what has been learned, for example, the fat has become the friend, and the carb has become the enemy. The concept of this has changed the dieting world drastically, especially when the Atkins diet was released, and was even a sensation for many people in places where obesity was not very prevalent. What I would like to know is, how does Advocare differ from the many other programs available on the market?

      Does it have any exercise programs accompanying the diet, like the p90x workout?

      Has Advocare done any revisions to its dieting and nutrition plans since 1993?

      I have had the pleasure of sampling your Advocare Spark energy drink and I must say it was quite tasty, although the amount I was able to consume was not a suitable amount to see for myself if my energy increased or not, but I very much enjoyed the taste. I was also wondering if Trim, Active, Well, Performance Elite, and Definite Difference have a similar taste or are they flavored to each be individual?

      Thank you for answering my questions.

      Love and peace.

    • February 20, 2011 6:42 AM PST
    • Advocare 24 Day Challenge

      I am not familiar with the Advocare 24 Day Challenge.

      It sounds similar to Beachbody P90X which I just posted about, with the difference in that you don't need to purchase supplements and the P90X program lasts 12 weeks.

    • February 23, 2011 5:38 AM PST
    • Advocare 24 Day Challenge

      Hey guys, here's the scoop on the Advocare 24 Day Challenge:

      This a 24 Day diet and weight loss program that involves the use of several Advocare products together in order to form a complete dieting system.The company broke the program down into two parts, which begins with a ten day cleanse phase using Advocare Herbal Cleanse, Spark, and Omega Spark.

      Then after ten days you switch to the "MAX" phase which just so happens to include the use of several more Advocare products known as MNS Max 3, a series of Meal replacement shakes, and Spark.

      Then there are additional products which you don't need for the Advocare 24 Day Challenge, but they are probably said to give you an advantage according to Advocare.

      Now I think its safe to say that if you were to participate  in this plan, you probably would lose weight, but the one thing I always get annoyed with about all these dieting companies is that the formula never changes, not ever. They tell you to eat only what the system allows, which is less.They tell you to exercise a little every day. They tell you to buy their products which sort of speaks for itself.

      Now if you eat less, exercise, and take your vitamins, you're going to lose weight whether you buy their products or not, so I'm sure the system works, but I don't know that you need an expensive MLM package to get the same results.

      Now, here is my favorite part of this..

      Try to ignore the bottom of the screen where I tell you that the whole thing combined costs $182.25. Now add up the price of each part of the system and prepare to pass out when I tell you what they are charging for this....

      The Cleanse Pack costs $74.40.

      The Max Pack costs $107.85.

      Now I warned you, please be ready to read this.

      The total cost of the Advocare 24 Day Challenge is $182.25.

      I would probably rather just be fat.

    • February 23, 2011 11:46 PM PST
    • Advocare 24 Day Challenge


      Uh oh.. another nutrition MLM.

      Well, please keep in mind that for some people this is the only way they can stay motivated. Some people lack the confidence and trust in themselves to shed the pounds naturally, and sometimes people also need help focusing, and they want to be sold on a very super special wonder cure because it gives them hope, and they deserve hope. I agree that the Advocare 24 Day Challenge is certainly over priced, but I think sometimes the "seriousness" of it is what someone needs in order to stay motivated. I can't tell you how many friends I have that are more than financially well off, and they just can't get off the launching pad of weight loss and yet have more than enough money to throw at different things hoping that it works for them.

      Of my overweight friends, one in particular is very lonely, she has no self esteem and feels as though the task is simply overwhelming. I've watched her spend over $1500 in all kinds of products over the past year and not one of them has worked. I have tried so hard to politely explain to her that its never the product, its the person. I wouldn't be surprised if she tries the Advocare 24 Day Challenge sooner or later. I like the idea of starting with a cleanse, and finding an energy booster to compensate for the lack of calories but this system as a whole does seem to consist of much more than is necessary.

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