Forums MLM Reviews Mazu Global Reviews
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    • February 22, 2011 12:23 AM PST
    • My Mazu Global Review

      Mazu GlobalMazu Global's website starts out with a video that talks about the story of Mazu is to enhance relationships, health and finances. "It is a story of vibrant living… ancient wisdom and modern technology… across borders and boundaries."  Mazu products contain  natural botanicals such as sea kelp and Aloe Vera. Named for a female protector in ancient Eastern lore, who taught nurturing and healing powers of the land and sea.


      The Mazu Global website claims their products have 15 patents and millions of dollars in scientific research to bring a pure product that offers vibrant life through a custom blend of organics from land and sea. The website explains that its main ingredient is called Ecklonia Cava is the source for vibrant living. It states, "This super food from the ocean is a power house of micro-nutrients with amazing healing properties, and its antioxidant force is much greater than anything grown on land."  The sea plant is hand harvested from the cool waters off the coast of the island Mazu where the plant grows at a depth of 100 feet.  The Aloe Vera used in their products is never freeze dried, frozen or reconstituted.  Aloe Vera's nutrient compounds have long been proven to be beneficial to the health of the human body.


      Combined, these ingredients are designed to boost the immune system, revive the senses and protect the cells from free radicals. The Mazu product is a liquid and the recommended dose is 1 to 2 ounces a day. It is best if the product is shaken first, then served chilled as is or mixed in any other beverage the consumer desires. Other ingredients besides Cava and Aloe Vera are black current and concord grape.  There are no artificial flavors and the drink is only 17 calories with 3 grams of sugar and 10 grams of sodium. Nutritionally it offers 2500% of the DRA for Vitamin B-12, as well as 50-65% of B2, B3, B5 and B6.


      Business opportunities are offered through what the company calls a "All Team Pay Plan", which they claim is a unique concept in gaining financial wealth. Everyone is paid based on the volumes of sales as a whole, not just per distributor. Products may also be purchased online which adds to the volume sales. Thus by joining each distributor will have what they term as "guaranteed income from day one". Mazu Global, according to the website,  is the network marketing division of  California based Nuvonyx, Inc, which according to that website company website is "a financially solid,  FDA approved and Kosher certified, manufacturing and bottling company."



      P.O. 130729

      Carlsbad, CA 92013


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